The store

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Shinso's POV
It's been a few days since we brought Sam home. We haven't been able to find a home for him. He has been really attached to Denki. Denki walks up to me. He sits down and leans on my shoulder and (as expected) Sam comes and curls up next to Denki. "I haven't been able to find a home for him Toshi what will we do? I can't just put him out on the streets again" Denki says. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his head. "Darling why don't we just keep him and he'll be our kid" I suggest. I see Sam's face light up at the idea. "Oh I don't know Toshi we already have a baby on the way and I don't want him to feel neglected or anything when our baby arrives" Denki explains. I think about it for a few moments.

"Denks just think about it okay? He loves you and we haven't been able to find any good homes for him. He can be like our second kid and he'll be a good big brother to our baby" I explain. " I really will be please let me stay" Sam pleads with Denki. "Oh alright" Denki says. He leans over to me and kisses me. "We can get started on the adoption process later but for now I need a nap" Denki says. He leaves to go to our room. I hear as the door closes. "Aren't you going to go with him?" I ask Sam who is still sitting on the couch next to me.

"No" he says. "Why not?" I ask curiously. "Well Denki seems really tired and I wanted to spend time with you too because you might end up being my dad" he says. "Would you be okay with that?" I ask him. "Yeah I think you're really cool" he says with a bright smile. He's just like Denki. "You know you're a lot like Denki" I say. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah. You guys both have a happy and bright personality and you both have these bright smiles" I say. He smiles at that. "Okay I'm going to write a note for Denki in case he wakes up and then me and you are going to go shopping" I say. He tilts his head confused.

"For what?" He asks. "Well we don't have any extra beds so you're going to need a place to sleep" I say. His face lights up. "Okay do you have shoes?" I ask. He nods and shows me his shoes. They're a pair of really worn out green tennis shoes. We get in the car and I drive to the store. "Okay let's find a frame and a mattress first" I say. He nods and grabs onto my hand. I close my hand around his. We look at the mattresses and frames and finally find one that we both like. He likes it but I just also happen to like it.

"Okay now that we have chosen the mattress and frame let's go get you some new shoes" I say. "Why? What's wrong with my shoes?" He asks. I kneel down to his height. "Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you but your shoes are all worn out and are falling apart so I thought we could get you some new ones" i explain. "Oh okay that's fine" he responds.

Sam's POV
I go to the store with the purple haired hero. He's nice I guess I misjudged him. I thought he was scary but he's really nice. I hold onto his hand because I don't want to get lost. We pick out a frame and mattress together. We head over to the shoe section and now I'm looking at shoes. I find a pair of yellow ones with purple laces on them. I take them off the shelf and show it to him. "That's a very good pair do you like those?" He asks. I nod with a smile. He smiles. "Okay let's get them then now let's go get you a pair of clothes for the night we'll buy you more when the adoption is finalized" he says. I nod.

We go over to the clothes section and I pick out a pack of underwear, a blue t-shirt, and a pair of black sweatpants. The hero nods at me. Then we take all the stuff and walk to the cashier. He pays for all the stuff. "Hey go get in the car I'll load everything up" he says. "Okay thank you...Hero" I say. "Hey I know you don't know me that well but if you want you can call me Hitoshi or my hero name mindjack" he says. I nod and then get in the car. He loads everything into the car. He closes the trunk and climbs into the car. Then we drive back to his house. We bring everything inside. He takes the frame and the mattress to an empty room upstairs.

He begins to put the frame together and after a while the frame is set up and the mattress is on it. He pulled out a sheet and put that on the mattress it is covered in little stars. Then he pulls out a pillow and puts a pillowcase on it with the same design before putting it on the mattress. Then he pulls out a big fluffy looking blanket it is entirely purple. He puts it on the bed and tuck in the sides. He looks at me for a moment before speaking. "Do you like it? Or do you want me to change something?" He asks. "I love it thank you" I say. He walks by me and ruffles my curly brown locks. I laugh and he smiles.

Hey everyone!! I hope you all are doing well. I'm finally on my last week of school for the year!! Anyway have a good day/night!!

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