red wine stained memories

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I can't escape a past I can't remember, and all this time I've tried making life good for myslef . my life is like a white carpet with the stained memories of red whine. I can't escape my past without being like a child falling for the same tricks or a person losing and arm or a leg thinking everything can get better. And I'm only making it worse! Blocking out my problems only...makes it..worse.

The room is just filled with lies that all I can do is block them out with the sound of my heart beat and the sound of me crying inside for a new life... And the lingering voice whispering to cut that smirk off Anthony's face. Maybe all of this is my fault though maybe I fucked everyone's life up back in the past and all I'm doing is making it worse.

"Castor" I said with a dull serious voice "yes"? He tried sounding sympathetic "I want to die" I couldn't believe what I was saying but at the same time knew it was true. "Thats not gonna happen" he said looking me dead in the eyes "why not... Why can't I... You don't seem to care" why am I saying this"Liza you know I d- ", "I KNOW WHAT CASTOR I KNOW YOU'D KILL YOUR OWN MOTHER AND EVEN LOCK ME IN A ROOM FOR I FORGOT HOW LONG AND EVEN ABANDON YOURE OWN BROTHERS YOU DONT FUCKING CARE IF YOU EVEN TRYING SAYING YOU DO I SWEAR I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" what am I doing.. Why am I saying this I know I've been holding in for so long, but.... Tears fled from my eyes "Liza I know I've done bad things, things that I cannot apologize for... But I really do care and I am trying to do right.. but I am really fucked up and I don't know what to do" tears fled his eyes but I just couldn't except it "you think she's going to help you, look at what we're doing" Anthony laughed while castor slowly stood up and held a gun to Anthony's face
*bang* the lights went out and the room was silent as the sound of a door shutting echoed through the room
soory I haven't been updating had no internet still don't
-also sorry I came back like this yeah I know surprised myself  to

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