The parents find out

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Denki's POV
Toshi already went to work so I'm stuck at home. I would have to tell everyone soon why I won't be at work for a while. Right now we've just been telling them that I won't be in for a few weeks. I was laying in our bed cuddling with the blanket Toshi had used to try and sleep. It was the middle of the day and for some reason I was exhausted. Soon I got a phone call. I turned over and picked it up. "Hello?" I say.

"Hello Denki" I hear my teachers voice come through the phone. "Oh hey Aizawa how's it going?" I ask. "Good I'm just checking up on you. How are you doing I heard from Hitoshi that you're staying home today are you not feeling well?" My teacher asks. He always thought of us as his kids so no wonder he sounds like a concerned father. "Hey it's okay Dadzawa anyway yeah I'm okay I'm not sure if you heard but I got shot 4 times on a mission" I say. "Oh thank goodness......wait what?!!" he says. "Yeah but I'm okay now" I say. I hear him breathe a sigh of relief from the other side of the phone. "Hey um Dadzawa can we maybe meet up sometime soon Hitoshi and I have something to tell you" I say. "Yeah of course" he responds.

"Toshi is at work right now so does 5 our house on Friday work for you?" I ask. "Yeah sounds good kid see you then" he says. I could practically see his smile through the phone. "Thanks for checking up on me dadzawa my own parents don't even do that" I say. "No problem kid I want to see you soon" he says and hangs up. I continue to try to fall asleep. It doesn't work so I get up and do things around the house. Soon Hitoshi comes home. "Denks I'm home" he calls out. I run down the stairs from our bedroom.

He laughs as he sees me almost fall running down the stairs. "Careful" he says. "Sorry" I say. "Don't apologize darling" he says. "So Toshi I got a call from Aizawa" I start. "Dad?" He asks. "Yeah he wanted to know if I was okay and I think we should tell him about you know..." I say glancing down at my stomach. He nods in understanding. "I think that's a good idea" he says. "I told him that we have something to tell him and to meet us in person I hope that was okay but he's coming over here Friday night for dinner and I assume he's bringing Mic and Eri" I say. He nods. "Of course it's okay" he says smiling. He kisses me on the forehead. We go up to our room. He gets changed and we go downstairs.

A few days go by and it's finally Friday. Hitoshi is home early and he cooked dinner. I set the table. I had cleaned the house during the week because I couldn't sleep. Soon as we were finishing up I hear a knock at the door. I go and answer it. I see Aizawa, Mic, and Eri there. "Hey guys come on in" I say. They all walk in. "Thanks Denki" Mic and Aizawa say. "Thank you Mr. Pikachu" Eri says with a bright smile. "Hey guys" Hitoshi says to his family. They seem happy to see him as always. We all sit down to dinner and talk. After a while we come into the topic of children. "So when are you two going to have kids?" Mic asks. Aizawa seems a bit curious too.

We look at each other and then back at them. "About that..." I start. "Hey honey are you done with dinner?" Mic asks Eri. She nods. "Can you go play in the other room for a few minutes dad and papa need to talk to Hitoshi and Pikachu" he says. She nods and runs off. "So..." he starts after she leaves. "What did you guys need to talk about?" Aizawa asks curiously. "Well...." Hitoshi starts. "We thought you should know I'm pregnant" I say. There is a slight silence before Mic gets super excited. Eri hears him and comes running out. "Papa why are you yelling?"'Eri asks. "Don't worry Eri Hitoshi and Pikachu told him something and he got excited is all" Aizawa explains to Eri who seemed concerned.

Shinso's POV
Papa got too excited and scared Eri. "What did Pikachu tell you?" She asks curiously. "Oh honey it's nothing you need to know about right now" Dad says. "Oh okay Papa Dad" she says and walks off. "Zashi calm down" Dad says. After he calms down we talk about it. "Have you told your friends yet?" He asks. "No dad not yet" I answer. "How far along are you?" He asks Denki. "Uh about a month according to the doctors" he responds. "Oh okay" he says. We continue to talk for a little while before we move to the living room and Eri comes and sits with us as we continue to talk. Soon Denki gets sleepy.

"Hey Hitoshi we should be getting home Eri needs to get to bed she has school tomorrow" Dad says. "Okay Dad,Papa,Eri I love you be safe and have a good day at school Eri you're going into 1st grade now aren't you?" I ask. "Yeah!" She shouts excitedly. "Bye Hitoshi bye Pikachu" she says waving goodbye. We both wave back at her and they leave. We close and lock the door behind them. Denki starts to head upstairs slowly. He's just exhausted. I go over to him and pick him up. He just leans into me.

I carry him upstairs and we both lay down on the bed. He curls into me and immediately falls asleep. I wrap my arms around him. I place one hand on his stomach and the other around his neck. The next morning we wake up. I call everyone that was in our class except mineta of course because he got expelled when I got transferred in. "Hello?" I hear all their voices answer. "Hey guys Denks and I have something important to tell you" I say.

They seem to wait for me to continue. "We want to tell you in person so we want to invite you all over to our house today around 6" I say. "Okay we'll be there" they all say. "Yasss!!!" I hear Mina screaming. "Mina honey calm down" I hear Kirishima say. I hang up after that. I go downstairs to Denki. "Hello Darling I invited all of our friends over so we could tell them like you wanted to" I say. I kiss him and he kisses back. I sit with him for a while. He leans on my shoulder and I draw small circles on his stomach with my finger. He relaxes a little. I soon get up and make breakfast. We eat and then I have to go to work. "Hey Darling don't push yourself too much today okay?" I say. He nods. "I love you Toshi see you later" he says.

Okay so quick thing I know that Eri wouldn't still be that young but in here she is so if you don't like it leave. Thank you! Byeee!

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