Sam and Hitoshi taking care of Denki

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Denki's POV
I am 4 months along now. My baby bump is pretty small still but it's there. I walk around the house with one hand on my stomach. "Papa..?" I hear. I turn around to see Sam. He has tears rolling down his face. I kneel down in front of him. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask, my parental instincts kicking in. He runs to me and wraps his arms around my neck. I hug him. I stand up holding him. He wraps his legs around my waist and lays his head on my shoulder. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Okay well tell if you change your mind in the meantime do you want some breakfast?" I ask.

He nods. I smile. "Okay let's go" I say. I carry him into the kitchen. "Okay cereal or pancakes?" I ask. "Pancakes?" He asks. "Yeah pancakes do you want some?" I ask. He nods shyly. I laugh. Hitoshi is already at work. I make us some breakfast and we eat together. "Papa?" Sam says. "Yes?" I reply. "Does the baby kick?" He asks. "Ah, no not yet the baby should start kicking at about month 6" I say. He nods with a cute little smile. After we eat breakfast I take the plates and quickly wash them. "Okay what do you want to do now?" I ask. He grabs my hand.

"You're very quiet today are you okay?" I ask. He nods and gives me a smile. He takes me to his room. He sits me down on the bed and then runs over to his bookshelf. He pulls out a book and brings it to me. "W-will you read to me?" He asks holding the book out to me. I give him a warm smile. "Of course" i say. We sit there and I begin to read. After I finish the short book I look at him and he has the biggest smile on his face. I smile at him. "So you want to tell me why you were upset earlier?" I ask. His smile falters a little. "Uh I had a nightmare that you and Dad were gone and you guys left me alone and then when I woke up I couldn't find you guys so I was scared I guess" he explains. I nod.

I give him a smile. "Sam I know you're scared because of the way you had to live on the streets but I promise Hitoshi and I are not leaving and if we are to die or have something horrible happen to us we have a plan in place for our closest friends to look after you" I explain. He nods. "I love You Papa" He says throwing his arms around me. I hug him back. We continue with our day. Sam eventually gets tired and goes and snuggles up in his bed. "Papa will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" He asks tiredly. "Of course"  I say. I lay down with Sam and we both close our eyes.

Shinso's POV
"Hey guys I'm heading home for the night!" I yell over my shoulder at my friends. "Okay goodnight Hitoshi!!" Uraraka says. "Be safe" Izuku shouts. They all say goodnight and I leave. I step into the chilly night air. I pull my jacket further over my shoulder trying to keep warm as I make my way home. I get on the train and take a seat and the train. I look around and realize that the train is mostly empty now. I mean my head back against the window as I wait for the train to stop at the place I get off at. 15 minutes goes by before I finally get up and get off the train. I start walking towards my house.

The night sky is so pretty tonight. I finally get to my house and unlock the door. I walk in and it's dark inside. The house usually has most of the lights on. "Denki?" I call out. There's no answer. I close the door and turn on the lights. I lock the door behind me. I walk upstairs and carefully open our bedroom door. "Denki?" I say again. I turn on the light in our bedroom. No one's in the room. I decide to get changed into my casual clothes. I out my hero suit in the closet. I turn on the hall light and walk to Sam's room. "Denki?" I call out one last time.

I open the door and turn on the light to see Denki asleep with Sam in his arms hugging him. I lean on the door frame and smile. I decide to take a picture. I walk over to Denki. "Hey Darling" i whisper. He doesn't move. I gently shake him. He stirs. "Hey wake up" I whisper. He stirs and turns over as he slowly opens his eyes. He sees me and his face immediately lights up. "Toshi!" He shouts. He then quickly looks back at Sam. He's still sleeping. Denki gets up and turns on the nightlight. Then he leads me out of the room closing the door as quietly as possible. I smile at him. He wraps his arms around my neck. "Hey Darling" I say. "Hey Toshi....I missed you" he says. He leans his head against my chest.

"I missed you too" I say kissing his forehead. I pick him up bridal style and bring him downstairs. "Do you want something to eat?" I ask. He nods. I smile at him. "God you're adorable" I say. I watch as a blush appears on his face. I set him on the counter and then I cook something for him real quick. I hand it to him and he gives me his adorable bright smile. I smile back at him giving him a quick kiss. He eats his food and then we head up to our room together. "I love you so much" I say. "I love you too Toshi" he says. I hug him and put my head on his shoulder. He combs his hands through my hair. We lay down and I put my head on his stomach and listen to his breathing. I look up at him. "Are you an Angel?" I ask. "Only yours" he replies.

Hey guys!! This was supposed to be posted on Saturday but I got busy so sorry for the late chapter. I hope you liked this. I tried my best. Anyway I hope you all have a good day/night!! Take care of yourselves!!

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