The forest

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Bill pov:
Me Ben and Mike were racing to the theater when Mike bumps into someone coming out the arcade. "Ouch" the person said who Mike bumped into. We all looked and realized it was Richie. "RICHIE?" Ben asks. Richie looks at us. "Oh Jesus fuck it's you guys." He says. "They're are your friends Richie?" A boy voice says. That's when I realized there is a boy behind him. "Yeah, sure." Richie replies to the boy. Before anyone could say anything else the other 3 had caught up.

Richie pov:
I noticed Bill look to the side. I turn to the side to see what he's looking at. SHIT ITS EDDIE. I stare at Eddie and we end up making eye contact. To me it felt as if time froze. After what seemed forever Eddie breaks the eye contact and looks at Connor. "Who's that?" Eddie asks. I turn and look at Connor. "Umm this my friend Connor." I say to the group. Before Connor could say anything I quickly grab his hand. As I start to run the other way I say "Anyways we really need to go now so bye.". Once I finished saying that I dragged Conner with me as I ran as fast as I could. I decided to run to the forest since we had no place else to go. When we got to the forest I finally stopped. Me and Connor caught our breath. "Richie dude what the actual fuck." Connor says to me. I stare at him not really knowing how to reply. "Who were those people?" Connor ask me. "They are my friends." I told him. "Why did we run away from them then?" Connor asked. "Well because" I try and finish my sentence but I don't really know what to say. "Can you let got of my hand now?" Connor says as he tries to pull his hand out of my grip. I look down at our hands. I quickly let got of his hand and start to blush a little bit. I think I was blushing of embarrassment but idk. "As I was saying I ran away because I did cause some drama." I told Connor. He looked at me and laughed. "I had a feeling" he told me. "What even happened?" Connor asked me. "A lot of things." I reply to Connor. "Can you please tell me a little bit. You kinda literally dragged me into this." He tells me. "Fine! Only because I'm doing your mom tonight." I tell him. "Shut up Richie." He replies. "Ok so It basically started when me and the person who asked who you were got into a fight. The fight had started since I said a your mom joke and then we went back and fourth. It came to the point where he started calling me gay and a faggot..." I trail off thinking for what had happened next. What had happened? I literally forgot almost all of it. "That's all that happened?" Connor asked. "No I'm trying to remember give me a second." I tell him. "OHH! I remember now. Basically I told him a really offensive joke that would only make sense if you hung out with us. After I said that joke the whole group looked at me in disgust and said that was rude and I took it to far. I tried to tell them I was just joking but then it all just turned into a big fight. A lot of crazy shit happened after that but I'm too lazy to say any thing else." I finish telling the story to Connor. "Richie shit I didn't know you were so girly." Connor tells me. "Oh shut the fuck up." I reply to him.

Eddie pov:
What the fuck just happened. Everyone just stands there in silence. We all kinda look at eachother and think. Who was that with Richie? I questioned my self. "Have you guys ever seen that kid around?" Beverly ask us breaking the silence. "Nope." Almost all of use replies. "I think he might be related Henry." Stan replies. "Oh shit another bully?" Ben ask. "Well R-Richie made f-friends with him, so I doubt h-he's a bully." Bill tells us. "Well maybe he didn't know Richie was a loser." Beverly says. "Actually Bev don't you remember? He told us he's not apart of the losers club anymore." Stan says reminding us but also trying to lighten up the mood. The others keep on having a conversation as I drown their voices out. I start to think to myself. I'm so angry at Richie. He just ran off and made new friends. Was I that replaceable? I get out of my thoughts. I feel I might cry soon. "Guys I need to go home now. Bye!" I say to the others as I run home. "WAIT EDDIE!" Beverly calls out but I just ignore her. I'm to mad to talk to anyone right now. Just as I'm about to pass the forest I realize I can barely breath. I reach in my pocket for my inhaler. "Shit it's not there." I say out loud to myself while wheezing. Where did I leave it? Shit I think I handed it to Beverly to hold because it was uncomfortable to be in my pocket when I went into the hammock. That must have been why she was calling me. As I tried to catch my breath I hear footsteps coming out of the forest. "Stop with the your mom jokes Richie it's not even funny." I hear someone say. "Your mom thinks it's funny." I hear RICHIE TOZIER SAY! How did I not know by the first sentence that it was gonna be the loser Richie. I really wanted to run and leave but i didn't have the engry to do that. It was getting really hard to breathe. I look over in the way the voices were coming from. "Hey Richie isn't that your friend over there?" I hear the other boy say. "What? What are yo-" before Richie could say anymore he saw me. By the second it was getting harder and harder to breath."OH SHIT HES PROBABLY HAVING A ASTHMA ATTACK." Richie yells as he runs over to me.

Stan pov:
Eddie had just ran off. The whole group felt worried for him. We all knew something was up the whole day. "Guys I still have Eddie's inhaler." Bev tells us. "Beverly don't you think you should go run over to him and give him his inhaler before something bad happen?" I ask her. "That's probably the right thing to do but I'm a little lazy right now." She says as we all kinda laugh. "Guys Im kinda getting a little worried for Richie and Eddie though." I tell the group. "Yeah same." Mike replies. "T-They both have been acting v-very strange m-mostly E-Eddie though." Bill tells us. "I have a feeling they might have talked to each other without us knowing" Ben says to us. "Yeah most likely." Beverly says. "I don't know if any of you guys noticed but before Eddie went and ran off he looked very angry." I tell them. "Oh" Mike says. "I wish our group could be all normal again." Beverly says. "Yeah same." I reply. "Even after fighting an evil clown together they still get into augments." Mike says jokingly. We all sort of laugh. "We should have a sleepover at my place." Ben says. "We could forget all about the Richie and Eddie situation and it will be fun." Ben replies. "Yeah sure!" Beverly replies. "O-Ok" Bill says. "Sure I guess." I say. "Im pretty sure I can go I just need to ask my grandpa first." Mike says. "That's gonna suck if you can't make it." Ben says. "I better start running so I can quickly ask." Mike says. "Okay if you can make it meet us in my fort before 9." Ben says."Ok!" Ben says as he runs off. As soon as none of us see Mike in sight. We start to running to get to the forest.
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Woah that's the longest chapter yet I'm pretty sure. This chapter was really fun to write. I love writing so much to be honest. If you guys really liked my writing please share it I really want this to become popular! I'm not quite sure if the song I picked fit this story. Have a great rest of you time ig! 😋

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