Chapter 18

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It was currently 12 in the afternoon and rhein was watching seungmin Pratice. He had asked her for her opinion on the dance he was currently trying to learn since she was also a choreographer.

"Ok how was that" He asked stopping the music, and turning to her. She nodded lightly.

"Could be better" she said, and moved next to him and moved her foot in the direction he should go. He nodded and did it again.

They went over the dance a few more times and each time he got more irritated.

"ARE YOU GONNA TELL ME IM DOING IT WRONG OR JUST HELP ME" He aburtly yelled. She took a step back away from him shocked by his out burst.

"No I was just helping you like you asked" she mumbled. He scoffed.

"WELL YOU KNOW WHAT I DONT NEED YOUR HELP, I DONT NEED YOU AND I MOST CERTAINLY DONT NEED YOU IN MY WAY AND TELLING ME WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU'RE JUST SOME USELESS BITCH" He yelled, at this point she was crying, he keep yelling at her but she didn't listen, she picked up her bag and left.

She drove home with tears in her eyes. Once she got home, she ran inside looking for Chan.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" Chan asked when he saw her walk in the door. She didn't answer and just ran to him. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist so she doesn't fall.

"What happened?" Lee know asked as he walked into the hallway. Chan mouthed back an 'I don't know' and he nodded. They heard rhein sniffle and move her head to look at Chan.

"Hi" chan greeted, smiling and wiping her face. She gave him a half hearted smile before placing her head back in his neck.

"Sweetie we can't help you if don't tell me and lee know what happened" Chan said.

"Seungmin called me a useless bitch for helping him in practice" she mumbled, her voice was muffled by chans shirt but they both understood.

"Why?" Lee know asked.

"He kept getting this step wrong and i tried to help him and then he yelled at me" she mumbled again. Chan hushed and tried to sooth her. She was passed on to Lee know and he carried her into the living room. He sat down on the couch with rhein still sniffling.

The rest of the guys look at Lee know then at her. Lee know shakes his head. She moved and they caught a glimpse of her, she had red puffy eyes and she was sniffling.

Just then seungmin walked in the door, lee know and chan shot him a glare and he gave a lopsided smile, knowing what was going on.

"Care to explain why you called our wife a useless bitch for trying to help you" Chan stated, hyunjin who was drinking water spat it out in a fury.

"WHAT" Hyunjin exclaimed. Rhein let out another cry, causing seungmin to look at her. He let out a sad sigh and made his way over to her.

"Rhein, sweetie look at me" he said using his finger to guide her chin. She avoided his eyes for a while but eventually made eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry that I said that ok, I didn't mean it and I never should've said it. I love you, you know that. You're not useless and you're not a bitch, I promise" he apologized, she looked down and nodded.

"I know" she whispered, still looking down. Chan and lee know walked back in and she moved to cuddle Chan again. He picked her up and walked her to the bedroom as she was on the verge of falling asleep.

"Goodnight baby" he said as he walked out and shut the door as quietly as possible. He huffed out, and sat back down on the couch.

"Seungmin" he stated, the boy hummed in response. "I'm glad you apologized, but if you're gonna react like that, don't ask for help if your not willing to take that help" seungmin nodded.

"Ok now head to bed it's late and your tired" Chan said patting his shoulder, he complied and made his way towards the bedroom.

Chan sighed as he saw to door shut, made himself comfortable on the couch and fell asleep.

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