The Fight

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A day had passed since the losers had got into a big fight. The fight basically started because of one of Richies stupid ass jokes. Richie made this joke since Eddie and him had start saying rude stuff to each other. He had gone a little far this time and said something really rude to Eddie. Richie obviously didn't really mean what he said but honestly the losers sometimes couldn't tell if Richie was joking or not.

Richie's pov:
I basically got almost no sleep last night. I can't stop thinking about my stupid joke I made. Why couldn't anyone tell it was a FUCKING JOKE? It's not even my fault it's fucking Eddies since he was being rude before I said that. I hear the phone ring from downstairs. No one else is home so I guess I should pick it up incase there is an emergency. I run downstairs and pick up the phone. "Umm hello?" I say "Richie" I hear a familiar female voice answer. "Ugh what now Bev?" I respond. "Richie I really need you to apologize. Our whole friend group is broken up! Half of us is on Eddie's side and half of us is on your side. Richie pl-" I cut her off "no fucking way im apologizing. I won't until Eddie does." I respond. "Richie I know it's not all your fault but please just apologize first this one time!" She responds. I feel guilty but not enough to apologize for something that's not even my fault. "Fuck you Beverly." I say as I hung up

Beverly's pov:
Before I respond to Richie I realize he hung up. Stan looks at me. "Stan I think you should ask him to apologize he likes you better." I say. "Beverly I think Richie is mad at me right now." he says. "Why do you think that? You're on his side right?" I say. "I was on his side until I talked to Eddie today." Stan says making sure to not make eye contact with me. "WHAT THE FUCK STAN? You know we're not supposed to talk to anyone on Eddie's side ESPECIALLY EDDIE ,but tell me what Eddie said." I say giggling the last part. Stan looks at me and giggles. "Eddie told me that he called Richie a 'fucking faggot' that day ;then Richie got really offended and said that mean joke." Stan explains. "Oh" I say. "I might go on Eddie's side, but that was rude of Eddie to say. Still Richie went to far with what he said." I say. "WAIT! You said Richie is mad at you so did Richie find out you guys talked to each other or what?" I say with confusion in my voice. "Yeah so basically I went to Richies house after I went to Eddie's and Richie told me I smelt like Eddie. It didn't take Richie long to get the truth out of me." Stan says giggling a bit. I start bursting out laughing. "WAIT HE RECOGNIZED EDDIES SMELL?" I say while laughing. Stan starts laughing too. "YEAH! I swear Richies in love with Eddie or something" he says as a joke while we laugh.

Bill's pov:
Me and Mike basically spent almost the whole day together. We were so bored especially since our whole group broke up. "Hey Bill let's try and talk Eddie into apologizing to Richie so this bullshit can be over with." Mike says. "O-Oh okay that's a good I-Idea" I respond. "Let's go then." Mike says. "Ok l-lets go!" I say as we start walking to Eddie's house.

Ben's pov:
Back to the books I guess! I start walking to the library while thinking about what happened. My whole friend group split into 2. Bill, Mike and Eddie on one side ; Beverly, Stan, and Richie on the other. I personally didn't choose a side. Most of the group didn't even hear the fight happening between Richie and Eddie until Richie said that joke. I just don't want to pick a side. If I had to I would have no idea which one to pick. I look up from my feet and realize I'm at the library. I guess this is how I'm gonna spend the rest of the summer.

Eddie pov:
I can't stop fucking crying. I'm such a fucking cry baby. What even started that fight between me and Richie?We were talking about who was more gay and I started calling him a fairy. When I called him a fag he got so fucking annoyed for some reason! We where literally just joking and he HAD to say something really rude! Stan came to my house earlier and he told me that Richie was just joking. I think Stan's just trying to get our friendship to go back to normal. I don't know if I want to forgive Richie for saying that. I hear a knock on the door. Oh fuck who is it now? Since my mom was working today I went to go answer the door. To my surprise it was Bill and Mike. "F-Fuck Eddie you look like shit." Bill says to me with surprise in his face.

868 words
Sorry for short part it's really hard to start a story😓

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