Chapter 46: Asriel's Vacation

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Ever since Asriel left for the vacation Rimuru told him to take, he's been traveling around different Kingdoms to do different things. One of those Kingdoms was the Beast Kingdom, where Asriel got a taste of such high quality fruits as well as fruit juices. Of course having a reputation for being Rimuru's second in command, the Beast Kingdom provided Asriel with the luxuries you'd only see them give to Carrion

Next was Ruberios, of course now that the Philosophies of Ruberios has changed it's view on Monsters, they all asked Asriel for forgiveness and promise they would never be racist again. Asriel wasn't really mad at them in any shape or form, but they felt the need to make Asriel and Rimuru Saints of their church. Now Asriel and Rimuru had 2 churches that worshipped them. But other than that, he spent a lot of time in Ruberios, talking to the townsfolk and even got one of Hinata's subordinates to show him around the Kingdom

Next up on the list of places he went to was the Dwarvon Kingdom, where he met with King Gazel who wholeheartedly welcomed Asriel to his Nation with open arms. Where he took his time to look around, and of course, visited the Elven Bar. Though no matter how many temptations crossed his way, his heart already belonged to someone ;)

Only 3 weeks had passed and he was already enjoying his vacation. But, he came across someone who.. he wasn't entirely familiar with. And this person greeted Asriel with an attempted flying kick to his face, which Asriel dodged

"Hm?" Asriel said, confused as he was eating a Hotdog

"Well well well, didn't expect to see you so early, Feldway~" The voice sounded feminine, as Asriel could see the woman's silhouette. She was very curvy to say the least

"And who might you be?" Asriel asked as he finished eating his Hotdog

"Oh don't you act stupid, Feldway, but I'll feed your question anyway. I'm Velgrynd, Rudra's assistant, and you should know why I'm here" Velgrynd replied to Asriel, as she sounded quite provoked and violent

"Feldway? Who's that?" Asriel asked her some more

"Enough playing games!" Velgrynd used one of her True Dragon Magic, Burning Breath

Asriel countered this by focusing his aura in his front as he sent a stream of his aura through the flames, extinguishing it in a near instant. Velgrynd closed the distance with Asriel as she tried used Scorch Magic, Burning Embrace, which Asriel swiftly avoided. Velgrynd went at her fastest speed, even using Space-Time Leap to strike Asriel with her Magical Attacks and Physical Attacks, but Asriel was easily avoiding all of it, he then turned his sword into eyeglasses whilst avoiding Velgrynd's attacks, as he found the time to clean the glasses. Velgrynd had enough of this and once again used Scorch Magic, Burning Breath, which Asriel deflected to her using the Eyeglasses, which Velgrynd didn't expect and blocked it. Velgrynd then backed off a little as she used another type of magic, Nuclear Magic. Using Nuclear Cannon, she fired the attack at Asriel, but Asriel showed her that she should just stop, by completely absorbing the attack using his Unique Skill: Ineffective, that makes him absorb any attack that doesn't kill him in one hit. Their fight would last for well over an hour, with Asriel just completely embarrassing Velgrynd's attempts of landing a single hit on him. Having enough of the humiliation, Velgrynd transformed to her Dragon Form, that made Asriel look like a spec of Reality, Velgrynd let out all of her attacks on him, from Magic, all the way up to skills

But, she just couldn't hit or even scratch him, he would always dodge, absorb, or parry her attacks which irritated Velgrynd, but eventually, Asriel finally decided to attack. He used Space-Time Domination as he teleported behind her, and kicked her in the face to the ground, not only that, he kicked her some more and made her slide through the entire forest until they reached a cliff, where Velgrynd turned back to her Human form. Now, Velgrynd is pinned to the side of a cliff, her arms overhead as Asriel pinned them by the wrist, and his knee between her legs to ensure she won't try anything. Facing eye to eye, Asriel decided to ask a few questions

"Who sent you?" Asriel asked, keeping her pinned

"Hahaha, oh Feldway. You still don't realize that I can also sense you, no one, no one sent me. I came here on my own to take you down. And where's Michael anyway? Aren't you two meant to always be together~?" Velgrynd responded, sounding a bit salty for her loss in the fight

"Feldwho? Michelle who? What are you talking about?" Asriel was asking her even more questions, but suddenly he would hear marches of what seemed to be armored soldiers

Avoiding even further confrontation, Asriel let Velgrynd go as he flew off at a speed faster than light in order to escape the sights of the Soldiers

"Lord Velgrynd!" One of the Soldiers said as they all moved in to assist Velgrynd

Velgrynd at this point wasn't severely injured, but she had a terrible bruise on her cheek where Asriel kicked her on. Asriel wasn't on his vacation for even a month and someone already tried to kill him. Something tells him that this won't be the last he'll see of Velgrynd

A few hours later, Asriel would receive a Crystal Ball call from Rimuru, to which he of course answered

"Oh, Rimuru, how may I help you?" Asriel asked Rimuru

"Asriel, I heard from Souei and Veldora that you got into a fight with the Scorch Dragon Velgrynd, are you alright?" Rimuru asked, sounding panicked and concerned

"Don't worry Rimuru, I'm okay, but something seemed off when I got her pinned down" Asriel said

"What is it?" Rimuru asked curiously

"The armored soldiers that I heard didn't seem to be from any of the Western Kingdoms, I've been in the Kingdoms nearest to me and Velgrynd's battlefield but their Armor wasn't the same as the ones that went to the scene after I defeated Velgrynd" Asriel explained to Rimuru

"Eastern Knights... Asriel! Don't worry about this okay? Tempest will find a way to fix this mess, so just enjoy your vacation, capiché? Okay, Rimuru reporting, in and out" Rimuru said as he hung up on Asriel

Yeah, if you can't tell. Asriel will definitely worry about this

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