Sam gets a phone?

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Denki's POV
7 months into pregnancy and being pregnant isn't getting any easier. Some days I feel like I want to sleep forever while other days I feel as if I have enough energy to run a marathon. Sam has started going to school at this point. He's made some friends too. He takes the bus, so he just walks home from his bus stop. Luckily, he has a friend on the bus that he sits by. "Papa!! I'm home!!" Sam yells as he enters the house. I smile. He says that every day. "I'm in the kitchen!" I say. I hear the thud of his backpack hit the floor in the living room. He runs to the kitchen and hugs me. I hug him back. "How was school?" I ask. "It was okay" he says.

"Whoa what happened?" I ask kneeling down to his level. He looks down. "Um some of the kids at school said that you and Dad only adopted me because you pitied me....Lucy stood up for me though..." he says almost crying. I hug him. "Oh Sam we would never adopt someone we pitied. That wouldn't be fair to them or us. We adopted you because we saw potential in you and because you needed a home that we were willing to give you" I say. He looks at me and smiles. "Thank you Papa.." he says. I smile at him and he returns the smile. Then he runs off to do his homework and play. I finish doing the dishes and putting them away. I settle down onto the couch.

I put on one of Toshi's hoodies for comfort. I turn on a show and soon enough I fall asleep. I wake up to someone lightly humming and running their fingers through my hair. My head is on their lap and there's a blanket pulled over my shoulders. I slowly open my eyes and look up to see Hitoshi. He's in his casual clothes. The tv is turned off and it's relatively quiet. "Hitoshi?" I say sleepily. He stops humming and looks down at me. "Hey Darling you okay?" He asks with a gentle voice and a kind smile. I nod. "Yeah I was just tired" I reply. He smiles. I sit up and lean over to kiss him. He places a hand on my stomach and closes the distance between us. He smiles.

We pull away from the kiss. I smile at him. He smiles back. He looks down at my stomach and places his hand on it. "Just a few more months and then our baby will be here right?" He asks. "Yeah, so I'm thinking we call Mina to watch Sam know the baby is born" I say. He nods. He kisses my forehead. He picks me up and walks up to our room. He puts me on the bed and smiles down at me in the dimly lit room. I can't help but think how lucky I am to have Hitoshi as my husband. "Toshi?" I say. He turns to me. "Yeah?" He replies. "What do you think about getting Sam a phone. I mean I know he's only 10 but I think he can be responsible with a phone" I say. He seems to stop and think about it.

"Yeah I like the idea but there will be consequences if he misuses it" he says. I smile and nod. I get up and walk to Sam's room. I knock. I don't hear an answer so thinking he's asleep I open the door. I see him sitting on the floor with a small mirror in front of him and a brush in his hand. He's brushing his already short hair. He turns around as the door opens and freezes. I can see the fear flash through his eyes. "...Papa....please don't be mad" he says. I look at him confused. "Why would I be mad?"I ask confused. "Because boys aren't supposed to brush their hair or anything like that" he replies.

"That's what society says but we don't follow society's rules in this house. You can do whatever you want to long as it's not illegal" I say. He laughs. I smiles. "Oh right Hitoshi and I were thinking about getting you a phone so that if you need us you can reach us" I say. His face changes from his joyful expression to shock. "Really?!" He asks excitedly. "Yeah" I say. He jumps around his room with some newfound energy. "I've never had a phone before!" He says. I smile at him. "I know but we trust you to be responsible with one but if you misuse it in any way there will be consequences for it. We haven't decided what the those consequences will be yet but just know that's what will happen in the case if the phones misuse. Think of it as a tool not a toy" I explain.

He nods with a bright smile. "That's enough excitement for one night get to bed yeah?" I say. He nods. He gets up and puts away his things before sliding under the covers into his bed. I smile at him. I leave a tender kiss on his forehead before turning off his light and leaving the room. I gently close the door and make my way back to my bedroom. "So?" Hitoshi asks expectantly. "So he's okay with the idea of having a phone excited actually and he understands what will happen if he misuses it" I say. He nods. "Good" he replies. He kisses my head as I get back into bed. I snuggle up to him before we both fall into a deep sleep.

Hey everyone!!
I'm back! I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. Also if you already read this it again because i completely changed like 3 paragraphs.
Anyway I'm feeling a little bit happier so I'm hoping to post another chapter soon!! I hope you all are doing well!! Have a good day/night!! Take care of yourselves!

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