He wakes up

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Shinso's POV
I was at work when I got the call. My phone began to ring. I got up and walked out of the room to answer it. "Hello?" I say answering the phone. "S-Shinso" they say. It was Mina and she seemed incredibly upset and if she was calling me it probably had something to do with Denki. "What's going on Mina?" I ask. I try to  keep calm. "Denki he..." she starts. "It's okay Mina what happened?" I ask slightly concerned. "During our Mission the villian Denki was fighting shot him 4 times and he's been taken to ———— hospital" she says almost crying. "Oh my god I'm on my way" I say very concerned.

I ran out the door to go to the hospital. The others hadn't arrived at the hospital yet. I sat there and waited. Soon the doctor came out. "Denki Shinso" the doctor calls out. I stood up and she walked over to me. "Hello are you Denki's family" she asks. "I'm his husband" I respond. "So Denki is in critical condition he's been shot 4 times but both him and the baby are alright" she says. I stood there shocked. Baby?! I thought. I had no idea he was pregnant. I listened as she continued. "He's going to need surgery we need you to sign off on it and then after surgery you can go see him" she finishes. I nod.

I sign the papers and they take him into surgery. I sit there and wait. Soon the others arrive. "Hey Shinso!!" Mina yells running over to me. I turn around. "How is he?" She asks. "He's in critical condition but he's in surgery right now" I explain. They all nod showing they understand. They sit down and wait with me for as long as they can. It was hours. "Hey I'm really sorry guys but I have to get home to Izu and the kids" Bakugo says. I nod. "Okay we'll update you on what happens" Mina says. I nod agreeing with her. Soon Kirishima and Mina go home and I tell her I will text them with updates. Finally Sero had to leave too. I knew they would stay all night if they could. I waited.

Finally the doctor come out. "Hello sir" she says. I stand up. "He's stable we'll keep an eye on him throughout the night but you can stay with him as your his husband" she says. I nod. "Thank you" I say. She shows me to his room and I walk in. I walk over to his bed. He looks so peaceful sleeping. I sit down and hold his hand. I lean my head over the bed. The next morning I text the Bakusquad and let them know. They knew they couldn't come running. As much as they wanted to they had work to do. I called into my work and let them know that I would not be working until Denks is awake and going home. They all understood why.

2 weeks go by and Denki still hasn't woken up. I'm sitting in his room reading while holding his hand. As it gets dark I lay my head on his bed. The next morning I awake to someone touching my hair. I look up to see Denki awake. "D-Denki?!" I shout. I hug him tightly careful to not hurt him. "Hey it's okay. Also how long was I asleep?" He asks. "It's been 2 weeks Denks" I say. "W-what?!" He shouts. I just hug him. "Darling why didn't you tell me about...." I trail off. "About what?" He asks confused. "The baby" I say. He seems shocked. "The what?" He almost whispers. "The baby" I repeat. "I'm....pregnant?" He asks. "You didn't know?" I ask him. "No, yes I was feeling sick but I swear I didn't know I would've told you the minute I found out" he explains. I nod and smile at him. He smiles back.

"I guess we're having a baby" I say. He nods smiling. Soon the doctor comes in. She checks him and clears him to leave. We both leave the hospital and go back to our house. He goes inside and lays on the bed. "I'm so tired" he says. I lay down with him and begin to cuddle with him. He falls asleep. Soon it starts to get late so I get up careful not to wake him. I give him the pillow I was using to keep him asleep a little longer. I walk to the kitchen and start to make dinner. I'm almost done making dinner when I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I turn around.

I see a sleepy Denki. "Hey Darling" I say as I gently brush some hair out of his face. "Hey Toshi" he responds. I hug him tightly. Soon I let him go. He goes and sits down and watches me for a while. He has a blanket wrapped around him. Soon dinner is done. "Darling dinner is done do you want to go switch your blanket out for a hoodie?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Okay well how about I give you one with my scent on it?" I ask. He nods in agreement. I walk into our room and find a hoodie I've worn recently. I walk out and hand him the hoodie.

I put the blanket on the couch. We both sat down and began to eat dinner. We talked a little but not much as he was really tired and he couldn't fall asleep with out me or at least without my smell. He's been like that for a few weeks now which is probably since the beginning of the pregnancy. We soon got up and went to our room. He laid down and I put the blanket on him once again. I laid down with him and he fell asleep on my chest. I fell asleep right after he did.

Hello everyone so yes I know in reality if you had been shot you wouldn't get out of the hospital right after waking up. This is a fanfiction so I can make this as unrealistic as I want as the author. I still want it to be somewhat real so it won't be too unrealistic. Anyway have a great day/night! Byeeee!

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