When he saves your life: Michelangelo

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you and Mikey were out in the woods going for a walk. "this is b-" "beautiful I know!" You interrupted Mikey. "I was meant to say boring." Mikey moaned and stopped walking and slumped down on the foot of a tree. "come on Mikey there is loads to see! There a deer's, stags, woodlouse and-" "bears?" Mikey interrupted you in a quivery voice. "yeah!"You smiled. "NO BEARS!" Mikey said pointing behind you. You turned around to see 4 or 5 bears stood behind you with their teeth showing and their claws curving. "Mikey," "yeah.." "RUN!" You yelled and Mikey and you started running away. You saw the bears start to chase you, and you fell over a stump. The bear swept you up off you feet into it's claws. This bear looked like the boss. "(Y/n)!" Mikey yelled. "Mikey! Help!" You screamed as the Bears started taking you away. You were wriggling around in the Bears paws, and he took it as an attack, and scratched your back, you felt the blood trickling down. You cringed with pain but didn't say a word. "Where are you Mikey," you said to yourself. The Bears walked into the cave , and the bear that was holding you put you into a giant saucepan. "What the?" You sa d then suddenly heard a big roar of pain. The saucepan you were in toppled over and you saw Mikey there with a big scratch going across his face. "Mikey!!!! You saved me! I thought that bear was going to eat me! What happened to your face?" You asked hugging Mikey. "Don't worry about me I am fun and Aww it was nothing!" Mikey smiled and picked you up and took you back to the lair.

Ok so my imagination ran a bit wild in this chapter....

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