Chapter 29: Save the World

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As the 2 weeks passed by, Hinata and Asriel formed a somewhat Brother-Sister relationship, cracking jokes (mostly Asriel), and having casual conversations. And the best part of this is that Asriel didn't need to use his Extra Skill: Kindness (making the target easier to reason and talk to in exchange for killing intent). Asriel just had this charismatic vibe that makes it easier for people to talk to him, that or Hinata is just really bored.

They spent the last 6 days of the 3rd Week on their Mission just taking things at their pace. And it was at this Mission where Asriel found the good inside Hinata, she wasn't just the person he fought a while back, she too is a kind person. It was also at this Mission where Hinata found another person who is wholeheartedly kind to her. And at last, after 2 Weeks and 6 days, they finally arrived at the Ancient Ruins

"Hmm, so this is what Lord Luminous assigned for us" Asriel said, gazing around the Ruins

"The text is written in a weird language, hey, come here, look at this" Hinata said as she looked at a stone tablet, as Asriel walked to her

"Can you read this?" Hinata asked Asriel

"Let me see.." Asriel said as he took a look-see at the stone tablet

(It's written in the text of the Monster Kingdom)
"Alright, I can read it" Asriel said, as he would read the stone tablet
[*Long ago, war broke out between Monsters and Humans, as the Monsters lost, they were sealed underground, for hundreds of years. The Prince and his Best Friend tried to undo the seal by harvesting 6 more Human Souls, however due to the Prince's kind heart, he couldn't kill any of them, which then got both of them killed]
[*The Prince was then cursed to live as a soulless flower for eternity. Until another Human fell down to the underground, the Flower saw this as an opportunity to become the Prince again. So as the Human's journey neared their end, the Prince absorbed all the Souls of the Monsters, and the 6 Human Souls that were present, to become a being of unimaginable power. As the Prince and Human fought, the Prince killed the Human ruthlessly, but the Human's kind heart was determined to save the Prince and open his eyes, that even death could not stop them. Eventually, the Prince gave in to the Human's kindness, and though he made them suffer, they forgave him regardless. He Broke the Seal that kept the Monsters underground, and freed all the Souls he had absorbed]
[*In his last moments, the Prince entrusted everything to the Human, he entrusted the fate of the Monsters to them, and as he walked down the halls of the Ruins, without a power source, the Prince was fading to dust. And before he completely disappeared, the Prince looked up and smiled]
[*This Prince's name, was...]

"...Asriel Dreemurr" Asriel said as his Anti-Magic mask fell off, showing Hinata his face, and his horns were revealed

"I-it's you..!" Hinata said, as she gripped on her Moonlight Rapier

"Surprise, haha. Don't worry, I'm not here as an enemy, I think you can tell that everything we went through together through these Past 2 Weeks were all real" Asriel said as he looked at Hinata with a soft smile

"You're with that slime! So why should I trust you?" Hinata said, aiming her Moonlight Rapier at Asriel's neck

"Please, if I had wanted to kill you, I would've done so already. You know what I am and what I can do, so I know you can't deny it" Asriel said in a soft tone, just slowly aiming away her Rapier at him

"S-so, you lied to me about that thing with the Mask?" Hinata asked

"Well, partially. But the context behind it was true" Asriel replied

"You lost the only person that was kind to you in this world, your Master. I lost the only person that ever understood me, my Best Friend" Asriel told her, still keeping the smile he has

With his words, Hinata's grip on her sword was loosening, and the smile he wore made her remember Shizu, and her happiness with her. And with teary eyes, Hinata dropped her sword and gave Asriel a tight hug, which Asriel corresponded with by hugging her back

Hinata truly did care for Shizu, and seeing someone who suffered a very similar fate to herself makes her remember the better days, the days where she spent her time with Shizu. And with that, it can be safe to say that it's
[*Mission Complete]

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