when you start a fight: leonardo

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"uh oh," you hear leo whisper. "what have you done?" you ask him. he jumps when he sees you then puts someting behind his back. "i said what did you do?" you snap. still not talking, leo pulls something out from behind his back. it was the only picture you had of your family and you. ripped into 2. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" you shout taking it away from him. "i am really sorry i really am!" leo wimpers. "YOU SHOULD BE SORRY! THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH ANYTHING OF MINE!" you screech. "YOU DONT TRUST ME DO YOU?" leo shouted back. "NO I DONT TRUST YOU! WhAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM AN UGLY MUTANT TURTLE!" you are steaming. "DID YOU JUST CALL ME UGLY? OH THATS IT!" leo was also steaming now. "YES I DID BLOODY WELL CALL YOU UGLY! WHAT WAS I THINKING WHEN I SAID YES TO YOU! WHY WOULD SOMEONE EVER WANT TO DATE SOMEONE AS UGLY, AS ANNOYING AND AS SELFISH AS YOU LEONARDO HAMATO!" you scream without thinking. leo started tearing up and was hurt about what you said about him. you storm out of the lair and unlock the front door of your old home. you rush upstairs and run into your room. you smash every picture you had of leo then run into your mum and dads old room. you flop down on their bed andcry. it smelt sooo much of your mums perfume. you cry and cry and cry until you fall gently asleep.

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