The baby's here

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Denki's POV
I'm almost to my due date luckily. I'm excited for our baby to arrive. They are getting quite heavy to carry though. I'm sitting on the couch in our living room with my phone in my hand. Hitoshi enters the room. "Good morning Darling" he says. I smile at him. "Good morning Toshi" I say. He leans over the back on the couch to give me a kiss. I lean my head back and he places a quick and sweet kiss on my lips. After getting a cup of coffee he takes a seat next to me on the couch.

I lay my head on his shoulder. He wraps one arm around my shoulders. We sit in comfortable silence for a few hours. Soon I hear the sound of small footsteps running down the stairs. "Good morning Sam" I say. "Good morning Papa and Dad! Can I go play outside?"he asks eagerly. I laugh. "Of course but eat something before you go please" I reply. His face lights up with joy. He grabs a piece of toast and runs out the front door. I laugh at his antics. I wish I had as much energy as he does. I gasp at a sudden kick from the baby. Hitoshi looks at me concerned. "It's okay. I'm okay. The baby is just kicking" I say. He sets his coffee down on the small table that sits in the middle of our living room. He then wraps his arms around me.

I move to sit in between his legs and he adjusts his arms to around my stomach. He rests his head on my shoulder. I lean into his chest. I always feel safe when I'm in his arms. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I say. He kisses my cheek. I feel like I'm a lot to deal with a lot of the time. He always assures me that I'm not but sometimes I wonder. The day seems to pass us by too quickly. I get up to make dinner. "Hey Darling wait let me do it" Hitoshi says. I shake my head. "No, but if you want to help you can set the table" I say. He smiles and nods.

He sets the table pretty quickly and then comes up behind me. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me again. "Hey can I try something?" He asks. I look at him curiously. "Sure what is it?" I ask. "It's something I saw on a video the other day. It said to try this if you have a pregnant partner. It won't hurt or anything I promise" He says. I nod. He moves his hands to under my stomach and lifts up, taking some of the weight off. I instantly relax into his arms. It feels nice to have some of the weight taken off even if it's only temporarily right now.

"I need to make dinner still Toshi" I say. He laughs and moves his hands back to around my stomach. I make dinner and set it on the table. "Sam!!" I shout. "Yeah?" I hear from up the stairs. "Dinner!" I say. "Coming!" He replies. I smile. He comes downstairs and we all sit down to eat. We talk about whatever but it's mostly us listening to Sam talk about whatever he wants to. After dinner I take the dishes to the sink to wash them. That's when I feel it. A sharp pain stabbing through my abdomen. Sam is already in his room. Hitoshi rushes over to me.

"Hey what's wrong?!" He asks concerned. I look at him confused. "You're releasing stressed pheromones" he says after seeing my confusion. "Nothing, I just.....I just felt a pain in my stomach is all. I'm sure it's fine" I say. He nods. I can feel the reluctance in his hands as they slowly release their grip on my waist. "Okay if you say so, just let me know if it gets worse okay?" He asks. I nod. We finally get up to bed and I get another sharp pain through my abdomen but it's stronger. I instinctively grab Hitoshi's hand. He looks to me. "Hey what's wrong?" He asks with concern written on his face. "...the pain it got stronger" I say. "Okay, I need you to just breathe okay?" He says. I nod and try to take deep breaths.

"I think you might be going into labor" he says. I feel the panic rising in my veins. "W-we need to get to a hospital then, I'm not birthing our child in our home" I say. He nods. I grab the bag that I had prepared for a situation like this. He helps me out to the car. I get in the car. He calls Mina. She answers immediately. "Hey Hito!" She says. "Hey Mina sorry to be calling you like this but a situation came up and I need to get Denki to the hospital would you be able to come to our house and stay for a little while our son is here" he explains. "Oh! Of course! Kirishima and I will be there in a bit. I'm so excited to meet Sam. You guys do what you need to do we'll watch over Sam" she says. "Thanks Mina" he says.

She hangs up first. Hitoshi starts driving to the hospital. He has one hand on the wheel and the other gripping my hand. I squeeze his hand as I feel the contractions get closer. I start to panic a little as we arrive at the hospital. He parks the car and then carries me inside. "What happened?" A nurse asks us. "He's in labor" Hitoshi explains. She nods.

Hitoshi's POV
I got Denki to the hospital. They took him back but I wasn't allowed back there. I think they said something about me being an alpha and causing him stress during labor or something. I sit in the waiting room worried. Then a doctor comes to get me. "Hey so your mate that you brought here has been requesting you so..." the doctor trails off. I nod. I walk into the delivery room to see a stressed Denki. Doctors always did stress him out if he was alone. I should have known. I rush to his side. I sit behind him and he leans into my chest. I put my hand out in front of him. "It's okay love I'm here just squeeze as hard as you need to okay?" I say. He nods.

I gently wrap my other hand around his stomach. I can tell he's scared. I kiss the top of his head and gently squeeze his hand to let him know I'm here. He squeezes back gently. Then all of a sudden a few of the doctors and nurses rush out of the room and someone keeps yelling the words "code blue". Denki looks up at me.

She kicks and screams for them to let go. Denki's pheromones get stronger as another hits. "Okay honey I know this is hard trust me I know, I have two kids of my own but I need you to push for me okay?" The doctor at the foot of the bed says. Denki nods. He screams in agony as he pushes. He squeezes my hand as hard as he can. After a few minutes the rest of the doctors rush back in. The doctor at the foot of the bed has her hands on Denki's legs. "Okay I'm going to count to three and then I need you to push" She says. Denki nods. "1. 2. 3. Push!" She says. Denki screams in pain. He squeezes my hand again. I then realize I'm  holding him protectively.

"Sorry" I say as I let go. Denki pulls my hands back to where they were. I look into his eyes and I realize he needs me holding him like this. He pushes again and screams in pain as he does so. He starts to cry. "Oh Toshi it hurts. It hurts so much" he says. My heart breaks at those words. "I know baby I know. You're doing so well. I'm sure you're almost done" I say. He nods. "One more big push and then you'll be done I promise" the doctor says. Denki pushes one more time and screams. Then we hear the cries of our daughter.

"Congratulations you have a daughter" she says. Denki looks exhausted. I kiss his forehead. "You did so well darling. You can rest now it's okay" I say. He gives me a weary smile as he closes his eyes. I feel his body relax into my arms. I smile down at him. "I love you so much. Sleep well" I say.

Hey everyone!! I'm sorry if this felt rushed but I haven't had any ideas to write for a while and this finally popped into my head. I hope you guys liked this. Anyway sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately. My life kind of got turned upside down. My dad left the state and so I'm in a state alone with my 2 siblings trying to make it to graduation. A lot of other things happened but I don't want to accidentally trauma dump on you guys. I hope you all are doing well and taking care of yourselves. Have a great day/night!!!

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