Run Rich!

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Stan pov:
As we start to run I realize that I kinda want to get a change of clothes. I stop running and everyone slows a bit. "Hey guys, I kinda wanna get a change of clothes for the sleepover." I say. "Same" Bev and Bill say at the same time. "Ok then meet at the fort before 9?" Ben ask. "Sure" Beverly says as me and Bill just nod in approval. Bill and Ben run off to their houses as me and Bev take the same direction since we live close to each other. We kinda run but we mostly walk. "Hey Bev?" I ask her. "Yeah?" She replies. "Why do you think Richie and that guys were hanging out with each other?" I ask her. "Well I'm guessing that they were playing street fighter together or something." She tells me. "Yeah probably." I say. "What's your theory?" She asks me. "I don't really know." I say. "I think Richie got lonely and made friends with him."I tell Beverly.

Connor pov:
I stand there and watch as Richie tries to save his friend. "EDDIE CAN YOU BREATH?" Richie ask his friend who I'm assuming name is Eddie. "barely.." Eddie says back quietly and weakly. "WHERE IS YOUR INHALER?" Richie ask Eddie stressfully. "Bev.. has it" Eddie says while wheezing and coughing. "WHERE IS SHE RIGHT NOW?" Richie ask him again. "..I don't... know..." Eddie says still coughing. "WE NEED TO FIND IT EDDIE!" Rich yells. "Where does she usually hang out?" I ask them. Richie quickly turns his body to me. "CONNOR WATCH EDDIE WHILE I GO LOOK FOR BEV" He yells at me while he runs. Me and Eddie watch him run. I turn to look at Eddie and realize how awkward this is gonna be. "You should probably sit down it will help." I tell him. He looks at me like I'm crazy. "On...the dirty....sidewalk?"he ask me. "Yes dumbo." I reply. He looks at the concrete and decides to sit down.

Richie pov:
I NEED TO FIND BEVERLY QUICKLY! I KNOW THAT USALLY SHE WOULD BE HANGING OUT AT BENS FORT. "I need to calm down." I say quietly to myself ask I take a big breath. I quickly run back into the forest. After what I'm guessing was around 3 minutes I finally made it to Bens fort. I quickly hop in there not using the ladder because that would take extra time. When my feet land I open my eyes to see only Ben. "BEN WHERE IS BEVERLY?" I ask him quickly. Ben gets this surprised look on his face. "She went with Stanly to go get a change of clothes." He quickly tells me. "Thanks!" I reply as I start to get ready to climb up the ladder. "Is something wrong Richie?" He ask me."yeah I'll tell you later. Bye!" I say and I quickly go up the ladder. "CAN I COME?" He ask me. "NO!" I reply back. I start to run to where Stan and Bev's house are at. I run as fast as I can (I swear I became sonic or some shit). Before I knew it I was out of the forest. I was almost at Stan house when I ran into them. "BEV!" I yell at her. Stan and Bev look shocked. "RICHIE?" She asks me. I quickly put my hand out. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" She ask me frantically. "INHALER!" I yell at her. "WHAT!" She says in confusion. "Why do you want Eddie's inhaler?" Stan ask. "HE NOT OK RIGHT NOW. CAN YOU JUST GIVE ME THE FUCKING INHALER!" I yell at Beverly. They look at each other scared. "YEAH HERE."Bev yells as she quickly pulls the inhaler out of her pocket. "WE'RE COMING WITH YOU!" Stan yells at me. "NO YOU GUYS ARE GONNA BE TO SLOW." I yell at them and then start running. I see them start to run a bit but I just pick up my pace. It felt like forever but in reality it took me less than 2 minutes to run to Eddie.

