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Hello my fellow readers! A while it has been! I just want to say thank you for the constant support I get on this story! I've looked at the stats, and there are loads of you from everywhere in the world, Mexico, Canada, UK, Turkey, Denmark and loads of other places! I can't believe that people from all over the world like my scenarios! I'm from England, comment where you are from! I want to give an extra special thanks to you guys, so here is an extra bonus chapter for in the future!


You have passed college, and now work in a bakery, where you make and sell cupcakes. You have a daughter called Athena, who is in fact, a turtle. Not just any ordinary turtle though! A mutant turtle! Her father is a turtle as well! She is 4 months old. She had an incredibly late arrival as she was stuck in an awkward position in the womb. So the birth was held back by a few months. The father of this child could only just make it at birth. He went to the college of martial arts and ninjitsu with his three brothers. You haven't seen him in 2 years and it's been crazy. Now, you just wait for those doors to open and watch him waltz in. But it hasn't happened. Yet. So, today is just another day at the bakery. You were in the kitchen making some muffins, whilst trying to entertain Athena. There was a jingle at the door, so You dusted your hands off and picked Athena up. You kicked open the door and went to the counter.
"Hello, what can I get you?" You asked.
"Hello (y/n)," A familiar voice said. You looked up.
"Leo!" You smiled. You came round and sat Athena by the till. You gave Leo a massive hug and he swung you around.
"Athena!" Leo smiled. Athena cooed and clapped, obviously delighted to see her dada. He picked her up and blew a raspberry on her stomach. They were both wearing their humanizers.
"She's beautiful," Leo smiled.
"I know," You replied. A girl walked in and stood beside Leo.
"Hey babe," she said. You raised your brow, wandering who she was talking to.
"Oh, hey Lillia," Leo mumbled.
"Who's this?" You asked.
"I'm his girlfriend," She smirked.
"No, your not! How many times do we need to go through this?"
"WHAT?" You shouted.
"Yeah, sorry girl, this man is taken," Lillia or whatever her name was said.
"Yeah, by me!"
"As if, you're just a baker, we are masters of ninjutsu, and we spent 2 years together, so back off my man!" She growled.
"Your man?" You laughed. "I seem to recall spending what, 4, 5 years of my life with Leo, then, we had sex and had this beautiful baby!"
"Well, he's moved on. Your just a sad teen mom looking for help,"
"OKAY, THAT IS IT!" Leo shouted as Athena started wailing. "Lillia, how many times do I have to tell you? We have never been together and never will! y/n here is my girlfriend, and this is my daughter! I tutored you in college because you were too bad to fit in! All I ever was, was your tutor!"
You started laughing at Lillia as she looked at us in shock.
"Like I said, he's taken, by me." Lillia charged at you, flipping over the counter. Little did she know, that you studied all kinds of things at college, including ninjutsu, plus you also have the knowledge from what Leo taught you. You blocked all her punches and kicks, throwing in a few yourself. When she finally gave up, she glared at you.
"Guess you really didn't pay attention to any of the lessons then?" You said.
"You got good moves y/n. Well done," she said. You looked back, shocked at the sudden niceness in her voice.
"Uh, thanks, Leo taught me and I learnt some in college too," I said.
"Well, I'll be on my way, see you around Leo, sorry," She smiled.
"It's okay, bye," Leo said.
"Bye," I waved.
"Impressive," Leo smirked. I dusted my hands and chuckled. "When do you get off?"
"In five minutes," I said, looking at my watch.
"Well, I'll be waiting," Leo said as he sat down and another customer came in.


You had been a single mother for 2 years now. Raph, Danny's, Rose's and Emma's father, had been at his own college. You were angered by this, but you understood. All Raph wanted was a real life. To fit in. You were sitting in your apartment, watching TV whilst the triplets slept. Suddenly there was a loud shouting outside the door.
"I TOLD YOU TO STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND." A male voice shouted. Danny woke up and started wailing.
"Please babe!" A female voice spoke.
"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME BABE! IT WAS ONE NIGHT AND WE BARELY DID ANYTHING!" The male voice came again. This time, the girls woke up. Your blood boiled, you had only just put them to sleep. You turned the TV off, and scooped up Emma and Rose, carrying Danny in his portable chair. You kicked the door open and stared angrily at the two people.
"Y- y/n?" The male voice came. He stepped further into the corridor and you saw it was RAPH! Behind him was Mona Lisa. Your eyes widened, remembering what he said.
"You, uh... you cheated on me? With her?" You said, whispering harshly. Raph leaned forward to take Emma, but you pulled her away.
"No." Raph said.
"Yes." Mona said at the same time.
"Raph?" You asked, glaring at Mona.
"No. I spent time with her in the evenings to learn how to be a better Dad. One night, we were learning about pacifiers, and she made a move on me. She kissed me and I ran away then didn't come back for any more lessons. Since then she has been following me around and I'm sick of it." Mona rolled her eyes. You knew Raph, and you knew he was telling the truth. You smiled and handed Emma over to him. "I've missed you so much!" You smiled, putting Danny down and giving Raph a hug. You shared a passionate kiss and smiled.
"You're the worst Mom ever." Mona scoffed. You looked over and saw that she had Danny in her arms. A terrifying sense of fear crept into your stomach.
"Give my son back. Now." You growled, your blood boiling again. You saw Raph going red next to you.
"Mona, I'm warning you. If you don't give him back now, I'll-" He started, but she was already running down the corridor. You put Rose in Raph's arms and ran after the bitch. You had been training every day, mainly running so you were able to catch up with her pretty quickly. You grabbed the back of her pink bandana and stopped her running. You kept hold of her and was about to attack when "ah, ah, ah!" Mona giggled.
"What?" You growled.
"You hurt me, I hurt your baby!" She whispered in a cool snarling voice.
"You wouldn't." You snapped.
"But I would!" She giggled, then got a pocket knife out and made a little cut on his hand. "Do you want me to carry on?" She snickered as Danny started crying more.
"NO! H- how about we make a little wager, yeah? I'll do whatever you want for Danny!" You gasped. You hated this- showing weakness. But he's your child, you are his mother! You would do anything for him.
"Kiss. my. boot." She said.
"What?" You asked.
"Kiss my boot!" She giggled again. You just wished you could rip out her vocal chords so you'd never have to hear that stupid giggle again. You got down on your hands and knees and kissed each one of her boots. You felt like a fool, but anything- ANYTHING, for your kid. You got back up and she handed you Danny.
"Now get away and I don't want to see you EVER again. EVER!"
"Okay honey. BYE RAPHIE!" She called and waltzed away. Stupid bitch.

Hey everyone! I hope you liked these two little bonus scenarios. A Donnie one and a Mikey one may be coming out soon so keep your eyes peeled!

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