When you meet his family: donatello

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You were in your science lab working on a project for school. You were getting frustrated because you couldn't find one of the ingredients. Suddenly the door opened and Donnie walked in. "Hi (y/n)! watcha working on?" He asked. "Ugh, it's a science experiment for school but..." You start to explain. "But what?" He asks "I don't have the most important ingredient!" You say. "And what ingredient might that be?" He asks reaching into his bag. "Jelly beans" you say. He pulls out a jar of jelly beans and gives them to you "these were going to be for Leo but you need them more." He said "THANKS! But um who is Leo?" You ask putting the jelly beans in. Suddenly there was a loud bang and Donnie got covered in dust. You try not to giggle, but you just had to get it out. "Ha ha ha very funny. Leo is one of my brothers. Hey that just reminded me I was going to take you to meet my family today. Let's go!" He says "ok then." You say. You follow Donnie out the door and onto the road. "Just down here and we will be there." He said as he lifted a manhole. "In the sewers!" You say sarcastically as you jumped down. "Where else are we supposed to stay?" He says back. You giggle then walk into a big room with 3 turtles and a rat in it. "Hi!" You say. "This is (y/n), the girl I was telling you guys about." "Which one is Leo?" You ask. He points at the one with the blue bandana. "Hi," Leo says. "And the others?" You ask. "This is Raph." He says pointing to the one with the red bandana. "And .... Mikey" he says pointing at the one with a massive grin and an orange bandana. He takes you into the lab to show you some of his things and let's just say, you were AMAZED!

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