Chapter 9: Charybdis Part 1

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A couple of days passed since the incident with Phobio, and the message Rimuru tasked them to relay to Demon Lord Carrion. Since then, Milim has been staying in Tempest for quite the while now. All was good, until Asriel, along with Treyni the Dryad appeared in the hut where Rimuru and the others were eating their Dinner

"Lord Rimuru" Both Asriel and Treyna said at the same time, kneeling down

"We have news to report to you" Asriel said before standing back up

"Hm? What is it?" Rimuru asked

Treyni explained what happened, and it goes a little something like this;
Charybdis, a creature of unimaginable power, even one that matches a Demon Lord's, is about to be revived. According to Asriel who's been sent out by Rimuru to scout out the Jura Forest to see if there are any suspicious activity in the night. Apparently, Asriel overheard that a being known and referred to as the Charybdis was planning to get revived, so Asriel came to contact the Dryad of the Jura Forest, Treyni about this matter. But she also had a suspicion of this, as she found plenty of dead dragons laying on the ground, and Asriel asking her about this matter just confirms it, the Charybdis will be revived sooner or later. It also seemed like those Dragons are gonna be used as Vessels for the Charybdis' Minions known as Megalodons

"Charybdis..." Benimaru said as he closed his eyes to think about it

(Power that could match a Demon Lord...) Rimuru thought

"We'll have to prepare an attack then, this won't only make other nations such as the Beast Kingdom of Demon Lord Carrion, but also make us seem less suspicious" Shuna suggested to the group

"Yes. Benimaru, round up all the troops and alert the Goblin Riders of this matter, Souei switch roles with Asriel, you'll be the one to scout the surroundings" Rimuru ordered

"Yes" Souei replied before using Shadow Step to disappear

"As you wish" Benimaru said before standing up and going away

"Asriel, I'm sorry but you'll have to sit this one out" Rimuru said, breaking it to Asriel he can't join the battle

"What-? Why not?" Asriel asked Rimuru, wondering what the reason could be for his absence in battle

"Your power is arguably equivalent to that of mine, and with that, we can't risk you getting injured because of the sudden spike of confidence and arrogance when you transform into your Angel Form, but don't worry, if things go south, both you and I can step in, we can be like a tag-team!" Rimuru explained, but also telling Asriel they could work together

"Ohh, I see. So I'm like some sort of secret weapon?" Asriel wondered, letting his childish side run through

"Mhm! You and me, a team!" Rimuru clarified

As the two were discussing their terms, Benimaru, rounded up all the troops, with the help of Geld and Gabiru, they managed to alert the troops of what's to come, and in order for them to be ready for a disastrous event that could potentially happen tomorrow, they needed to remain vigilant at all times

Now with that said, Souei on the other hand was scouting the Jura Forest along with his clones to navigate any suspicious activity, and if you know Souei, he's thorough when it comes to the assignments Rimuru gives to him, and for all that's worth, he did manage to find suspicious behavior. He found 2 people dressed in Clown Costumes, leading what looked to be Phobio into a cave, but it wasn't any ordinary cave, Souei a large scale of menacing aura coming from the cave itself, not only that, he noticed a wing of one of the dead Dragons sticking out of a hillside

(This must be where the Charybdis was sealed) Souei thought to himself, before vanishing once again

Reappearing beside Rimuru, who was discussing things with Rigurd

"Lord Rimuru, I have a report" Souei said

"What is it?" Rimuru seemed curious that Souei would be back only 32 minutes after they gave him the order

"The Charybdis attack is tomorrow, the creature is already being revived, I saw 2 People dressed as Clowns, leading someone into the cave, possibly a vessel for the Charybdis to succeed in it's revival" Souei reported

"I see, thank you for the info, Souei, if it is tonight, go and see which direction it's headed to and how fast it's going, after that, report it to Benimaru and then me" Rimuru responded to Souei

"As you wish" Souei said before vanishing once again

Another half an hour passed, Souei appeared behind Benimaru to inform him of the intel he gathered

"Hm? Souei, what's up?" Benimaru asked

"The Charybdis has been summoned and is headed this way, going at a speed of 50 meters per hour, based on my estimation, it will arrive in Tempest at 6:00 PM tomorrow if left to run free, it also has 13 Megalodons with it as it's minions" Souei reported to Benimaru

"I see, thank you for the information Souei" Benimaru said before turning around and going to inform the troops

Souei then vanished and reported the same thing to Rimuru, which Rimuru found themself thinking;

(Hmm.. it's heading here, could it be that... it's after me?)

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