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Connor pov:
"I'm picking it up this time!" I yell at Rich as we race to the telephone. Me being really fast pick up the phone before Rich does and he just stares at me. "Uhh, Hello?" I say. "is Richie still busy?" I hear the phone say. "umm..." I sit there not knowing what to say next. "is he busy? Yes or no?" I think it's Eddie who was asking it. I really didn't want to resort to this but I hand Richie the phone not knowing what to say. Richie than picked the phone up and put it to his ear. "I swear to fucking god if it's Eddie or Stan im hanging up." Rich tells the person on the phone. "NO WAIT DONT YET I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" I hear Eddie say loud enough for me to hear it. Richie goes to hang up the phone but I snatch it from him. "RICHIE JUST TALK TO HIM." I say to Richie as he stands there in shock.

Stan pov:
"Well that didn't really help..." I say "Y-Yeah." Bill replies. We look at each other confused on what we should do next. I guess both of us didn't realize Beverly was right there and she scared the shit out of us both when she spoke. "Let me call." She said as me and Bill jumped. "W-Who a-are you gonna c-call?" Bill ask. "Ghostbusters" She says as a joke. We all let out a laugh. "Ok but seriously who?" I ask "Eddie and Richie" she tells us. "Please don't ruin this situation even more." I say as I hesitantly hand her the phone. "After what you guys just did it's practically impossible for me to mess this up." She says as a joke, me and bill chuckle a little bit. "Who you calling first?" I ask. "Eddie is probably the best choice." She says. "guys do you have his number memorized because I don't remember it all..." she says as she look at us. "Y-Yeah let m-me put it i-in." Bill says.

Eddie pov:
"WHAT NO!" I hear Richie say in response to Connor. "YOU BETTER PUT THE PHONE DOWN!" Richie yells. I'm not quite sure what happened next but I'm pretty sure Richie grabbed the phone back. "GIVE THAT BACK RICHIE!" I hear Connor yell at him. After that I hear the phone hang up. I put the phone down on the stand and wonder what had just happened. Why was Connor acting nice to me when I was so mean to him... I'm an asshole aren't I? Just as I was about to go back to my room for the night the phone rings again. I pick it up pretty sure that it's Richie or Connor. "Eddie Hi!" I hear Beverly say. I'm honestly pretty surprised. "BEV?" I say. "The one and only." She says. "I thought it was someone else calling.." I say to her. "Umm Eddie are you ok? You sound kinda sad." She questions me. I sit there and think for a second. I'm not sure if I should tell the truth to her. "you don't have to answer if you don't want to." Beverly says as she pulls me out of my thoughts. For some reason her voice sounded very comforting so I decided to trust her. "Oh umm I'll answer.. I was just trying to talk to Richie on the phone and tell him I'm sorry... when he picked up the phone it was actually his other friend... after that Richie finally talked to me and right before I was about to say I was sorry he hung up on me." I tell Beverly taking breaks in between saying stuff. "Oh.. I'm really sorry that happ-" she replies before getting cut off by the noise of a door opening. "GUYS WERE ON THE RUN FROM THE POLICE!!" I hear Ben yell over the phone. what the fuck? Where the other losers there? I knew I shouldn't have trusted her. In the background of the call I can hear Bill and Stan shush Ben. "BEVERLY WHAT THE FUCK! THE OTHERS ARE WITH YOU!!" I yell at her angered. "wait Eddie please don't hang up!" She says frantically while I put the phone down. I stare at the phone and tears start to run down my face. I run to my room and jump onto my bed.

Beverly pov:
"BENN WHY DID YOU HAVE TO YELL!!" I yell at him half joking. "oh.. sorry I didn't realize you were on a call..." he says. "Who where you talking to?" Mike asks. "Eddie" I reply. "Ok but more interesting question. Why are you guys on the run from the police?" Stan ask as he, bill and me giggle a little. "Mike stole a vhs." Ben tells us. "So are the police outside?!" I asked worried. "no Ben was just extracting! He's paranoid the cops are gonna come.." Mike says. "oh" Bill replies. "Should I still call Richie?" I ask the others. "Nah let's just watch a movie and eat snacks." Stan says as the other agree with nods. "Guys isn't it weird that we tried to watch a movie 3 times today already and something major happened each time." I say to the others. "Yeah that is a bit strange." Ben says. "Back to the future or Child's play?" Mike ask us.

Richie pov:
"CONNOR WHY DID YOU JUST DO THAT?!" I ask him madly. "because you need to seriously listen to Eddie! I think he was trying to tell you something!" Connor tells me as I just roll my eyes. I walk back over to the table and eat the pizza rolls. I sit down and pop one into my mouth. They are still very hot but I mange to eat it. "Are they really the best food?" Connor ask me as I chew. "uhh yeah.." I say after swallowing. "I guess it won't hurt to try one." He says as he picks one off the plate. He bites into it and his face expression goes shocked. "what the fuck Richie! ARE THEY PUTTING DRUGS IN THE PIZZA ROLLS THEY ARE SO GOOD!" He screams at me as I just start to laugh. After around 3 minutes me and Connor finished the plate of pizza rolls. "Those where so good." Connor says as I put the plate in the sink. "you should've trusted me!" I say to him. "Yeah yeah whatever!" Connor says. "I'm actually really tired so I'm gonna go to sleep right now." I tell Connor. "I'm also kinda tired so same." Connor tells me. "Do I actually have to sleep on the floor?" He ask me. "yes." I say. "I'll give you 2 blankets and a pillow but only because I feel bad." I say to him as we run up to my room. It doesn't take long for us to get settled in. As soon as I lay my head down I fall asleep.

Eddie pov:
It's a new day... I feel everyday keeps on getting worse and worse! I decided that today is gonna be the day. Today is the day I'm either gonna apologize to Richie or drop him as a friend. I'm not quite sure which one it is yet. I'm absolutely terrified for the future but oh well! I get off my bed and get ready. I eat some breakfast and go brush my teeth. I make sure to pack my medicine and stuff. I leave the house in a hurry not wanting my mom to find out. Where should I go? I ask myself as I start to walk in a random direction.
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😨Bro even me as the author is scared for what's gonna happen next. I'm debating on giving this story a happy or bad ending. Well I guess we will just have to see 😋! Anyways don't worry I'll be posting an update tomorrow im pretty sure! Have a great night/evening/morning!

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