Chapter 46.5: Aftermath

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As Velgrynd barely got out from a potential fatal encounter with Asriel, she was escorted back to Nasca, the Eastern Empire. She reported back to the person she's been with through eons of her lifespan, and that person was named Rudra. Rudra who saw the bruise on Velgrynd's cheek, gave him a small sense of worry

"We heard from the Unit that you got yourself into a fight in one of the Forests in the West, care to explain why?" Rudra asked Velgrynd

"That someone was Feldway, Lord Rudra. His direction told me he was on his way to the Eastern Empire. I of course needed to stop him but.. of course, he was as formidable as I thought he was" Velgrynd responded, sounding quite defeated

"Tsk.. Feldway, he's here this early? Was Michael there too?" Rudra sounded a bit panicked as he asked this

"No, he seemed to be alone" Velgrynd replied sounding a little disappointed yet frustrated

"Tsk... now that I think about it, Guy too is still alive, and with Feldway siding with the West for an unknown reason. Invading will be a hassle" Rudra was contemplating if attacking the west was optional now knowing that the Angel Feldway is siding with them

"Come on, we can't back out now. We can undoubtedly at least put up a figh-" Velgrynd's sentence was cut off when she felt a pain in her jaw, seems like Asriel's kick was still there

"Face it, just be lucky Feldway was kind enough to spare you. It's really out of character of him but be thankful you only suffered a jaw injury from an encounter with him" Rudra told Velgrynd, in a somewhat relieved yet angry tone

Velgrynd sighed, knowing that Rudra was undoubtedly correct, she had suffered a painful jaw injury that even her regeneration was having a bit of trouble to regenerate

Meanwhile in Tempest...

"Asriel, who was this woman that you got into a fight with?" Rimuru asked Asriel, as the two were in his office alone

"She said her name was Velgrynd, and she referred to me as some person named Feldway" Asriel told Rimuru the honest truth

"Velgrynd... what did she look like?" Rimuru asked Asriel

"She had some sort of Chinese dress on, with some of her hair tied in twin buns, and gold eyes" Asriel answered

"Chinese... yeah, she's not from here, she must be from somewhere far east" Rimuru said as he stood up and looked out the window

"May I tell you something, Rimuru?" Asriel asked

"Shoot" Rimuru replied, anticipating what Asriel was going to say

"Back in the Void... I was fighting distorted and ugly versions of everyone in this world, ranging from Shion up to even Luminous. Their bodies were a mess and their skin looked just like werewolves. There's an infinite number of these versions, all having similar, equal, or greater power than the Original. I fought a distorted version of Souei, and he was tenfold stronger than the Souei we have here. Yet I noticed that I had fought hundreds upon hundreds of versions of that Velgrynd person. And those versions were going on and on about a thing called the True Dragon Race, and a person named Feldway" Asriel told Rimuru the experience he had

"Hmm.. I see, so I assume that's how you got your insane power. But I only have one question, how long did you spend your time in the Void?" Rimuru asked curiously

"100 years, I fought with no rest because hundreds of those versions would come at me every second" Asriel replied, and shocked Rimuru to the point of fainting

"That long?! What kind of place is The Void anyway??" Rimuru asked Asriel, still being in shock

"It's a Dimension outside this World, or Multiverse if you might say. A Dimension that has no Time or Space, but the only reason it has a little bit of Time flowing is because it leeches off the World it's connected to, not only that, it creates distorted and ugly versions of the people in the World it's connected to. And in our case, it leeches off the Time in this World, and created ugly versions as it's connected to this World as well" Asriel explained to Rimuru

"Is this Dimension able to live on it's own or does it really need to connect to a World?" Rimuru asked

"Yes it can, but it will just be an empty place" Asriel said

"I see... interesting, I'm sorry to have pulled you out of your Vacation, but since this Velgrynd person might be very dangerous. We will need your help, can you defeat Velgrynd if necessary?" Rimuru asked, sounding a little disappointed in themself to have pulled Asriel out of the Vacation

"Easily" Asriel replied

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