The Mission

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Shinso's POV
I wake up. I look down and see a sleeping Denki on my chest. I start playing with his hair but careful not to wake him up. He's just so tired so I let him sleep a bit longer. I call into both our offices and let them know that we're going to be late. They say they understand. I look at Denks who is still asleep. After an hour or so he starts to wake up. He looks up at me. "Mmm...good morning Toshi" he says. "Good morning Darling" I respond. He looks over at the time and begins to freak out. I hug him tightly.

"Hey calm down I called and told them we were going to be in late" I say. "Oh okay" he says. We both get up and get ready. I make something for us to eat. After eating we leave our house and lock the door. "Goodbye Darling" I say. "Goodbye Toshi" he says. I wave off my little omega. I walk to my office. I enter the building. "Hey guys sorry I'm so late" I say. "Oh no problem Shinso" Uraraka says. "Yeah don't worry about it" Midoryia says. "Thanks guys" I respond. I sit down at my desk and begin to work.

Soon enough work ends. I get off late due to being an hour late this morning. I get home and see Denks laying on the couch. "Hey Darling" I call out to him. "Oh hey Toshi" he says. I smile at him and he smiles back. I make dinner. "Denks dinner is ready" I say. He gets up and walks over. We both eat and he tells me about his day. After we eat we go up to our bedroom. I lay down and he lays down next to me. We just sit there and enjoy each other's presence.

Days go by and Denki has been running to the bathroom throwing up. We don't know why. He keeps saying that he thinks he's just sick and needs to rest. "Okay you stay home and rest today " I tell him. "No I have so much to do at work if I don't go to work today it'll take forever for me to get everything done" he complains. "Darling you've been sick for a few weeks now" I say. "Fine" he says giving in.

I come home that day and he appears to be fine. "Are you better?" I ask once I get home. "I think so I haven't felt like throwing up" he responds. "Oh good I'm going to get started on dinner okay" I say. He nods and I leave the room. We eat dinner and go to sleep. The good thing is that Denki is better. He has a mission at work tomorrow and they need him on it.

Denki's POV
We both went to bed. The next morning we both got up. I got ready quickly and Hitoshi made breakfast like always. We left the house. "I love you Toshi" I say with a smile. "I love you too Darling" he says smiling back. He pulls me in by my waist. I put my arms around his neck. He kisses me and I kiss back. "Try not to die today" he says with a hint of concern in his voice. "I'll do my best" I say. We both leave for work. We both wave goodbye as we walk away.

I get to my office. "Denki!!" Everyone except Bakugo yells. "Hey Dunce face" Bakugo says. "Hey guys" I say. They all seemed really excited that I was back. It's nice to know I have friends who really care about me. "Anyway welcome back Dunce face" Bakugo said. "We have a mission there's a group of small time villains and they are attacking places where there are little kids present and threaten their parents if they don't give them what they want their kid dies" Bakugo continued. We all listened intently on what the plan was. Soon we left the office.

We got to a mall where the group was attacking next. We knew that's where they were attacking because Midoryia analyzed them for us and said that this would be the most likely place that they would attack. We all went undercover with our hero suits underneath our clothes. We all had our mics in our ear so we could listen and talk to everyone else.

We waited. Then the group of villains showed up. "Hey guys I see them" I say into my earpiece. "Got it we're heading your way" Kirishima says. I watch as the villains start pointing guns at small children. "Guys they're pointing guns at the kids I'm going to step in" I say. "Okay we're almost there" Mina says. I go and step in. I walk up to one of them. "Hey!" I shout. They turn and look at me. I punch one of them and get all their attention on me. "Hey run!" I yell at everyone and they did. I start fighting the group of villains. "You made them leave I guess we're going to have to take our revenge on you for making them leave" one of them said.

I got a bad feeling but I continued. I got into a fighting stance. "Looks like a weakling let's take him down" another villian said which I assumed to be the leader of the group. There were only five of them. I used my electricity on them. Soon enough the Bakusquad showed up behind me and began to fight each of the other members. We all began to fight. The Bakusquad took a bit to finish off the guys they were fighting. The one I was fighting was looking around and saw all of his friends falling. I hit him while he was distracted. He looked at me and I guess he realized he wasn't going to win. He looked down.

He looked at the gun in his hand. "Dunce face watch out" Bakugo yelled. I looked back at the guy I was fighting and he pulled the gun up in front of him. I used my electricity but it didn't work on him the second time. He dodged it. He shot me 4 times. I fell to the ground. My friends finished him off. They all ran to me. "Hey stay awake Denki okay?" Mina says as I begin to black out. They call an ambulance and the police to come and take the villains. The ambulance arrives and loads me into the ambulance. After that I just go in and out of consciousness.

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