Chapter 35: Loss

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LAfter losing most of his power from Chara last night, Asriel was being tended to by the Kijin, as well as Rimuru. At this point in time, he had explained everything to them. Chara's betrayal, and everything Chara told him, and at that point, the 6 were simply standing there in disbelief that they let something like this happen. But Rimuru also contemplated that with Asriel being stripped from most of his Powers, he might not be suitable to be a protector of Tempest

"Say, Asriel. Why not try and fight Shion? That Chara person said you won't stand against even her right? The prove her wrong!" Rimuru told Asriel

"Hm.. alright then. Shion! No holding back, got it?" Asriel agreed and told Shion to not hold back against him

"Got it!" Shion agreed to Asriel's conditions

And so, all of them traveled to an open space where they can fight no problem. With the two in proper distance, they began to fight Close Combat. Shion threw hard punches at Asriel, normally Asriel would be able to block those no problem, but instead he's dodging, weaving and blocking as well, and even when he blocks, he's getting pushed back. Shion then began to throw kicks as well, and when she unleashed a full power kick on Asriel, that he blocked, he was sent flying through 5 trees. Enraged, he charged at Shion, but even his speed was affected that Shion was able to defend herself on time. Asriel unleashed a barrage of Punches and Kicks towards her, but Shion managed to block, dodge and tank all of them, Shion then blitzed to Asriel's side, which Asriel was incapable of reacting to, resulting in him getting kicked down. And coughing up blood

(This isn't good, with this, Tempest has lost a great powerhouse) Rimuru thought as their raised their hands, signaling the end of their fight

"Man.." Asriel stood up, wiping the blood off his face. With his body injured, along with his ego

"Good fight Asriel" Shion said as she offered him a helping hand

Asriel hesitatingly accepted, as he stood up. Now looking at Rimuru with a salty expression, so, with his ego not taking this. He asked a favor from Rimuru

"Lord Rimuru, I ask you a favor please" Asriel asked Rimuru

"Uh- what is it?" Rimuru asked a bit nervously

"I will use Gluttony, and you counteract it using Beelzebub, and with that, a Portal will open" Asriel requested

"W-what are you planning exactly?" Rimuru asked

"Please, just trust me on this" Asriel pleaded

Rimuru sighed as they nodded their head, agreeing to it. And so, the two positioned themselves opposite from one another. And just like that...



The two skills collided, and after a while, ripped a hole in space and time

"There it is..." Asriel said as he cancelled his Gluttony, and Rimuru cancelled their Beelzebub

"What will you do?" Benimaru asked

"I'm going to train here. Time is Frozen inside the Void, as well as Space being distorted, it's a perfect place for me to train. Apologies for doing this so suddenly, but it will be for the sake of Tempest" Asriel explained to them

"When will you be back?" Shuna asked Asriel

"When I think I'm worthy enough" Asriel replied

"What happens if you don't come back?" Hakurou asked in case of the worst case scenario

Asriel then pulled out his Heart Locket, and threw it towards Rimuru, which they easily caught

"Now you know I have to come back" Asriel said

"See you when I see you, everyone" He bid everyone farewell as he waved at them goodbye, and everyone else did. The portal closing behind him as he walked through

Without Asriel... what could this mean for the Demon Lords, and how will they explain this to Hinata?

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