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Richie pov:
"So what are we going to do today?" Connor ask me. "Didn't you say we're going to play street fighter?" I asked him. "yeah but we can't do that all day! Where are we even going to get the money?" He ask me. "steal it" I simply respond. Connor looks at me. "From who?" He ask me. "Parents duh" I say. Connor rolls his eyes. "what is there to do here even?" Connor ask me. "Fuck moms." I say. "shut up." He replies. "Besides that there's nothing to do here. Derry is a shitty ass town get use to it." I tell to Connor. "I'm going to go change." I say to him. "oh. should I go home to get a change of clothes?" Connor ask me in a sad tone. "No it's fine, If you really want to change your clothes I guess you could borrow some of my clothes... but you better not get them dirty!" I tell to Connor. "Thanks Richie!" He replies as we run up to my room. We go to my closet and look at all my shirts. "jeez Richie how many Hawaiian shirts do you have?" Connor ask as he looks at my collection. "every time me and your mom have sex I get a Hawaiian shirt." I say to Connor as he looks at me annoyed. "what shirt do you want to wear?" I ask him. Connor takes a good look at all the clothing options. He decides to settle on a plain white shirt. "you have no good shirt options." He says to me. "Shut up." I say to him. I look in my closet for my options. "where the fuck is it?" I ask outloud to myself. "Where's what?" He ask me. "I have this shirt that says 'freeses' and I can't find it!" I yell annoyed. "your probably not looking hard enough." Connor says as he change his shirt. "ughhhh... wait a second" I say remembering something. "Eddie borrowed it and never gave it back!" I say mad. "that little fucker!" I say kinda talking to myself. "I'll just wear my fucking grey shirt I guess." I say as I grab the grey shirt.

Eddie pov:
I knock on Bens door. I stand still for a while until someone opened the door. It ended up being Mike so I'm pretty sure I guessed right. "EDDIE?" Mike yells in surprise. I can hear other people get up from the floor and run up to the door. Beverly runs out the door. "I'm so sorry about last night!" She says to me. I can tell she trying to us mind tricks but it honestly doesn't mind me to much. "It's fine I was just really annoyed." I say in response. "I need to tell you guys something." I say blankly so they don't freak out or anything . "can you tell us inside?" Ben ask. I walk inside and look at all the blankets on the floor. On the floor I can see Bill and Stanley still sleeping. "how long have they been sleeping for?" I ask them. "I'm not sure." Ben replies. "Probably for like 11 hours." Beverly responds. "I slept for so long." Beverly tells me. "but you called me late at night?" I respond. "First off it wasn't even that late. Second off I took a lot nap before calling you. "oh ok." I say. "How much sleep did you get?" Mike ask me. "Idk probably 8 hours." I say to them. "You guys should draw on their faces." I say pointing to Bill and Stan. "that would be really funny but Richie is usually the one who draws on people's faces." Mike tells me. "yeah it would honestly be sad to do that with no Richie here." Beverly admits to us. "Ok guys let's stop the small talk! What did you have to tell us Eddie?" Ben ask us. "What I wanted to say was that today is the day I'm either gonna apologize to Richie or not be friends with him anymore." I tell them. "oh" Beverly says. "How big of a chance are you gonna unfriend him?" Mike ask me. "It depends if he's acting like an Asshole today." I tell them. "Do you want us to help you?" Ben ask me. "Kinda... Im not sure if you guys are the best helpers but your kinda all I got.." I say to them. "Hey that's mean!" Beverly says to me as a joke. Suddenly Stanley wakes up. He sits up from the floor and rubs his eyes. "good morning gu-" before he can finish he sees me. "what the fuck? Why is Eddie here?!" He asks in surprise. "we're making a new plan! Eddie is either gonna apologize or not be friend with Richie."Beverly blurts out. Stanley looks confused and than says "wha- WHAT?" with surprise in his voice at the end. "yeah. It's probably gonna be crazy" I say to him. "we need to wake Bill!" Stan says as he starts to shake Bill to wake up

