Denki's Mom

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Denki's POV
After visiting Aizawa and Mic, Hitoshi, Sam and I go home. We just hang out for the rest of the day and the eat dinner and go to sleep. I wake up around 9 am the next day to Toshi playing with my hair. I just lay there and let him play with it. It feels nice and comforting especially since one of his arms is around me. I snuggle into his chest. He laughs a little. "You awake Darling?" He asks. I nod. I just lay there on his chest and he continues to play with my hair for a little while longer. Finally we get up  and make breakfast. I walk into Sam's room. "Hey you awake?" I ask as I see him turn over.

"Mm yeah" he says. I laugh at his tired state. He just looks so cute. "You want some breakfast?" I ask. He sits up and stretches. Then he yawns before finally answering. "Yeah" he says. "Let's go then Toshi made breakfast" I say. He runs up to me and holds my hand and we both walk downstairs. We get there just as Hitoshi is setting a few plates on the table for us. After breakfast we watch tv for a bit before I go and get ready for the day. We call Aizawa to see if they can watch Sam for a bit. He agreed.

At 11am we went to Aizawa's house. They opened the door. They took Sam and we left for my parents house. My parents caused me so real emotional damage as a child. The things they said to me the neglect that I experienced and more. It caused so much emotional damage and I received a lot of physical damage from my father. It wasn't permanent of course but I received that damage because of things that I couldn't control.

The ride to my parents house was quiet. I was lost on thought and Toshi knew that I needed that time to think so he just focused on the road. We arrived at the house. We sat in the car for a few moments before stepping out. I closed my car door and began the walk up to the door. Hitoshi came and help my hand. I had a feeling that this was going to end in a fight. I raise my hand a knock on the door. A few moments go by and a woman opens the door.

I recognize this woman as the one who raised me,my mother. "Hey..." I say. She looks at me realizing who it is. "Denki...?"She says. I nod. She seems different somehow. She seems more.....kind. She goes and hugs me. I'm not exactly sure how to respond to this as she hasn't hugged me since I was like 5. After a few moments I hug her back. Hitoshi looks at me concerned. I give him a gentle smile to let him know I'm okay. My mom pulls away and looks at me.

"Oh I've missed you Denki. I know apologizing won't fix what I did to you as a child and it won't make you forgive me but I'm sorry for all that I did and I know I can never fix that but please give me a chance" she says. I'm a little stunned. I look at Hitoshi and then back at her. "Mom how about this? We'll take you to meet someone and if you treat him right I'll give you a chance at being in my life again" I say. She nods.

I watch as tears start to stream down her face. "Where's father?" I ask. "He's inside" she says. I nod. "Who's at the door?" I hear an angry voice yell. I know from his voice alone that he hasn't changed. "We'll come get you later to meet someone just tell dad that you're going out with friends okay?" I say. She nods. We leave. I get in the car and sigh in relief. "She seems like she's changed but I don't want her back in my life if she's going to hurt our kids. We're going to let her meet Sam and if she does anything then she's not allowed back into my life okay?" I say.

Hitoshi nods and grabs my hand. He gives it a gentle squeeze to comfort me. Then we drive back to Aizawa's house and pick up Sam. Sam gets into the car and we wave Aizawa and Mic goodbye. "Hey Sam. We want you to try meeting my mother but if she does anything to you physically or verbally please tell us I can't stand you being hurt like that and not knowing" I say. "Okay I will" he says. I smile. We get home and walk inside.

Shinso's POV
Denki seems nervous about this and he has every right to be. He wants his mom in his life but he's not willing to risk his family's safety over the want to have her in his life. We know this might not be the best idea but we know that Sam can handle himself and if he needs us we'll be there. An hour or so goes by and I go and pick up Denki's mom while he helps Sam get ready for anything that could happen.

I arrive back home and unlock the door letting her go in first. "You have a wonderful home" she remarks. "Thank you" I say politely. "Denki will be down in a few moments so if you want to sit on the couch and wait for them that's fine" I say. She nods. "Would you like something to drink while you wait?" I ask. "No I'm fine but thank you" she says with a smile. She really seems like she's changed but I can't fully trust her, not yet at least. I walk upstairs and find Denki and Sam sitting in Sam's room talking.

I knock on the doorframe lightly. Denki looks up and sees me. He smiles his beautiful smile at me. "Okay Sam you ready?" Denki asks. He looks up and nods with a smile. "Okay let's go kid" I say sounding way too much like my father. He runs up to me and grabs my hand. I walk down the stairs with Sam, and Denki following close behind us.

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