Chapter 49: A Fairy's Past vs An Angel's Future

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As the battle in Tempest and Nasca slowly deescalated, the destruction caused by the Monsters of Undertale were being repaired for the passing days. Though it couldn't all be fully fixed as they attacked again from time to time. Rudra and Velgrynd were very busy with both taking care of Nasca, all while having to fight the attacks that Undertale had to offer. Same situation in Tempest, but Asriel was going to try and give themselves the upper hand in strategy and information by traveling back in time and seeking Ramiris during her prime to try and get some answers from her

"Alright, I'll be off" Asriel said, as he bid Rimuru, Shion, Benimaru, Shuna and Hinata farewell

"Be careful" Hinata said to Asriel, and Asriel nodded to her in response

Asriel turned around as he unsheathed his blade, and sliced open a portal through reality and walked through it. On the other side of the portal, he was greeted by a lush, and enchanting scenery of a forest. And from there, he found Ramiris, Asriel seemed to be a bit scared of her due to the immense amounts of power he can feel emanating from within her. He decided to approach her nonetheless

"Hey, you're Ramiris, right?" Asriel asked as he walked up to her

"Hm? Yes, indeed I am. And you?" Ramiris asked in return as she turned around

"Well, I don't think my name matters. I won't be here for long" Asriel said to her

"Now, I seek your help... my world is being sieged by the Angel known as Feldway. You might now a thing or two about him" Asriel got straight to the point with her

"Hmm... what do you wish to know about him?" Ramiris asked Asriel what sort of information he wanted

"What can bring him out of hiding? He's been hiding behind the people he forced to fight us" Asriel asked her

"Hm, if I remember correctly, he wishes to protect Michael from any form of danger. If he views you and your allies as dangerous for him, then he is most likely going to be with Michael in an isolated place, or dare I say.. a separate dimension" Ramiris explained to him

As the two were talking, a loud explosion could be heard from afar. Ramiris was about to rush over there, since she knows who were fighting, Guy and Milim. But Asriel blocked her way, because he knows what can happen if she went to intervene

"What are you doing?! Let me pass!" Ramiris said as she pushed Asriel. He got pushed back pretty far

Ramiris flew away at a speed faster than even Asriel himself, Asriel however was able to somewhat stop her by chaining her legs up using his Celestial Magic

"Listen to me Ramiris! You won't come back in one, PROPER piece if you interfere in that fight!" Asriel tried to talk her out of trying to interfere

Ramiris however, ignored this warning and easily broke free from the chains and was about to fly away. Asriel noticing this through Thought Acceleration, quickly activated his Void Prince form, and expanded a Dimension of infinite expanse to stop Ramiris from advancing any further. Though the Dimension is spherical and finite on the outside, it's vastly infinite on the inside. Ramiris noticed this immediately, and decided to just confront Asriel head on. She used her Spirit Magic and summoned countless High Level Spirits to come to her aid and attack Asriel with their own magic. Asriel created a Barrier around himself that turned the magical attacks to birds, but as the barrier went down, Ramiris unleashed a powerful blast of energy at Asriel, quickly putting him on his knees. Ramiris used her Intrinsic Skill: Mazecraft, and created a Labyrinth of Infinite Dimensions within the Void expansion that Asriel had created. Asriel tried to cut it all down with his Extra Skill: Dimension Destroyer, which was successful, but Ramiris kept making Infinite upon Infinite more of these. Though her Magicule count is draining due to making these Infinite Dimensions, she still had enough to land nasty blows on Asriel. After Asriel sliced down the Labyrinths she had made, Ramiris unleashed a flurry of attacks at Asriel, blowing him away on multiple directions. He used Gluttony to try and absorb the attacks, but they were too powerful and he got struck in the chest, a vital part of the body. Asriel was regenerating quick, but not quick enough to out-heal the damage that Ramiris was dealing. Asriel used Unique Skill: Soulless to avoid any internal damage, but Ramiris' magical attacks kept coming over and over again to deal more damage to his body. And to try and kill Asriel, Ramiris charged up a powerful blast of magical energy, that would kill Asriel in a single hit, incinerating him, his soul, and his very existence, and he knew this. She charged it up and released it just as quick as she thought about it. Asriel had no choice but to use Sub Skill: SAVE to revive himself. As Asriel activated this skill, the blast made contact with him and killed him, with no traces left behind. The Void expansion Asriel released vanished, and when Ramiris was just about to go interfere, Asriel was standing right where he stood before the two began to fight

"Y'know what, do what you want, I don't even care anymore. But don't blame me if things go south when you go there" Asriel said as he turned around

"Things don't go South for me, dearie" Ramiris said as she went on to go intervene in Guy and Milim's battle

Asriel once again unsheathed his blade and opened a portal, this time back to the Present. And as he walked through, he was greeted by, a Hinata that fell asleep on the couch inside Rimuru's office. He just noticed he left at 11:00 AM and got back at 1:00 AM. He sat where Hinata was laying on and put her head on his lap. Looking at how peacefully she slept, his goal of making a peaceful world together with Rimuru was slowly coming true. Just a few more obstacles, and they can finally experience freedom and peace. And an era where nobody has to suffer the way he did

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