true hope

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The dream meant nothing she'd never hurt me and my parents aren't gone... all it wants is for me to loose my mind but for her I will not let it happen. I can't fail them or the boys... we'll be alright... one day.(castor's diary)

The darkness filled the field the boys were playing. Sebastian seems to be getting better his smiles seem more happy and he's less negative. Standing outside I hear liza "please stop" I said. The dark figure arose from the ground "what why can't I have any fun"? He laughed "why"? I looked down holding back tears "what do you mean"? He said "why are you doing this"?! I yelled tears dripping from my eyes "because you took everything from me" I got up and stepped forward "what do you mean"? I wiped away my tears "I was supposed to have a mother and father I was supposed to live" im so confused whats going on "what do you mean you were supposed to live"? "You really don't remember"?

(The figures story)
When we were just kids we played but I envied you, uou did everything right and everyone loved you. We were orphans and each day people came and went and so many people wanted to adopt you and didn't cause you didn't leave without me. It made me so mad I tried to lock you up in a closet with the wild dogs in yhe back of the orphanage and when I was getting it ready you shut it you killed me and didn't care.

Did I really do this am I a murderer? "Whoever you are im sorry.. I can't remember anything" I said "its to late your apologies mean nothing" he pulled out a gun. I got down on my knees "please if you take me let them go they don't deserve this" he then brought up liza and my parents "only so they can watch" he laughed I wanted to yell to them but a shot went off im laying on the ground bleeding liza is screaming and so is my mom my dad frozen in fear was next and just layed with life draining from his eyes. I can't see anything anymore everything is white am I dead? But then I hear thumping a heart beat? The white goes away and I wake up with the gun in my hand and my hand on his throat liza nods her head "die" an echo of the gunshot fills the air and liza and my mother get up and hug me and I still feel the fear and then cone into terms I've lost myself long ago.

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