moving in: raphael

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after a massive beating by your parents, you limp out of the house and down the sewers to the lair. when raph sees you he drops his glass of water and his potato chips. "(y/n)! what happened? was it those stupid purple dragons? spider bytze? baxter stockman? foot clan? krang? tiger claw? SHREDDER?" Raph shouts at you picking you up and putting you on the couch. you shake your head at every single villain he says. "who did this to you then?" he asks. "parents." you whisper tearing up. you slowly lift up your arm and wipe the tears away. "PARENTS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! THATS IT, YOU ARE MOVING IN HERE!" Raph shouts. you smirk and gently nod your head. "dont move a muscle. you will only hurt yourself more... by the way were you crying?" he asks. "pfft! what! no! me crying! you must have been seeing things" you lie. raph smirks and rolls his eyes "whatever." he whispers as he pressed the button on his watch and turned himself into a human. " where are you going exactly?" you ask. "if you are gonna live here you are gonna need your stuff. also i want to teach your parents a lesson!" he says rolling his jumper sleeves up. you smirk and say "go on then tough boy. go show them what raph does when he gets angry!" you chuckle. raph walks off nodding his head. about an hour later raph comes back and finds that you are not on the couch anymore. he goes into his room and chucks you stuff over to the wall. you arent there either. he walks into the training room and finds you there punching the punching bag. "I thought I told you not to move" he said. You roll your eyes and carry on punching.

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