Denki gets sick

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Shinso's POV
I ruffle Sam's hair as I begin to walk out of the room. He follows me. Just as we walk out of the room we hear my bedroom door open. I look to the door and see Denki walk out. "Oh hey Toshi" he says. I walk towards him. "Darling you don't look too good" I say. I put my hand against his forehead. He's burning up. "Darling I think you're sick go lay down I'll bring you a cold washcloth to bring your temperature down and then we can go to the doctor tomorrow if we need too" I say. He nods. Then his legs give out. I catch him. "Whoa! Hey you okay?" I ask. He nods.

I pick him up bridal style and lay him on our bed. I walk downstairs and grab a big bowl. I fill it up with cold water. I grab a washcloth and then I take the bowl and washcloth upstairs. I sit down on the side of our bed and I put the bowl down on my bedside table. I soak the washcloth in the water and put it on Denki's forehead. He looks up at me and smiles. "I love you" he says. "I love you too Darling but you need to sleep" I say with a slight smile. He grabs onto my wrist. "Denki I love you but please sleep" I say. He shakes his head like a child. "Okay how about if I give you something with my scent on it?" I ask. He nods his head. I laugh. I go over to our closet. I pull out a purple hoodie with a design on the back of it in yellow. I hand the hoodie to Denki.

He curls up with it and falls asleep. A few days go by and his fever has gone down. We did call the doctor and he said that there should be no concern for our baby and that it would be fine. I may have forgotten to mention this but Denki is 3 months along now. I get up and get dressed for the day. It's Saturday but I don't work on the weekends. I begin to make breakfast. Then I feel 2 pairs of hands on me. One pair of hands around my waist hugging me. The other pair is around my leg. I look down and see Sam and I look over my shoulder and see Denki. "What are you guys doing?" I ask with a slight laugh.

"I just wanted to stay with you a little longer plus you're warm" Denki says. I laugh a little. "I just wanted to be included and you are warm" Sam says innocently. "Oh okay so long story short I'm warm and you both want me to keep you warm" I say summing it up. They both nod. "Well how about eat this to warm you up" I say handing them both plates. The day goes on. We are all sitting on the couch watching a kid-friendly show. I hear Denki inhale sharply. I turn to him. "Whoa hey you okay?" I ask concerned. He has one hand on his stomach and his eyes closed. He slowly opens his eyes. "Yeah it was just a cramp" he says. I nod. He scoots closer to me and lays his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around his shoulder.

Denki's POV
It's been about a month now and Sam is officially our kid. I'm not gonna make him call us dad and papa or anything. He has his own room and he decorated it himself. Now it's time for him to meet his grandparents. Hitoshi's parents to be exact. I don't want him to meet mine until I've had a chance to talk with them face to face. I go over to Hitoshi who is sitting on the couch with Sam. "Hey Toshi" I say. He looks up at me. "Yes Darling" he says. "I think it's time for Sam to meet your parents" I say gently. Sam looks up at me and then to Hitoshi.

"Really?!!" He shouts. Hitoshi looks at him. "Yes I agree with Denki but I need to tell you my parents are also pro heroes" he says. "That's so cool" he shouts excitedly. I laugh a little. "When will we go?" I ask. "Let me call my parents and see when we can visit" he says. I nod. He picks up his phone and walks out of the room. I sit on the couch with Sam. " I going to get to meet your parents too?" He asks. "Oh uh I don't know" I say. "Why not?" He asks. "Uh I need to talk to them first" I say. It's not necessarily a lie because it is part of the truth it's just not the full truth. "Sam I'm going to head upstairs for a bit tell Hitoshi where I am when he comes back okay?" I say. "Okay" he says.

"Thanks" I say and walk upstairs. I go and lay down on my bed and curl into a ball. I grab one of the blankets on the bed and one of Hitoshi's hoodies and I curl back up with them in my arms. Soon I hear footsteps come up the stairs.

Hey everyone!! Sorry for not posting for a while life got a little crazy. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Have a great day/ night!! Byyyeeeeee!!

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