The class comes over

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Denki's POV
Hitoshi stayed with me a little longer this morning but eventually he had to go to work. After he left I cleaned the house for the party. Some of our friends were already bringing food to the party. I can't cook but I can bake. I baked a few treats and set them on a plate and placed it on the table. After I was done with all that I went upstairs and layed on my bed for a while. I cuddled with the blanket Hitoshi had used last night. His smell was still on it so I was able to fall asleep for a little while. Soon I woke up.

I checked the time. It was almost time for the party. I heard the door downstairs open and I assumed it was Hitoshi which it was. "Darling I love you but I thought I told you to take it easy" he says. "You told me to not push myself and I didn't" I say. He smiles and hugs me. "Well I guess we just wait now but I have to go get changed first" Hitoshi says. I nod and just sit down on the couch. He comes back after getting changed into a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. Soon the class began to arrive in their normal clothes. We welcome them into our home.

I walk to the bathroom. Soon the entire class was there. "Excuse me guys I need to go check on Denki" I hear Hitoshi say. I hear the bathroom door open as I continue to throw up. He closes the door behind him and sits on the floor. He rubs circles into my back. Soon I finish throwing up. After a few minutes I clean myself up and we go out to the living room to see all our friends. "Hey guys" I say. "Hey" they respond. We all enjoy ourselves for a bit. "So guys we want to tell you something" I start. "Okay what is it?" Midoryia asks. "Well..." I start off nervously.

"Hey it's okay we'll support you no matter what" Midoryia says. I look to the others and they all nod. I take a deep breath before starting again. "You see Um I'm....." I say. I get nervous to say the last word. "Pregnant" Hitoshi finished for me. It's silent for a few minutes before my entire class gets excited and they all begin congratulating me. All the girls start squealing and fangirling. I let them calm down. "When did you find out?" Mina asks. "About a week ago when I was in the hospital from being shot" I say. "Wait so you were on the job pregnant?!!!" Mina screams. "It's not my fault. I didn't know" I whine.

"Fine I'll let you off the hook this time" she says. "Honey leave the poor guy be he didn't know" Kirishima says. She just smiles at us. After that we had fun and played games. We ended our night by watching a movie. Also I don't think I mentioned but Midoryia was obviously pregnant. He looked like he was almost to his due date. "Hey guys sorry but we have to go" Midoryia says standing up with Bakugo. "Okay guys be safe and thanks for coming and being so supportive" I say. Midoryia nods. Bakugo appeared to be helping him stand up. We let them go and they left. We waved them off. Soon the movie finished and they all began to leave. We thanked them for coming. Soon it was just Toshi and I left.

Shinso's POV
I think this pregnancy is going to be hard for Denks. He's been throwing up every day and I'm a little worried about that. I hope he'll be okay. Everyone leaves after the small party is over. The next morning, I text the Dekusquad group chat. "Hey guys!" I say. "Hey Hitoshi it's weird for you to text first" ochaco says. "Yeah um I have a question for Izuku" I say. "Oh what is it?" He asks. "I don't mean to sound rude or anything but are you pregnant?" I ask. "Oh uh yeah I am we were going to tell everyone at some point we just didn't want it to be last night because you and Denki were doing your thing and stuff" he says.

"Oh okay I was just wondering so I hope that didn't sound rude" I say. "No of course not Hitoshi" he says. The Dekusquad and I are extremely close so we're okay with each other calling us by our first names. I hear Denki waking up. "Sorry guys I have to go now talk to you later" I say. They all say bye and I put my phone down. I walk upstairs and to our bedroom. He sits up in bed holding his head. "Hey darling you okay?" I ask from the doorway.

"Yeah just a headache today" he says laying back down. I go and sit by him on the bed. "Toshi aren't you going to work today ?" He asks. "Not today " I respond. I hug him. Lately all I can think about is how grateful I am to have him. Maybe we can go see my parents this weekend. Soon he falls back asleep. "Still tired huh?" I say to myself. I get up and walk away. I go downstairs and finish all my remaining paperwork that I had left to do at work. I turn that in and that's all I have to do for today. I go back on my phone and text the Dekusquad.

"Hey guys" I text. "Hey" they respond. "So from our earlier conversation I have a question" I text. "Oh what is it?" Izuku replies. "Is it about Denki?" Ochaco asks. "Yeah it is" I text. I wait for a moment. "So is it normal to throw up every day during pregnancy" I text. "Uh sometimes it really depends on the person and the baby" Izuku replies. "Okay thank you I'm just really worried about Denki he's been throwing up every day" I explain. "He'll be okay" Ida says. "Yeah I'm sure of it" Todoroki says. "Thanks guys I'll talk to you later" I text. They all say bye. I walk over to the couch and sit next to Denki who had come downstairs while I was on my phone.. He leans on my shoulder right after I sit down.

Hey guys!! Sorry for not posting for a while I've been busy with all the other things in my life. If you're reading this at all thank you so much!!! Have a good day/afternoon/night!!!

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