When you see your parents again: Leonardo

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you were stopping by at your old house, to pick up a few old bits and bobs, when you saw a light in the living room window. "huh?" You said to yourself, then quietly let yourself in. You creeped down the hallway and peeped your head round the door, and there was.... Your parents?!? "m-mum, dad, what are you doing here you both ran off without me?" You angrily whispered. "um sweetie! Well um this is what happened, um- you were never meant to happen." Your dad said quickly. You wanted to scream as you were mad, but you also wanted to cry because you were sad. But you did neither. "e- excuse me for a second." You sniffled then walked out slowly. When you were out of sight, you got your phone out and called Leo. "hey babes what's up?" He asked always knowing that you said 'the sky'. "come over to my old house... NOW!" You whisper-yelled. "wish this must be urgent you didn't say the sky- on my way now babe see you In a sec," Leo said then hung up. You opened the front door and waited for Leo. When he arrived you put your finger over your lips to signal, be quiet. "what's happened?" Leo asked. " tears swelled in your eyes and you just started mumbling, Leo not being able to understand a word you are saying. "what?" Leo asked then you took his hand and walked into the living room. "this is why i called you. My parents are here." You shouted, and got really angry. "listen (y/n) we didn't want you to know do we ran off! We are so sorry, we saw you go to your boyfriend, and didn't come back, so we just came here, and we have been living here for a while and-" there was a noise upstairs, that sounded like a baby crying. "we had a little baby boy," you mum finished and smiled, hopefully hoping that she and your father were innocent. "YOU THINK, THAT JUST BECAUSE YOU HAD A BABY WILL MAKE YOU ALL INNOCENT?? YOU THINK THAT I AM GONNA BE PROUD OF YOU EVEN THOUGH YOU JUST TOLD ME I WAS AN ACCIDENT! WELL THINK AGAIN SISTER, COS YOU ARE WRONG! I- I CANT BELIEVE THIS! YOU DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE ME THEN YOU HAD ANOTHER BABY WITHOUT ME KNOWING!! YOU ARE THE WORST PARENTS IN THE WORLD!" You shouted, and let all the anger out. "wait- you told this beautiful young lady, this one with the beautiful blue eyes, and long black wavy hair, and a smile that when you look at, makes your day- that she was an accident, then went and had another baby?" Leo shouted turning red. "w- we..." Your parents said speechless. "I am calling the police, this is child abuse, first of all lying to your child, then running away and leaving your child all alone, then telling her she was an accident then having another baby!" You cried getting your phone out. Your parents didn't do anything, they just looked down in shame. "what about the baby?" Your mum asked. "huh?" Leo asked. "what about the baby? Where will the baby go when we go to prison?" Said your mum. "well he will go to the orphanage I expect,? You shrugged. So you called the police, and they came to your house and took your parents away, then you and Leo went upstairs to see the baby. "he's beautiful!" You whispered tears welling. Leo put his strong arms around you making you feel protected. "when can we have one?" You asked. Leo froze, then looked down. He had gone cold. "well I dunno, whenever your ready I guess," Leo answered smiling. You took the baby in your arms and out of the house. You walked down a couple of blocks, and then found a house, where you knew a jolly couple lived. You put the baby on the door step, rang the doorbell, then ran around the corner and watched, as the lovely couple, cried and laughed as they took the beautiful baby in. "well that's that dealt with," you snuffled. "you ok?" Leo asked rubbing your arms. "yeah- my parents and I rarely ever got along anyways," you smiled, then let yourself into Leos arms. "do you wanna go and try to make a baby?" Leo asked, then you looked up. "yeah- why not?" You smiled and walked off.

So this was just a one chapter for Leo, and the baby thing leads on to the next 4 chapters...

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