New friend?

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Richie pov:
"How do you keep wining? Your definitely cheating." Connor tells me. "Nah I'm just really good." I reply. I start to search my pockets for more coins. Shit I don't have anymore! I go and look up at Connor and we make eye contact. "I would love to play more but I don't have anymore coins." I sadly tell him. He looks down in his pockets and grabs out the rest of his coins. He holds his coins in his palm and splits the coins in half. "Here" he hands me half of the coins. I grab the coins quickly. "Get ready to lose." I say as I quickly insert the coins.

Eddie pov:
All the loser look at me in shock. Beverly stares at me. "EDDIE ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?" Bev askes me excitedly. The rest of the group starts to smile and laugh a bit. "Shut up! I didn't mean to say that out loud! So no I'm not being serious." I say as I turn around to not face the group. Beverly quickly runs in front of me to get into my view. She grabs my shoulders and tells me "PLEASE EDDIE! Please apologize to Richie! We really miss him!" Beverly starts to beg. Stanley walks over to us. "Yes please Eddie" Stan starts to beg. Before I knew it the rest of the group came up to us and started to beg me also. "Please Eddie!!" Ben begs. "Y-Yeah, don't you m-miss Richie?" Bill ask me. It wasn't until the full group started to beg until I said "fine I will apologize.." I say but before the group could say anything else I say "..after Richie apologizes first." I tell them. "WHAT? Please no Eddie." Beverly starts to beg. "Ok ok im only half joking." I tell them. "So you're gonna apologize?" Mike ask. "I never said that." I tell them. "Please Eddie!!!" Stanley says. "I don't know." I reply. "How about we make a plan where you don't technically have to say "sorry" to Richie but he will know you are sorry." Beverly ask me. "Ugghhhh. Fine but if this plan fails you're gonna have to do a new plan without me." I say to them. "I guess we have no choice but agree then." Mike says.

Richie pov:
It's been so fun playing street fighter with Connor. He's really funny to be honest. "This is our last coin" Conner tells me. "It's already 4:30 so I'm honestly not surprised."I tell Connor. "What do you mean your not surprised. I came here with $35!" Connor tells me. "Woah are you rich or something?" I ask him as a joke. He rolls his eyes. "Well how about we just save our coins for tomorrow?" Conner ask me. "Jeez I didn't know we where gonna hang out everyday now." I tell him. "Well you got other plans than playing street fighter?" Conner ask me. "I guess not." I tell him. "Yeah I thought so. You don't seem like the type to have friends." Conner says as a joke. After he says that I remember my current situation. "Shut up I have a lot of friends. 6 to be exact." I reply. "Well I don't see them anywhere." Connor tells me. "Yeah because there losers and hate Street fighter. Plus a lot of drama is happening within the group and I'm not involved with it." I reply. "Drama?? Isn't that a girly thing?" Conner ask me. "Yeah they are all girly anyways." I reply. "Except Beverly she doesn't act girly." I tell Connor. "She? You're hanging out with girls. Based on your smell I would think the only girl you've ever talk to is your mom." Connor replies jokingly. "Oh no, I'm dating a woman." I reply. "What? Who?" Connor ask. "Your mom" I reply as I start to laugh. Connor elbows me "oh shut up." He tells me. "Well since it's only 4:30 do you want to hang out and do something else?" I ask him. "Yeah sure." He tells me. Me and him walk out the arcade as we talk.

Beverly pov:
"Umm idk that plan sounds weird Bill." I reply as Bill had just finish telling us his plan. "E-Eddie what do you t-think?" Bill ask Eddie. We all turn to the hammock to find that Eddie fell asleep. "He seriously
Fell asleep?" Stan asked. Stan got up from his seat and went to the hammock to go wake up Eddie. "EDDIE!" Stan yelled at Eddie and shaked him awake. When Eddie awakes he looks scared. "Hey Eddie are you ok?" Stan ask Eddie. Eddie still looking scared looks at Stanley. "Oh yeah, sorry I feel asleep" Eddie tells us. "How about we just forget about Richie for now and actually go watch a movie?" Stan ask us. "Yeah" Eddie replies. Stan and Eddie look at us. "Sure" I reply as I start to stare at the others. After everyone agreed we decided to go. We ran out of Bens fort and started to run to the movie theater before it was to late. Me Stanly and Eddie walked and talked though. "Eddie when I woke you up why where you scared?" Stan asked. "Don't tell anyone but I had a nightmare about Pennywise." Eddie tells us. "Oh!" I reply. "I also have nightmares about it." I admit to them. Stanly looks at us. "Yeah same, I was scared to tell you guys." Stan tells us. "Richie has some too." Eddie tells us. "OH SHIT. I wasn't supposed to tell you guys." Eddie says. "I think we all have nightmares about it." I say to them. "Yeah probably." Stan replies. "Eddie do you want to talk about your nightmare?" I ask Eddie. "no" Eddie replies solidly. After we talk for a while of walking we see the other 3 stopped by the arcade. They're probably just waiting for us. We start to run to them. When we finally catch up we realized why they stopped. They were talking to Richie and this other Boy. Richie looks over at us and sees Eddie. I look at Eddie and he's looking at Richie. Richie and Eddie make eye contact. Eddie looks over next to Richie and sees this random boy. "Who's that?" Eddie asks.
1055 words!

Gays!! 😨 I had some trouble writing this chapter 😢. I tried to add more character to each character writing. I feel I might be getting better at writing but I don't know. I added a song this time so don't get mad at me 😋. For people who came here form TT I have no clue what happened to my TT account but I think I'm gonna make a new one! I love to write tbh the hardest part is starting though. I love being in the IT fandom sm though. Have a good night/evening/morning! ALSO PLS CORRECT ME ON SPELLING MISTAKES ITS EMBARRASSING TO GO BACK AND SEE MISTAKES!

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