The grandparents

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Shinso's POV
I walk into a bedroom. I look at my phone and call my dad. After a few minutes he picks up. "Hey Hitoshi how's it going?" He asks. "It's going alright" I say. "So what's up?" He prompts. "Well Denki and I have someone we want you to meet" I say. "Oh?" He says. "Yeah so we were wondering if there was a time that we could come over" I say. "How about Tomorrow at 3pm" he asks. "Yeah that would be great thanks" I say. "We're excited to see you guys again so see you Tomorrow Hitoshi" he says. "Yeah bye dad" I say. He hangs up. I walk into the living room and see that Denki is gone. "Sam where's Denki?" I ask. "He went upstairs" he says.

I'm a little concerned. "Sam I'm going to go check on Denki you can stay down here and watch shows or something if you want I just need to have a moment alone with Denks okay?" I say. He nods with a smile. I walk upstairs. I walk down the hall to our bedroom and slowly open the door. I see Denki with a blanket on top of him and he's curled up onto a ball with a blanket and a hoodie. I walk in and close the door.

I sit on the bed next to him. "Denks what happened?" I ask gently. He sits up. He looks at me. "Sam asked if he was going to be able to meet my parents and I don't know I guess I just couldn't handle it" he says on the verge of tears. "It's okay I know what they did to you but you don't have to worry about that anymore" I say. I wrap my arms around him and bring him close. He cries into my shoulder gripping onto the fabric of my shirt. I pet his hair. "It's okay I've got you" I say over and over again. Soon he stops crying. He looks up at me.

"There do you feel better?" I ask. He nods. I lean down and kiss him. He kisses back. We pull apart. "How about this? Me and you go over to see your parents and see if they've changed any and if they haven't Sam never meets them okay? We can tell him about them but he never meets them" I say. He nods. He hugs me and I wrap my arms around him protectively. Soon we hear a knock at our door.

We both look towards the door and it's Sam. "Denki....I'm really sorry if I upset you" he says shamefully. "Sam come here" Denki says gently patting the spot next to him. Sam gets on the bed next to Denki. "Listen to me okay? You didn't upset me. I'm just so afraid for you to meet my parents" he explains. "Why?" Sam asks. Denki looks to me. I nod. "Because when I was younger my parents weren't very good people" he says.

Denki's POV
"Oh" Sam says. "Denks Dad says we can come over tomorrow" Hitoshi says. I nod. It's gotten pretty late since we all started talking. We all decide that it's time for bed. We all go to sleep. Sam goes to sleep in his bed. The next day comes around. We do our own thing for a good portion of the day. Then we all get ready and go over to Aizawa and Mic's house. We all get in the car. I sit in the passenger seat with Hitoshi in the drivers seat and Sam in the back seat. Hitoshi starts driving. I just watch the scenery pass by.

"Are you parents scary Dad?" Sam asks. I whip my head around and look at Hitoshi. He nods at me signaling he heard it. Sam is confused at first and then he realizes and slaps a hand over his mouth. "Oh I'm so sorry" he says. "Sam hun it's okay we're not mad at you it was just unexpected is all" I say gently to calm him. He nods. "To answer your question no my parents aren't scary sometimes they can come off that way but I promise they aren't" Hitoshi says. I smile. Soon enough we arrive at Mic and Aizawa's house. We all get out of the car.

Sam gets out and holds my hand. We all walk up to the door. I stand slightly behind Hitoshi. He has his arm around my shoulders. Hitoshi knocks on the door. The door swings open a few moments later. "Hey guys!!!" Mic shouts. "Hey Mic" I say with a smile. "Oh hey guys so who did you want us to meet?" Aizawa asks. "Oh right. Come on out Sam" I say gently tugging at his arm. He walks out from behind Hitoshi. "H-hello" he says looking up at them. "Who's this?" Aizawa asks kneeling down.

"This is our son Sam" I say introducing him. I see Sam's face light up. "Th-they adopted me" he says to them. "Well it's very nice to meet you Sam and welcome to the family. I am Aizawa and this is my husband Mic we are Hitoshi's parents" Aizawa says. "Oh right come on in guys" Mic says. We walk in and Sam is holding my hand again. I sit down on the couch and Hitoshi sits down next to me. I lean on his shoulder. "You okay Darling?" He asks. I just nod. Sam gets up on the couch and sits next to Hitoshi.

"So how far along are you now Denki?" Aizawa asks. "About 4 months now I think" I say. "Oh wow" Mic says. I smile. "Denki he's not going to meet your parents right?" Aizawa asks. "I'm not planning on it but I'm going to go see them tomorrow with Hitoshi to see if they've changed any" I say. I can see the worried looks in their faces. "I'll be okay" I say with a smile. "Just promise us you'll be safe" Mic says. "I promise" I say. Just then I hear little footsteps running. Eri appears out of the hallway. She sees me.

"Pikachu!!!" She yells. "Hey Eri" I say. She runs up to me and I pick her up. "How's school going?" I ask. "It's good I made some new friends and Kota goes to my school he's really nice" she says with a smile. "That's great. It sounds like you're having a lot of fun" I say. "Yeah!!" She shouts. I laugh. "Pikachu who's that?" She asks pointing to Sam. "Oh that's my son Sam" I say. She runs over to Sam. "Hi I'm Eri! How old are you?" She asks. "I'm 10" he says. "Cool! I'm 7 but I'm sure we can be friends still!" She says happily. "Oh okay my name is Sam" he says.

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't been posting. My mind kind of goes all over the place so I get distracted easily so I ended up getting distracted on something else. I'll try to post more but no promises. Have a great day/night!!!

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