Talk to me

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Eddie pov:
I realized that I probably looked like shit since I was crying. "GO THE FUCK AWAY STAN ALREADY ASKED ME TO APOLOGIZE AND IM NOT GONNA FUCKING APOLOGIZE!" I say before slamming the door on Bill and Mike. "Come on Eddie!! Can we just talk." I hear Mike say from outside. "Go away guys I'm not gonna open the door!" I say with anger in my voice. After I say that I run off to my room. I wish I could just talk to someone about this. Usually I would talk to Richie about something like this. "Maybe I should apologize to Richie.." I say to myself. WAIT NO WHAT AM I THINKING!! it's not my fucking fault Richie is so fucking sensitive. I go to lay on my bed and just think about what happened yesterday.

Beverly pov:
I had just left Stan's house and decided I'm gonna go to Richies house. While walking there I think about what Stan told me earlier. I think I shouldn't mention I hung out with Stan to Richie. Well unless Richie can also smell Stan scent or something. I noticed I got lost in my thoughts and arrived quickly to trashmouth's house. I knock on the door and wait. After a few seconds Richie answers. I look at him and we make eye contact. "What the fuck Beverly! I wasn't expecting you." He says to me. "Yeah yeah whatever just let me in." I say to Richie. He moves out the way to let me in and we head up to his room. We get to his room and we sit on his bed. "Beverly are you here to convince me to apologize to Eddie?" He asks me. "maybe..." I say to him. I look at Richies side table and notice this mix tape labeled Eddie with a little heart next to his name. I pick it up. "Richie what is this?" I say to him about to giggle a little bit. He quickly looks at me and his face turns red. He snatches it from my hands. "BEVERLY STOP LOOKING AT MY STUFF!!" He yells at me obviously embarrassed. "Jeez sorry man you don't have to be mad I touched your things." I say. "Is that a mixtape Eddie gave you or are u gonna give him it?" I say. "JUST STOP ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MIXTAPE PRETEND YOU NEVER SAW IT! DONT TELL ANYONE IM FUCKING SERIOUS BEVERLY!" Richie yells. "Calm the fuck down Richie we all know your in love with Eddie" I say as a joke. He looks at me his face even getting more red then before. "J-JUST SHUT UP BEVERLY" he yells. "Ok but you should probably go apologize to Eddie im being serious Richie." I say to him. "This fucking shows how easy it is for you guys to take his side. Whenever we fight you guys always take his side it's not fair. YOU GUYS DONT EVEN KNOW THE WHOLE FUCKING STORY!" He yells at me. "Richie Im here if you want to tell me anything. Seriously just talk to me I will listen." I say in a positive way. "OH SHUT THE FUCK UP BEVERLY! YOU ONLY CAME HER BECAUSE YOU WANT OUR FRIEND GROUP TO GET BACK TOGETHER. WHY DONT YOU GUYS JUST START A NEW GROUP WITHOUT ME!" He screams even louder then before. "RICHIE! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK RICHIE! I TRY TO BE A GOOD FRIEND BUT YOU DONT LISTEN. WHAT THE FUCK RICHIE!" I scream back at him. "Beverly I want you to get the FUCK out of my house right fucking now" he says as he pushes me to the exit. I quickly run out of his house. I think I should go talk to Bill about this.

Richie pov:
Beverly just pissed me the fuck off. I'm so fucking pissed off. I lay on my bed with angry thoughts filling my head. I didn't realize it but apparently I drifted off into sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night drenched in my sweat. "what the fuck" I say to myself. I realize I just woke up from another nightmare about penny wise. Ugh fuck! I go grab my glasses from the bed side table it's only 10:50 pm? I don't want to apologize to Eddie but I need someone to hang out with. Usually when I have a bad dream me and Eds talk about it and he helps comfort me. I think about what had happened earlier that day. You know what fuck it I need to go apologize to Beverly about earlier. I put on my shoes and run out the door. While on my way to Beverly's house I bump into Stan. "Oww what the fuck.." I say as I fall. "RICHIE?!" Stanley says. At first I couldn't really tell it was stanly since it was dark but after a second I realized it was him. I get up. "Stanley I need to go tell Beverly I'm sorry.". "Oh she's at my house we're having a sleepover tonight I was going to the store to get snacks!" Stan tells me. "What the fuck are you guys dating?" I ask in confusion. "NO RICHIE! you've got the wrong idea." Stanley quickly responds. "Yeah sure whatever." I say. "Anyways Richie Talk to me why do you need to apologize to Beverly?"

Beverly pov:
"Jesus Christ Stanley is taking forever." Eddie says to me. "wait... WHAT IF PENNY WISE CAME BACK?" I ask Eddie a little bit scared. "Calm down Beverly! We killed pennywise remember." Eddie says to calm me down. We laugh a bit and then hear the door open. "Stanley your back." I say to Stan as I notice him AND RICHIE ENTER THE HOUSE? Richie looks at me and notices Eddie is also here. He turns to Stanley dropping the snacks he was helping carry. "WHAT THE FUCK STANLEY! YOU DIDNT FUCKING TELL ME EDDIE WAS HERE! OF COURSE YOU GUYS MADE A STUPID PLAN AGAINST ME!" Richie yells just before Richie runs away Stanley also drops his snacks and grabs his arm. "Richie calm down and just talk to us please?" Stanley says softly. "WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT DO YOU MEAN CALM DOWN!? IM DONE WITH YOUR GUYS BULLSHIT! IM NOT APART OF THE FUCKING LOSERS CLUB ANYMORE." Richie lashes out at us and runs out the door. "well that didn't go good." Stanley says as he looks at us. "STANLY WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID YOU BRING RICHIE." Eddie yells at him. Oh shit now Eddie is mad at us.
1107 words
I hope you guys liked this part it kinda sucks since it mainly focuses on only 2 of the characters. I hope at least some people enjoy this part!! 😓😓

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