Chapter 13: Voice of the World 2

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"Greetings, it is I once again, for a small recap of the past events, to put it simply, Asriel has helped strengthen Tempest's Military Power, as well as form an embassy in Eurazania, and form diplomatic relations with it. Now, onto the report

In the side of Rimuru, they were able to get in contact with Shizu's students, though their first interaction was... questionable, they eventually came to understand one another, next, they headed for the Labyrinth, where Rimuru defeats a Golem, and from there, meets with a Self-Proclaiming Demon Lord named Ramiris. It goes without saying that everyone doubted her word, but they just went on with it anyway, but Rimuru proposed a deal when Ramiris got salty that her Golem had been destroyed. The deal was that Ramiris guides them through the Labyrinth so they can get high level spirits to possess the children to save them from dying, and Rimuru will get hew a new Golem. Ramiris agreed near instantly, later on, the Children eventually got their High Level Spirits, but Rimuru helped them by combining the Low Level Spirits and upgrading them to High Level Spirits using "Gluttony". But eventually, the day of Rimuru's departure will come"

"Report finished"

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