Chapter 38: Immortal Temptation

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Within Tempest, it was a somewhat peaceful day, Luminous revived Hinata, which meant one key ally of Tempest is now once again active and responsive. It was a beautiful day outside, Chloe wandering around Tempest, Hinata indulging in some of the Japanese Food there, Rimuru in their office relaxing while Shion and Shuna plan something devious, Benimaru resting, Souei in his House, Hakurou gardening. And everyone seemed to be relaxed, until, an earthquake occurred for about 12 seconds, everyone in Tempest began to panic, as the relaxed officials were immediately put back on their feet

When the Earthquake ended, it seemed like things were back to as per usual, but then the sky and clouds began to darken. The Crystal communication ball began to ring as Rimuru answered it, it was Luminous

"Luminous" Rimuru said as they looked at the Crystal Ball

"Rimuru, I request you, Hinata and Chloe's assistance. Something is happening here in Ruberios" Luminous sounded troubled, maybe even panicking

"W-what's happening??" Rimuru asked, also sounding panicked

Luminous then showed Rimuru what she was seeing, and what was there left Rimuru speechless. A Giant stem measuring about 421 meters tall with an orb on top of it measuring about 124 meters in height was there. And it was releasing what seemed to be Evil Spirits from the top

"What is that?!" Rimuru asked violently

"We don't know, our Holy Knights are doing their best, but the amount of Spirits being released are too overwhelming. Please, we require your assistance" Luminous requested once again

"Ask no further, we're on our way" Rimuru said as they hung up on Luminous

"Souei" Rimuru called

"Yes?" Souei immediately appeared, still being a tad bit wet from the hot springs

"Call Chloe and Hinata, tell them to head to Ruberios now. Tell Benimaru to alert the public of a threat that could spread here to Tempest" Rimuru ordered

"On it" Souei replied as he vanished, Rimuru immediately headed towards Ruberios at breakneck speeds

In Ruberios, they would see the Holy Knights fighting the Spirits that the Orb was releasing, lots have died, more are injured. Luminous is trying her best to destroy the Orb and Stem, but her attacks just couldn't cut it (unintended pun). Not only that, different Monsters are being released, one of them was a Giant Serpent that is going on a rampage, a Griffin burning down the homes, a Flower Bulb killing the Knights from a distance, and lastly, a giant winged Golem raining down destruction and chaos upon the Kingdom. A whole army of Knights were about to be killed by the Serpent, until a black blast of magic sent it flying

"All of you, run!" Rimuru told them as the Knights did as they said

The serpent recovered and let out a roar before charging up an attack of it's own and sent it flying towards Rimuru

"Beelzebub" Rimuru said as they simply ate and absorbed the attack. Also absorbing the Serpent in the process

Rimuru then noticed Luminous in the sky, trying to destroy the Orb, but is failing. So they flew up there to her and talk

"Hey, Luminous! It's clear that your attacks are ineffective" Rimuru spoke straightforward with her

"Hm, then try to do it yourself then" Luminous sounded a bit petty, but is also curious if Rimuru can do it

"Beelzebub!" Rimuru then said as they tried to absorb the orb. But surprisingly enough... the orb remained standing

"W-what-?!" Rimuru said, shocked at what they just witnessed

"This really is troublesome" Luminous said, silently

The orb however didn't appreciate the Beelzebub attack, and released an energy wave that knocked down both Luminous and Rimuru. From there, they would find Chloe and Hinata fighting off the spirits and the Monsters brought by the Tree

"This is bad.." Rimuru said as they looked up, still in disbelief

Meanwhile in the Void, Asriel was fighting off thousands of Monsters using nothing but his Sword. After managing to clear out the 1,000 that tried to kill him. He looked at the Stem a few kilometers away from him, that's how you know it's massive. And it seemed to be stretching all the way up to infinity and beyond

"That thing's getting a bit too big" Asriel said as 21 Spirits appeared in front of him

He then unsheathed his blade, took one step forward, and in an instant, he was behind the 21 Spirits. As he sheathed his blade again, the Spirits were all cut down, and have died. As he noticed more Monsters charging at him, he summoned 10 Pitch Black Longswords, radiating in Dark Aura. The swords then began to slice down the Monsters that were approaching at him. However there was another Monster that appeared before him, and it was a Giant Void Golem, Asriel put his sword and the scabbard behind his back as his arm (up to his elbow at least) got covered in Hard Durable Armor, as the Golem tried to smash him using it's Giant arm, Asriel instantly vanished, to the point the Golem couldn't even notice he was gone, and with one quick right hook to the head. Asriel had killed the Void Golem

"Hmm.. the fact these creatures can stay alive in a Dimension of distorted Space and Time is a bit surprising. The generic person or Demon Lord would be frozen in place and cut to shreds if they were to step foot here, just what is going on?" Asriel said, as he looked at the corpses of the Monsters and the Golem, as his hands turned back to normal

He pointed his palm at the corpses of the Monsters as they were impaled by Void magic coming from Asriel's palm as their Souls got absorbed

"Heh, no matter how many times I absorb their Souls it always feels weird" Asriel said as he chuckled

"Now, time to take care of that thing" Asriel said as he began to run towards the Stem, ready to cut it down

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