Chapter 53: At the Speed of Time

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As the war kept going on and on in the different nations of the world, Ruberios was the focus of the war at the moment. Chloe and Hinata were clearing out enemies like it was no big deal to them, and of course, this would lead to more and more enemies rushing at them, but one in particular seemed to be contacting something, or.. someone. Out of nowhere, a barrage of white magical blasts rained down on the two swordswomen. Hinata avoided them, while Chloe simply parried the blasts. As they looked at the sky, they saw where it came from.. they saw, what appeared to be a short skeleton, wearing a blue hoodie over a white shirt, black pants and pink slippers, with a dark, black aura surrounding him.

"Hm, must be one of Asriel's friends" Chloe said, as her voice was stern as she kept her eyes on the skeleton above them

"What makes you so sure?" Hinata questioned, a bit curious why Chloe came to her conclusion

"The clothes, I don't mean to judge, but they're as... plain as Asriel's" Chloe responded, trying her best to not make it sound she's judging Asriel

"Hm... I can sense a strong aura around him, he must have Feldway's support" Hinata said, feeling and seeing the aura around the skeleton

The monster above them slowly descended down, landing on his feet, his eyes.. well eyesockets, focused on the two females in front of him

"heya, the name's sans, and you two must be Asriel's friends, hm?" Sans' voice was completely different, deeper and had an echoey effect... was this because of Feldway's influence

"Go home, your slippers are getting dirty" Hinata mocked Sans, chuckling a little

"you know.. your struggles are useless, Lord Feldway will have his way, and crush you all beneath his feet"  Sans said, taking a step forward

"Then let me face your Lord, see how long he can last" Chloe said, trying to provoke Sans. Provocation was part of their plan

"heh.. you should know kings don't go do a job that a peasant can do.. but just for you two..." Sans lowered his head and then tilted it upwards "i'll make these bad times end" His voice was deeper this time, as the aura around him started to enter his soul

"Hinata, leave him to me, this is personal" Chloe wore her Mask, that was.. tweaked a bit to have better effectivity, taking a step forward and gripped her sword tightly

Hinata complied with Chloe's wishes, as she vanished, assumingly going back to the rest of Ruberios' army to assist them in the defense. Sans pointed his palm directly at Chloe, as her body got outlined in blue, as she was tossed backwards, bones bursting out of the ground in an attempt to impale Chloe through her chest. In a blink of an eye, the bones were sliced down to bits, as Chloe now stood behind Sans, very still. Her movement, her speed, her precision.. Sans needed to watch out. While Sans was still unaware of her presence due to her mask concealing her aura, Chloe took the opportunity to swing her sword in an attempt to decapitate Sans' head, but surprisingly he managed to avoid it by teleporting away. Chloe was looking around for a bit, before feeling Sans' presence overhead, she looked up, as Gaster Blasters were charged up and ready to blast her to oblivion. As the Blasters were ready to blast her, as suddenly, the Blasters powered down, and Chloe wasn't there anymore. Sans was confused, as he looked around, trying to locate Chloe as soon as possible. Until he heard a crack.. the Blasters he summoned had but cut down to bits, and the fact Chloe wasn't there anymore meant she was going at such an incomprihensible speed. This was the same speed she used against Asriel during their friendly fight, and she still lost to him, makes you wonder why this is personal... Sans would then feel some weight on his skull, it was heavy.. it was until he looked up and saw it was Chloe stepping on him. His eyesockets widened as she slashed her sword at him, Sans once again teleported away, but Chloe was one step ahead of him, and she was already at the exact spot where he had teleported to, Sans didn't expect her to be this fast, managing to somehow be faster than teleportation. He would then feel a cold wind on his neck, it was not until 5 seconds later, that Sans realized he had just gotten decapitated. As Sans stared at Chloe, with a frightened expression, he thought to himself

(she's... fast.. too fast..) As his skull and body fell to the ground, he turned to dust, fading away

Chloe landed on the ground, walking away as she thought her job was done. Until suddenly, she sensed something about to burst under the ground. She did a dash to the side, as a bunch of bones bursted up from the ground and tried to impale her whilst she wasn't looking. She was confused at first, until she looked to the right and saw Sans, standing there once again, she even saw a small yellow glowing star by his hand.. Asriel mentioned this to them before the war started, those were called SAVE points, basically, it allows the user to respawn by loading up the SAVE File, taking them back to the position they were in before they died. Sans stood there, clearly furious at how he was easily defeated. Chloe simply stared in silence, but she genuinely didn't expect Sans to be able to use SAVE points, the only notable user she knew of that was capable of using it was Asriel

"alright kid, i admit you're fast, but that's all you are"

Sans said, looking at Chloe in a more angered expression. Clearly he wasn't happy with her, but Chloe knew completely what to do against Sans, as she had already analyzed Sans' abilities, and will now be able to use Skill Creation based on the data she had analyzed from Sans. This would prove to be quite an entertaining fight between the two.

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