Chapter 15

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"I'm leaving now I'll be back in half and hour, take care of suni" she said clipping seungwon into his car seat. Chan nodded and kissed her sweetly on the lips.

"See you soon be safe" He said, she nodded. She smiled lightly before reversing out of the drive way.

Rhein arrived at the mall and placed the seungwon in the pram. She strolled around for a while before going to the bathroom and running into a group of people she thought were fans.

"Your rhein right?" A girl in her mid 20s asked. Looking at the others girls, rhein could tell they were up to something.

"Yeah I am, why?" Rhein said getting confused. The girls stepped closer to her before bending down to look at seungwon.

"He's so cute, it's a shame he's not mine and leeknows kid" the first girl said. Rhein moved seungwon behind her and the girl was now face to face with her. "I've always been jealous of you. You have eight husband's and two kids, how selfish can you be? Huh hogging them from all of us" The girl strike rhiens face  and laughed before kicking her side casuing her to fall. The girls pushed seungwons stroller out for the way and Into the wall which made him start crying.

They continued to abuse her for a while before they walked out, leaving her alone. She got up as best she could and pushed the stroller out of the bathroom.

She got to her car and sat inside and started to cry. She wiped her tears after crying for a while and made the descent home. Rhein pulled into the drive way, and turned off her car before going over the events of today.

She looked into the reveiw mirror, she was bruised and battered. She had one black eye and bruises in every possible place. Rhein knew they were home and she knew she couldn't go inside like this but since she didn't have any make up she had no other chance. Rhein carried the sleeping baby into the house, keeping her head down.

Rhein didn't know they were in the living and looked up. She gasped at seeing Chris so close to her.

"What happened to you" he said half with worry half with anger. She shook her head and passed Seungwon to Lee know. "Rhein what happened to you, tell me" Chan said more demanding. She sniffed before looking at Lee know who was rocking the baby back to sleep.

"I-i was out with seungwon at the mall and this group of girls came up to me in the bathroom and asked me questions. Then they touched seungwon and said he'd be cuter if the main girl had him with lee know then they started to beat me" she sobbed. Chan hugged her immediately feeling bad.

"I promise you we are going to take every precaution to insure that they get what they deserve" he mumbled. She nodded lightly and continued sobbing.

They stared in anger at their wife who was crying in chans arms. Eventually she fell asleep and Chan went live to talk about it.

"Hello stay" Chan started, he sighed before talking "today's live is going to be short as i have something we need to talk about" the comments immediately flooded with comments about rhein and questions asking them if they getting a divorce.

"Yes it is about rhein and no were not getting a divorce" Chan said. "Earlier today rhein came home in tears, she was at the mall and some toxic fans if you could even call them that came up to her and said some things to her. They then started to beat her." Chan spoke looking angrily at the camera. Chan sighed again before going to talk.

"Not only did these fans put rhein in danger but they put our son in danger, seungwon is 2 months old he can't defend himself. You can bully me and lee know or anyone of us but we draw the line at rhein or our kids, you do not have the right to abuse our wife because you are jealous and sad because no one loves you. Just because your life is depressing and lonely does not under any circumstances give you the right to do that to the person we love." he finished.

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