Ben pov:
What just happened! I ask myself. Jesus Christ this is fucking crazy. I look out the ladder hole to see Richie still running. It's a good thing I didn't go with him I need to stay here and wait for the others. While looking at Richie Mike snuck up on me. "Ben can you move your head?" Mike ask. I scream a bit and fall off the part of the ladder I was holding;since Mike had scared me. "You scarred me." I tell Mike and he laughs a bit. "Sorry" He replies. I move off the spot to get into the fort and Mike quickly comes in. "Was that Richie running in the distance?" Mike ask me. "Yup." I reply. "He was just in here asking where Beverly was at." I tell Mike. "Why?" He ask me. "I don't know but it seemed urgent." I say. "Oh ok. Do you think we should go chase after him?" Mike ask me. "Nah let's just leave Beverly to deal with him." I say as a joke. "Where did the rest go though?" Mike asks me. "They went to go get a change of clothes since we are gonna have a sleepover." I tell him. "Oh ok."he replies.

Stan pov:
"Bev can we slow down!" I yell at her I hate running so much. "NO STAN WE NEED TO SEE WHATS WRONG!" She yells as she picks up her speed. "Ohmygoshimoutofbreath" I say as I slow down a bit. "Jeez Stanley your fucking slow." She yells as she looks back at me still running. "Do you also have asthma or some shit?" She says slowing a little. "No! Im just not good at running!" I yell at her. "Ok then bye!" She says as she starts to run more. "WAITFORMEPLEASE!!"i yell as I start to run more.

Connor pov:
When Eddie sits down I go and sit by him. He looks at me and I look at him there isn't really any silent since he wheezing and coughing. "You should try and take deep breaths." I tell him. "That's...what...ive been...fucking..trying.."he barley gets out. "I don't think so. Your breathing would have been better by now." I tell to him. " a fuc...king doctor!" He yells at me madly. "Well my dad has asthma so I use to have to help him when he got asthma attacks." I say. "Well...not ever...fucking...person who ha...s asthma is the... fucking....same." He replies viciously. "ok sorry." I say. "" He ask me. "Huh? I'm sorry but what do you mean by that?" I reply. "You...said you...use to have to...take care of... your dad." He tells me. "Oh! Well my dad is a very bad person ;so me and my mom had to run from him. I have a new 'dad' now so it's fine." I say not wanting to get to deep into the story. "Oh..." Eddie replies.

Eddie pov:
I hate this guy so much. He's so fucking annoying. Why did Richie have to leave why couldn't he send him out to go look for the inhaler. "Your name is Eddie right?" He ask me in that annoying fucking tone. "y..yeah...Eddie kaspbrak"I say wheezingly. "I'm Connor Bowers." He tells me. I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP! He's probably just like Henry. " Henry?" I ask him even though I'm 100% sure he is. "Yeah but don't worry I'm not a crazy maniac like him." He says an a laughing matter. God I hate how he speaks so much. When is Richie gonna be back? I'm so done talking to this guy. "How much longer is Richie gonna take!" He says annoyingly. "I...don't fucking...know!" I reply angrily. We look at each other and I think he could tell I absolutely hated him "IM BACK GUYS!" Richie yells at us while he running towards us. "G...good!" I say. Richie quickly runs up to me and gives me the inhaler. I take a puff of the inhaler and instantly feel better."I think I should get going." Connor tells Richie in a sad voice. "What! Why?" Richie ask him. "Ummm idk. See you tomorrow maybe." Connor replies as he runs off. "WAIT CONNOR!" Richie yells after him but by then Connor was far away. "Finally hes gone" I think to myself. Richie turns to me. "Eddie what the fuck!" He yells at me. "What?" I ask in a confused voice. "WHAT DID YOU FUCKING SAY TO HIM?"Richie ask me angrily. "WHAT? I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING!" I yell in responses. That's when I realized Bev and Stan where behind Richie. "FUCK YOU EDDIE!" He yells and runs off to find Connor. "What was that all about?" Beverly ask as she comes closer to me.
1508 words

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! (For everyone who celebrates). I'm so sorry that this chapter took forever to come out I had a rlly busy weekend ☹️. I hope you guys enjoy it!. No song today though im sorry about that 🙁. Anyways goodbye see you in next chapter!

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