Chapter 48: Determination vs Gluttony

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Rimuru was ready however, Beelzebub would be more than enough to defeat Frisk, but curiosity got the best of them, and they wanted to know a bit more about Frisk, so just like a Predator in the wild. They try and play with their food. Their battle begins, Frisk pulled out a Red Knife, similar to the one Chara used back then. Rimuru unsheathed their sword and the two began to clash their blades, Rimuru was going aggressive during this sword fight, whilst Frisk took a calmer approach with the Parry + Attack strategy, similar to fencers. The fact Frisk is capable of parrying Rimuru's sword attacks whilst only having a Knife at hand is quite impressive seeing as how it is much shorter than Rimuru's sword. But through this fight, Rimuru is realizing that Frisk was far superior in sword combat, they knew they couldn't compete, so they sent out a bolt of black lightning from their sword, and forced Frisk to back off a little

(This lady's good, can barely keep up. I just need enough information of their fight style) Rimuru thought as they aimed their sword at Frisk and charged it up with Black Lightning energy

Frisk, not having any of it anymore, used her magic to extend the Knife to be as long as Rimuru's sword, and filled it up with Determination Energy. And once again, the two clashed their blades, now releasing shockwaves that made Space temporarily distort around them. Rimuru was still lacking in swordplay, and Frisk was easily overpowering them in their sword clash. To fix this, Rimuru summoned 9 more clones of himself using Multiple Parallel Existence. And they all, went on to clash swords with Frisk some more, but even with 10 of them, Frisk was still skilled enough to parry most of them. And one by one, she was exterminating the clones, and when she thought she had stabbed the real Rimuru, it was still a clone, as any of the clones can be thought to be the main body. With this, Rimuru took the opportunity to land a hit o Frisk, and followed up by summoning 20 Black Fireballs and threw them all at Frisk. Frisk used their Extra Skill: ITEM, which allows her to summon the following items:

•Justice's Gun
•Kindness' Shield
•Patience's Dagger
•Bravery's Gauntlets
•Perseverance's Glasses
•Integrity's Boots
•Each of the 7 Human Souls

She summoned Justice's Gun and fired a flurry of Yellow Bullets at the Fireballs, countering all of them, and sending 3 straight for Rimuru. But Rimuru had no trouble with this and simply dodged them with little to zero effort. Rimuru raised their hand up to the sky and water droplets began to appear all over. They were planning to use Megiddo, Frisk didn't know about the skill, but sure as hell knew it would be redundant to leave them like that. And right when the Water Droplets charged at Frisk, she had used Extra Skill: ITEM to summon the Kindness Soul and create a barrier around her that deflected the Water Droplets. Some were headed towards Rimuru, but again, they had no problem avoiding the droplets

(She can summon Human Souls? Hmm.. maybe I can trick her into summoning the other 6...) Rimuru thought as they teleported behind Frisk, used Beelzebub on the Soul and sealed it inside them

Frisk was shocked by this, so she gained her distance by teleporting backwards, summoned the Bravery's Gauntlets and Integirty's Boots. And with a mixture of Speed and Strength, she rushed at Rimuru at a speed faster than the speed of light itself, and began to unleash a flurry of punches at Rimuru, which of course, Rimuru had no trouble parrying and dodging them. The fight lasted long, but eventually, Rimuru did trick Frisk into summoning all 7, and with 7 Human Souls inside their stomach, Frisk knew she would be dead if they absorbed them. So for now, she retreated. And just in time, Velgrynd and Rudra managed to force retreat Alphys and Undyne, but of course they suffered heavy injury

"Who the heck were those two? I've never seen them before" Rudra asked, as he was having trouble standing up

"I'm positive they were ordered by Feldway, their eyes resembled his. But those people... I have never even seen or heard of them" Velgrynd added

"They're from Asriel's world, that's why you don't recognize them. And if they are under Feldway's control, perhaps he will use Asriel's world as a source of Minions and Armies. We need to act quick" Rimuru said to the two

"Are you two now willing to accept my offer for an alliance between our Nations?" Rimuru asked them

"Tsk... fine, but under one condition. By no means will we ever share or trade any supplies. You don't harm us and we don't harm you, deal?" Rudra asked, as Rimuru added to their conversation by saying;

"Deal, now... tell me everything you know about Angels"

Meanwhile in Ruberios...

"So.. you're telling me if I travel back in time, I can ask the help of Ramiris, who is at her prime. We will have no problem winning this battle?" Asriel asked Chloe

"That's right, but be weary. Lord Ramiris is very powerful at her prime, not even you nor I can stand up to her full power. So please, for your sake and everyone else's, don't challenge her to a fight" Chloe told Asriel

"Don't worry, I'm not a bloodlusted maniac. At least I think I'm not" Asriel said to her

"Great, by the way, do you have a crush on anyone?" Chloe asked out of nowhere

"What the- where did that question come from?! Plus who talks about it when they are in the middle of a battle" Asriel violently reacted

"Ruberios at the moment is peaceful, unlike Tempest and Nasca. And it's just us here, so you can just tell me. At least the first letter of their name" Chloe explained, eager to know

"Fine... I do have a crush on someone, their name starts with S" Asriel just told her the least details possible

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