The baby kicks

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Denki's POV
I feel as if the world has been moving too fast lately. I am already 6 months along. I run my hand over my stomach. "Denks?" I hear as the door to my room creaks open. I look over at Hitoshi who has a huge smile on his face as he comes to kiss me good morning. "Good morning Darling" he says as he kisses my forehead. I smile into the touch. "What are you doing home today Toshi?" I ask. "Oh they've started giving us Saturdays off so I get to stay home with my favorite people today" he says. I sit up and swing my legs off the bed and sit next to him. I give him a quick little kiss. He wraps his arms around me. I relax into his gentle touch.

"Okay so do you want to come get some breakfast with me?" He asks. I smile at him. "I'd love to" I say. We get up and I link my arm with his. I hear the sleepy groan of Sam waking up as we pass his room. I peak inside and see him turn over and go back to sleep. "Oh he's going to be starting school soon huh?" I say. Hitoshi nods. "Are you going to be okay here alone?" He asks as we walk down the stairs. We walk into the kitchen and Hitoshi lifts me into the counter. "Yeah I will be. It'll be a bit too quiet for my liking but I'll be okay" I say. Hitoshi smiles at me and begins to make breakfast. A while later he finishes making it and hands me a plate with food on it. We see a sleepy Sam by the stairs rubbing his eyes. "Hey Sam do you want some food" I ask.

"Yes please" he says with a yawn. I chuckle at his sleepy state. He walks up to the counter and gets on it with me. He leans against me as I finish eating my food. I put my plate down beside me. Hitoshi gets Sam a plate and hands it to him. "Thanks Dad" he says. He puts my plate in the sink and comes over to me. I press my forehead to his. He smiles and lets me. We close our eyes as we both take in the others presence. "I love you Darling" he says. "I love you too my love" I say. He smiles. "I haven't heard you call me that in a while" he comments. "Yeah it's been a while" I reply. Sam looks at us and bursts out laughing. "What? Why are you laughing?" I ask pleasantly confused. "You guys are so lovey dovey even with me in the room it's funny" he replies.

I smile at him. "You know I love you right Sam?" I ask. "Yeah Papa I know and I love you too" he says. "Good. Now are you excited to start school?" I ask. "I guess. I mean I'm not homeless anymore but kids are often mean at school" he says. "Yeah I know but you'll be alright I'm sure of it you're strong" I say. He smiles. Hitoshi nods and ruffles his hair. "He's right you are and if you get bullied we'll talk to the school about it" he says. I start to think about the progress that Sam has made. He used to look at everyone with distrust but now he's calling Hitoshi and I his parents. I'm so proud of him.

We hang out a little more. "Okay Sam pick a movie for us to watch" I say. He takes the controller and puts on a Disney movie. We all watch the movie and then I feel a sharp pain in my side. It takes me a minute to realize that it was the baby kicking. I inhale sharply. Hitoshi looks over at me. "Hey you okay?" He asks concerned. "Yeah.." I say with a smile. I grab his hand and put it on my stomach where the baby is kicking. He looks surprised. Then it changes back to concern. "Does it hurt?" He asks. "Just a little" I say. He grabs my hand and uses his other to rub circles on my stomach.

Hitoshi's POV
I sit with Denki for a while. Soon enough I feel him relax against me. I guess the baby finally stopped kicking. I then realize that Denki is asleep. I smile at him. "Is he okay?" Sam asks. "Yeah he will be" I reply. He smiles but it has a hint of concern to it. I open one of my arms to him. He crawls next to me on the couch and snuggles into my side. I wrap my arm around his back. I shake my head. The next day I go to work. I kiss Denki's head before leaving the house. He stirs a bit and I smile. I grab my bag and walk out the door. I get to work and sit down at my desk. "Hey Toshi!" Izuku says. "Hey" I say.

"Wait what are you doing here?" I ask. He just had a kid a few months ago and he isn't allowed to come back until his doctor clears him which I'm sure Bakugo would have told us if he was cleared for hero work. "Um I may or may not have snuck out of the house to come visit you guys" he says. I shake my head. "Izuku I swear. First of all you are supposed to be resting I mean you just had a kid second you can't do hero work if that's why you're here" I say. He sighs. "Yeah I know" he says. "Do you want me to call Bakugo to come get you?" I ask with a slight laugh. "Yes" he says. I call Bakugo. "What eyebags?" Bakugo says answering the phone. "Your husband showed up at work today.." I say and let the information sink in. "Ugh I'll come get him" he says and hangs up. A few minutes later Bakugo arrives.

"Bye guys!!" Izuku shouts. We laugh at his antics. "He really needs to stop trying to sneak in here and do hero work" Uraraka says. "Yeah but we know Izuku he isn't going to stop" I say. We all laugh. "I hate to agree but it's true kero" Tsu says. We all then get back to work.

Hey everyone!! Sorry I've been gone for so long I've been doing credit recovery because I want to graduate this year. Anyway here's this!! I hope y'all liked it. I tried. Have a good day/night!!

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