The friends talk

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Denki's POV
I sit on the couch as I wait for Sam to come through the door from school. I briefly think about calling Mina before my phone begins to ring. I look down at my phone to see it's the woman herself calling. I pick up my phone and answer the call. "Denki!! Oh my goodness!! How are you?! I haven't heard from you in forever!!" She shouts enthusiastically through the phone. I laugh. "Hey Mina! I'm alright and yeah it's been a minute since we talked" I say with a smile. "Ash stop shouting at the poor dude. I know you're excited but give the poor kid a break" Kirishima says. "Hey Kirishima!" I say. "Hey dude" he replies. The door opens and closes and I see Sam.

"One sec guys" I say. I pull the phone from my ear. "Hey how was school?" I ask. "It was awesome! We got to draw and look!" He says excitedly as he pulls a beautiful drawing from his backpack. It's not like those little kid drawings where you have to pretend they're good to spare the kids feelings, it's actually a really amazing drawing and it has lots of color. "Wow! That's amazing!" I say. He smiles. "I'm going to go do my homework!" He says and runs up the stairs. "Careful!" I shout. I then remember I still have my friends on the phone. I put the phone back to my ear. "Hey guys you still there?" I ask.

"Yeah" Mina says. "Sorry about that" I say. "Who was that?" Kirishima asks. "Oh that was Sam" I say. "We found him a few months ago and decided to take him in so you know he's our kid now" I add. "Oh how old is he?" Mina asks. "He's 10 I think you guys will love him when you get to meet him" I say. I can feel practically feel their smiles coming from the phone. "Oh my goodness!! Does this mean I'm an aunt!!" Mina shouts. I laugh. "Yes it does if you want to be" I say. "Obviously we want to be the Aunt and Uncle to your kid dude" Kirishima says as if it was the most obvious thing ever. I smile.

"I miss you guys" I say. "Aww we miss you too Denks" Mina says. "Alright well I'll let you guys go but we should meet up soon" I say. "Totally!" Mina shouts. "Ash honey you have got to stop shouting into the phone you're going to break someone's eardrums one of these days" I hear Kirishima say before I hang up. It's funny. She just gets so excited. After a few hours the door opens again. I'm making dinner so I peek out from the kitchen to see Hitoshi. He smiles at me. I return the smile. "Hey how was work?" I ask. "It was alright. Everyone kept asking me about you though apparently they haven't heard from you in a while" he says hugging me around my waist.

"Well I've been busy but if it makes you feel any better I did talk with Kirishima and Mina" I say. He looks up. "Really?" He asks. I nod. "Mina called me first though. She was very....
enthusiastic" I say. He laughs. "She was shouting through true phone wasn't she?" He says. I nod. "I love her but sometimes I need her to not attempt to break my eardrums" I say. He laughs again. "Oh yeah Sam drew an amazing picture at school today. Like it's not the kind of picture you see from a little kid it's an amazing drawing ask him to show you later" I say. He nods.

Hitoshi's POV
"Can I help you with dinner darling?" I ask. He shakes his head much to my dismay. He insisted on doing it by himself not matter how much I tried to get him to let me help. I finally gave up and went to sit down. I organized the bookshelf in the living room. After a while dinner was done and Denki called Sam downstairs. He came running downstairs with a paper in his hand and a huge smile on his face. "Dad!" He shouts. "Hey what's up?" I ask. "Look what I drew!" He shouts.

He shoves the paper at me. I take it and turn it over. I look at the picture and it's magnificent. Denki was right this is not the drawing of a kid. "Wow! This is amazing Sam" I say. His smile widens if that was even possible. "Alright let's go eat dinner or Papa might scold us both" I say. He lets out a little laugh. We get up and sit at the table. We all eat dinner together while talking. After dinner we all clean up. Sam goes up to his room and I look to Denki. "I got the phone and it's finished setting up so do we give it to him?" I ask. He smiles at me. "I think we should. Oh and we should put our numbers in his phone" He replies. I smile.

Sam just so happens to come down the stairs at that moment. "Hey Sam come here" I say. He comes over nervously and sits next to me. I hand him the box with the phone in it. He looks at me curiously. "Go ahead open it" I say. I watch as he carefully opens the box. His eyes light up with joy as he sees the phone. He looks up to me excitedly. "Thank you!" He says. He opens the phone and looks through it. This is probably the first time he's ever had a phone. "Are yours and Papas numbers in here already?" He asks. "Not yet" I say. He hands me the phone signaling for me to type my number in. I laugh and put my number in his phone and then Denki does the same. It's funny how excited he is. He is so much like Denki though.

Hey everyone!! I'm sorry this chapter was so late. There's just a lot going on in my life right now. Thank you to those who have been so patient with me and waited. I hope you all are having a great day/night!

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