Connor pov:
"Ok stay here while I get the money!" Richie tells me as he leave the room. I make sure he leaves all the way before I decide to stand up from his bed. If I'm gonna stay with Richie for a while I guess I should look around his room, you know to make sure he's not like a killer or something... I check on the floor and see the clothes on the ground. Jeez who does his laundry? Richies homes life seems like it sucks a bit to be honest. I go down on my knees and decide I'm going to look under his bed. I go and grab something from under there and grab something. what is this? I pull it out and see it's a photo book. He has a camera? I ask myself confused. I look at the cover and the book has written on it "Derry". The color of the book is in a plain white and it looks boring. I decide to open it up even though I'm pretty sure it's photo of him when he was a kid. I look inside and I see photos of Richie that I assume was from a few years ago. I flip the page and see a photo of him and I'm guessing Eddie but younger. jeez Richie hasn't changed one bit. I go and look at another photo and it's a photo of Richie with 3 other guys. I can identify one of them as Eddie but I'm not quite sure who the other are. Im pretty sure they are the people me and Richie saw yesterday. I decide to skip a few pages since I wanted to see if he used this book recently. I see a title card that had the words 'Summer of 89' written on it. just what I'm looking for! I flip to the pictures and I can easy identify that it's his friends. I flip a few pages and I see more photos. There are a lot of Eddie in there for some reason. "That's kinda creepy" I think to myself. I flip more pages just to find more photos of Eddie. "What the fuck? how many picture of Eddie does he have?" I ask myself. "CONNOR!" Richie yells as he runs to me. He quickly snatches the book. I can tell by the look of his face Richie is obviously embarrassed and angry. "how much did you see?" Richie ask. "I just flipped to the page of this summer."I tell him. Richie blushes a bit "We should hang out with them." I say to him. "huh" Richie says confused. "Your friends... we should hang out with them." I tell Richie. "oh.. No remember what I told you!" Richie tells me. "I got a question.." I say to Richie. "yeah?" Richie ask as he looks at me with fear holding the book very tight. I breath in before asking him this question. "do you have a crush on Eddie?" I ask him.

Stan pov:
Bill opens his eyes and looks confused. "Wh-hats wrong?" He ask me confused and concerned. "Eddie here." I say softly. "W-WHAT?" He ask as he pushes himself off the floor. He searches around the room and instantly spots Eddie. "W-WHY ARE YOU H-H-HERE?" Bill ask confused. "calm down Bill! He's here because he's gonna apologize to Richie!" Beverly tells Bill. "I never said that! I MIGHT apologize to Richie BUT I also might stop being his friend!" Eddie corrects Bev. "same thing.." she says quietly to herself. "oh" Bill says. "Y-You should a-apologize to R-Rich. H-He misses you a-a lot." Bill tells Eddie. "yeah but he obviously doesn't miss me to much. I mean he was acting like such an asshole when I tried to apologize. Plus he replaced me." Eddie tells us. "replaced you?" I asked confused. "yeah you know Richies new best friend! His name is Connor." Eddie tells us. Me and the other respond with laughing a bit. "WHY ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING LAUGHING?" Eddie asks annoyed at us. "Eds I don't think Connor is Richie replacement of you" Beverly says laughing. "what? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Eddie ask us confused. "Eddie do you not hear how stupid that sounds?" Mike ask. "Some guys Richie met probably yesterday is his new Eddie?" Mike says while me and the others laugh. "seriously Eddie! I thought you would see right though Richies trick!" I tell him. "huh? What? IM SO CONFUSED?" Eddie says mad at us. "Eddie you know Richie is using Connor to make you jealous right?" Ben says. "WHAT?" Eddie says. That's when we realized that Eddie had never thought of that possibility. "It took me a while to find that out but jeez I thought you would have found it out by now." Beverly says while holding in her laughter. Eddie blushes with embarrassment.
1670 words

HI GUYS! Sorry I disappeared like that ☹️ my internet got taken down so I wasn't able to write for a while. I wanted to make this chapter really long but that might be a bad idea since I wouldn't have a spot to put a cliffhanger. Anyways I'll try to update soon again!! I would just like to apologize for a second time it's almost been a week 😓😓 TYSM FOR 600+ READS ITS ALMSOT AT 700 THATS CRAZY TO BE HONSET! 😋

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