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Denki's POV
We let my mom have an hour with Sam and I was nervous the entire time. I was in our bedroom with Hitoshi and he could tell I was nervous. "Wh-what if she's doing something bad to him? What if he needs my help? What if-" I say rambling. I stop feeling two arms wrap around me. I lean into the touch. "It's going to be okay. He agreed to this. He wants to meet her. I too hope nothing bad is happening but we'll be able to go see him soon okay?" He says. I nod. I relax as I'm pulled backwards into his chest.

After an hour I walk downstairs. I see Sam and he seems happy. I go up to him. He sees me. "Denki!" He shouts. He seems truly happy. I hope this means that my mom can be in our life. We'll start with limited contact if that's the case. I look down at Sam who's hugging me. "Sam can we talk in the other room for a moment?" I ask. He nods. Hitoshi stays with my mom. We get to the kitchen and I talk quietly. "Did she hurt you? Did she make you feel bad about anything? Did she try to blame things on you that weren't your fault? Did she make you feel worthless? Or anything like that?" I ask checking him over for any physical injuries.

"No she's really nice" he says with a smile. "Okay. If you say so. Because of the experiences that I had in my childhood we will start with limited contact with her understand? Which means that we won't talk to or see her as much as we do Hitoshi's parents" I say. He nods. I smile and we walk back into the living room. "Hey guys" I say as we enter the room. I see my mom with a picture book. "Wait he did that?!" I hear Toshi's voice say. I see him looking at the book with my mom. "Yeah he stuck his finger into the outlet because he was a toddler still and then accidentally used his quirk shutting off the power in the house for 2 whole days" she explains. "Mom" I say feeling embarrassed. "Oh hey Denki" She says with a smile.

She closes the book. "Can we talk for a moment?" I ask. She nods. We walk to the kitchen. "So it seems like you truly have changed but I do want to have limited contact for now okay? So texting or calling once a month and on holidays and birthdays" I say. She nods. "Okay I understand. I know I did a lot of terrible things to you when you were a kid emotionally" she says. I nod. "Hitoshi will take you back home once you're ready" I say. She nods and walks away with a smile. I follow her to the living room. "Hey Sam I'm going to go back to my house but I'll see you soon hopefully" she says.

"Okay!" He shouts. I wave goodbye and Hitoshi takes her home. A little while later Hitoshi comes back. After the events of the day I feel emotionally drained. Hitoshi comes home and I walk up to him and hug him. "Hey Darling you okay?" He asks. I nod. "C-can i jump up? Like into your arms?" I ask. He smiles softly at me. "Of course. You know I'll carry you anytime" he says. I feel a pair of arms lifting me up and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. I lay my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck. "Recharge as much as you want okay?" He says. I nod.

Shinso's POV
I walk up the stairs with Denki hanging onto me like a koala. I smile at the love of my life. Then Sam comes running up to me. "Dad!! You're home!!" He shouts. I laugh. He's so much like Denki it's almost funny. I notice that he called me dad but I don't make a big deal out of it as to not embarrass him or anything. "Yeah I am. Did you have fun while she was here?" I ask. He nods. He then seems to notice Denki. "Why are you carrying Papa?" He asks. I smile. "He's had a long day so he just needs to recharge that's all. Don't worry too much he's alright" I say. He nods and smiles.

"Dad....uh will you read to me?" He asks shyly. I smile at him. "Of course" I say. We walk to his room and I sit down on the floor with Denki still clinging to me. He hands me a book and I begin to read. Soon enough he's fallen asleep next to me. He leans into my side. I put a bookmark in the book and then close it. I put it on his bedside table next to the lamp. I pick him up and set him down on his bed. I turn off the lamp and quietly leave the room. Denki seems to be asleep as well so I walk to our room.

I open the door to our room and walk in. I gently set him down on our bed. I take the covers of our bed and pull them over him. He turns on his side to get comfortable and curls up, well as far as he can at least. I take a shower and brush my teeth before making sure the house is locked up and turning off the light. I get in bed and Denki curls into me. I smile at him. I kiss his forehead and wrap my arms around him before falling asleep myself.

Hey everyone!!! Sorry I've been gone for so long. I'm trying to keep up with this story but it's hard when I'm trying to make sure I pass high school as well as all the worrying I do. I'm staying in a cabin because my dad decided he's too old for camping. Anyway I hope you are all doing well and taking care of yourselves. Have a great day/night!!!

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