When you have a baby shower: raph

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You screamed. Your water had broke. "Guys I know this might sound crazy, but the baby is coming!" He breathed. Everyone just stared at you. "WELL DONT JUST STARE DO SOMETHINGS!" You shouted "ok, guys my mum is a midwife, I know what to do!" Ollie said surprisingly. "Everyone evacuate, apart from the ones who live here, and then someone phone your boyfriends!" Ollie said. Everyone did as they were told, and Leo's girlfriend phoned he guys. "(D/g) get some towels, and (m/g), get lots of water! (Y/n) just relax," he said calmly "I- need Raphael!" You panted. "He will be here any minute now!" He said taking the towels and setting them on the floor, then lay you down. "Guys the guys aren't answering!" (L/g) said worried. "I need the turtles here please don't linger, so make them appear here in a click of a finger!" He said waving your hand, then they all appeared. "What the-" AAHHHHHHHH! You screamed cutting Leo off. "Raph (y/n) is having your baby!" Ollie said. "What but there is still another three months to go!" Raph said. "YEAH WELL THEY ARE COMING NOW RAPHAEL, SO HOLD MY HAND AND GET PREPARED FOR YOU LOSS!" You screamed making Raph looked confused as he held your hand. "Here let me help," Donnie said to Ollie, and kneeled down next to him. They took your jeans and panties off, and told you to breath. Then Ollie said, "Ready on the count of three push, 123..." And you pushed, squeezing Raphs hand, "WHY DOES HER GIVING BIRTH HURT ME?" He shouted, then finally the pain was over, and you heard a little crying noise. "It's a little girl!" Ollie said, and was about to give to you, then you screamed, "THERES ANOTHER ONE COMING!" And you pushed, and Raph screamed "OH DEAR LORD!" Then you heard another crying noise, and you saw Donnie holding a little baby boy. "Oh my god... There's 3!" You said going into pain. This time Raph gave you his mask to bite, and he delivered the 3rd. This one was a little baby girl. They were all wrapped in blankets, 1 pink, 1 blue and 1 lime green. "Have you guys thought about names?" Leo asked. "No not yet, we will have to think," you smiled cradling three baby's in your arms. You heard a little sobbing and looked at Raph. He was crying in happiness. "Would you like to hold one?" You asked, and he nodded and took the one in lime green. "Thanks so much Ollie! I am so glad you were here, I probably would have just freaked out and fainted!" You smiled. "No probs, anything for my best friend!" He winked, and Raph rolled his eyes. There's was a moments silence, while everyone watched the new born babies, and then Mikey asked the question you were hoping they wouldn't ask, "Um... (Y/n), how did you get us all here so quickly?"

Three babies! Bet that took you all by surprise! I can't think of any names, so I need you to comment, and three I like best I will use! So remember,bet, 1 boy, 2 girls!

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