a nice bloody morning

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Liza's POV

I woke up this morning with castor hugging me from behind. I slowly slipped out of bed and kissed his forhead before leaving. I went downstairs making sure I didn't make noise to wake up anyone and I went down into the kitchen and started making breakfast. And slowly looked up to a bloodstained window I gasped slowly backing away tripping backwards on Andy's toy. Castor hurried down the stairs "what happened"?! Looking up at him I noticed also had bin stained in blood. He reached for my hand to lift me up and I pulled away "what did you do"? My voice shakes with fear "we can talk about this in the room" he put out his hand. I got up and ran to the door and imidiatly I slipped in a puddle of blood everything black I just can't anymore...

(7:00 pm)
I woke up in my room a chain on my ankle and castor in a chair at the edge of my bed "you don't understand.. There is no way you can understand" he said with his head down "castor please stop this" tears fled from my eyes "I can't they'll find you they'll take you" he lifted his head tears of blood came from his eyes "who will take me? Please just let me go.. We can go back to how things used to be" I smiled tears still coming from my eyes "its to late..." He got up and walked out the door "castor please"? Tears fled my eyes as I repeated shouting louder but the sounds of boards being nailed drowned me out and silence filled the room. I should have left... Why can't I remember anything.. What's going on.. I thought you loved me?

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