The 10 year old child

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Denki's POV
A few days have gone by since all my friends came over and visited me. I also told them that I was pregnant and they were all very supportive which I'm thankful for. Hitoshi still has to go to work though. I've just been in the house alone and I get bored sometimes but there's nothing to do. I decide that today I'll just sit down and watch some tv. It's hard to sit still though mostly because I have ADHD. It's okay though I'm just bored. I walk around the house for a bit and decide to clean it up a bit.

I get up and do the dishes and then I put them all away. I walk upstairs to where the bedrooms are. I walk down the hall to the first empty one I see. Although it may be empty it can still get dirty. I go and vacuum the carpet and dust the shelves that are attached to the wall. I look around the room and I can imagine this being my child's room when they're a middle schooler or older. I don't know why I decide to imagine it that far in the future but I did.

I smile to myself. I walk to the next room. I see something shiny on the floor. "Hm? What's this?" I say to myself. I walk over to it and pick it up. It's a small jewel off of a necklace. "I don't own any jewelry though how would this have gotten here" I say. I sit on the floor and think for a few minutes. "The only jewelry I have is a ring but it has not jewels on it. Maybe the previous owners of the house had jewelry.....yeah that's it they had jewelry and a jewel just fell off" I say to myself. A thought crossed my mind that there could be someone in the house but I don't want to scare myself if it's nothing.

A few hours go by and I finish cleaning the 4 upstairs bedrooms including mine and Toshi's. I walk downstairs and decide to make dinner as it is almost time for Toshi to be home. Soon my husband walks through the door. The only thing is that I can tell it's not him. I play it off as if I know nothing. Hitoshi told me he would not be home until and hour later and this person's smell is different from Hitoshi's and I can tell that this person is a beta and an amateur. If they were going to come in here to try to do something they should have at least masked their smell so I don't notice right away. "Hey Toshi! How was work?" I say calmly as I finish dinner.

"Oh it was alright you know the usual work day" the person responds. I set the food on 2 plates and bring it to the table. "Excuse me a moment Toshi I have to use the bathroom" I say with a bright smile. "Oh okay well I'll be here when you get back" he says. I nod and walk normally to the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom I close the door and lock it. I go into the bathtub and close the curtain. I take out my phone and call Hitoshi. "Pick up pick up pick up" I say as I'm anxiously waiting for him to answer.

Not even a minute later he answers. "Hey Darling I'm on my way home now" he says. I calm down just a little bit. "Hey you coming down and time soon!" I hear the person shout from down the stairs. "Denks who was that?" Hitoshi asks a bit concerned. "Th-that's why I called you. You see a person walked inside our house and I had the door locked but I knew it wasn't you so I've just been playing it off and not letting the person know that I know they're not you. I'm currently in the bathroom calling you" I say trying not to cry. "Oh my god!! I'll be there as fast as I can" he says. "Okay I love you but I have to go just walk in when you get here like usual" I say. I hang up.

Shinso's POV
I get a call from Denki. I am concerned after the call. I'm now running home because my husband is in trouble and he needs me. I walk in to see the person slowly climbing the stairs. "Hey!!" I shout. They whip they're head around. When they see me they're eyes go wide. I angrily stomp towards them. "What do you think you are doing in my home with my husband huh?!" I say with anger slipping into my voice. I look this person over. This is an inexperienced child. "Are you a child?" I ask. The person let's go of their form and standing there is a kid who looks to be about 10 years old.

"Denki!!!" I shout. Denki comes running down the stairs and sees me with a child. He goes to the child first. "Hey where did you come from?" He asks kneeling down to the child's height. "I-I um I'm homeless and have been ever since my mom died I have proof if you want it" he says. "Proof would be nice just so we can confirm" Denki says in a soft comforting voice. The child leads us to a young lady with a pair of work clothes on. "Hey Sam! Who's this?" The young woman says. "Hey I'm Denki Kaminari also known as chargebolt he got into our house and he told us that he's been homeless since his mom died and we wanted proof just because of our experience with villains you understand?" Denki explained.

"As for me I'm underground hero mindjack" I say. "It's nice to meet you my name is Izumi I'm a friend of Sam here. I am Japanese but Sam was born in America and moved here a little over a year ago. His mom died a few months ago but I can't support him and myself so I had to leave him on the streets but I bring him food sometimes" Izumi explained. We both nodded. "Hey Sam come live with us for a few days until we can find out where to put you" Denki says. Sam nodded and Izumi thanked us. We left with Sam holding onto Denki's hand.

Hey everyone!! Sorry for not posting for so long. Honestly I didn't think anyone actually wanted to read this. Also thank you to Natsukikoyoma your one comment gave me a boost of motivation that made me want to write another chapter. I'm really thankful for all of you reading this. If you decide to leave comments on this story just know that I love seeing and reading them. Have a good day/afternoon/night!!! Remember to take care of yourselves!!! Byeeeeeeeee!!!

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