hang up

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Connor pov:
I think Richie is mad at me. I haven't tried to talk to him but I honestly don't want to try. Your probably like 'oh Connor why do u not want to try?' Well it's because Richie is scary! Also it looks like he's having a deep thought and I don't want to interrupt him. Im so bored. I lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling. I make myself sit up and stare at Richie. At the moment he's just sitting on the floor and still looks like he's in a deep thought. Idk how I didn't realize but he noticed me staring at him and he said "what the fuck do u want?" He asked me. "im kinda hungry."I tell him since I only ate breakfast that day. "ughhh. I guess I'm also kinda hungry." Richie says. "I don't even think I've eaten today." Richie says. "well u should probably eat then." I say. "Jeez what are you? My mom?" He ask. "Stop acting like your mom cares about you." I say jokingly. "shut up!"he says. "Let's go eat some pizza rolls" he says while getting up. "what's a pizza roll?" I ask him. "WHAT!? Connor are you joking?" He ask me with concern. "I'm not joking!" I say seriously. "How do you not know what a pizza roll is! It's like the best food ever!" he tells me. "sure.." I say uncertainly. He grabs my hand and starts running again. "LETS GO MAKE SOME." He yells as we run down the stairs. "RICHIE WHAT THE FUCK! I TOLD U TO STOP DOING THIS!" I yell as he just laughs.

Bill pov:
"Well what do we do now?" Stan asks us. "I don't know about you guys but I'm going to sleep while we wait." Beverly says as she jumps onto the couch with a blanket. Me and Stan laugh at her. "S-Stan do y-you wanna t-talk?" I ask Stan. "Yeah sure!" He says as he scoots closer to me. (A/N: if your confused how they are sitting; Beverly is on the couch and Stan and bill are leaning on the couch while sitting on the floor facing the TV) "Beverly are you seriously going to sleep?" Stan ask her. "Yes I'm so tired so shut up!" She says the last part jokingly. "Bill what do you wanna talk about?" Stan ask me. "Nothing r-really, i-it's just u-us tw-wo haven't h-h-hung out i-in a while." I say. "oh yeah I guess so. But that's a good thing because we have more friends!" Stan says with a smilie on his face. "Y-Yeah but s-still! I w-want to h-hang o-out w-with just us t-two." I admit to Stan. "I guess I also miss just hanging out with you." Stan says. "T-Tomorrow?" I ask Stan. "Huh?" He ask me in confusion. "Tomorrow d-do y-you wanna h-hang o-out?" I ask Stan. "Oh! Yeah sure! I don't see why not." Stan says with a happy tone. We look at each other and just simile. "This is kinda awkward." Stan says breaking the silence. I just laugh in response. We then face the tv and Stan leans his head on my shoulder.

Mike pov:
"Uhhh... Ben." I say as I stop my bike. When ben reaches up to me he stops his bike. "Yeah?" He ask. "I think we're lost." I say with a little bit of a giggle. "oh." Ben says. "I should've let you lead the way." I say. "Yeah I know. Luckily for us I knew we were going the wrong way and I know how to fix it. I was just waiting for u to admit it to me." Ben says with a smirk forming on his face. "Seriously!." I say. "Anyways follow me." He says as he turns his bike and starts pedaling. I start doing the same. I look down at my watch and check the time. "It's 10:30 so we better hurry up!" I yell at Ben. "We're almost there so don't worry." He tells me.

Eddie pov:
I wake up blushing since the dream I just had. It was a dream about Richie. I can't seem to get him off my mind. I just really want to talk to him. I don't think it's gonna get any better if I just sit here. I should go talk to him. I check the clock and see it's 10:15. It's not too late but I should just call him on the phone. I get off the bed and start to walk to the phone. I quickly dial in Richies number and wait for him to pick up. This is making me anxious and I'm getting second thoughts. "Uh hello?" I hear a voice say. It's not Richie but it's a familiar male voice. "Who is it Connor?" I hear Richie ask in the background. I than realize it was Connor talking. "I don't fucking know they aren't saying anything." I hear Connor say. fuck! I quickly hung up. I stare at the telephone wondering if I made the right choice. Should I call again?

Richie pov:
"Ok so after we get a plate and the pizza rolls out of the freezer we put them onto the plate." I say showing Connor a tutorial on how to make pizza rolls. Right before I was about to pour them onto the plate I get rudely interrupted by a phone call. "Fuck!" I yell loudly obviously annoyed. "Can you get it please Connor?" I ask him. "Fine." Connor says as he goes to pick up the telephone. "Uh hello?" Connor says to the phone. For a moment the room is silent. "Who is it Connor?" I ask him. "I don't fucking know they aren't saying anything." He says for a few more seconds its quiet and then Connor breaks the silent by saying "they just fucking hung up!" He tells me."HAHAHA THEY JUST HUNG UP ON YOU!" I say laughing at him. "Shut up Richie!" He tells me. I finish poring the pizza rolls on the plate and quickly pop them into the microwave. I press the time and click start. Just as I finish doing that we hear another phone call. "I'll answer it this time since people obviously don't like you." I say to Connor as I walk over to the telephone. "Oh shut up!"Connor says. I pick up the phone wondering who it could be. "hello?" I ask. "Uh... I don't think my phone audio was working last time I called but is it working now?" I hear EDDIE SAY! ughh he seriously has the nerve to call me! "Yeah whatever." I say annoyed. "Richie..." I hear him say. "what?" I ask him still mad. "I need to tell you something." he tells me. I roll my eyes obviously annoyed and then I look over to Connor. Connor looks confused and he's probably wondering who it is. "what is it?" I ask Eddie in an annoyed tone. "Well so umm.." Eddie says. "Just fucking spit it out!" I tell him annoyed. "Ok so basically what I wanted to say was that I'm re-" Eddie gets cut off my the microwave beeping. "Uh I'm sorry but is your microwave beeping right now?" He ask me. "Yeah I got to go so bye!" I tell him saying the last part quickly and annoyed,as I quickly hung up. I don't fucking care what he had to say it doesn't even matter. "By your tone of voice im expecting it's someone you weren't so happy to talk to." Connor tells me. "yeah it was fucking Eddie." Connor looks at me in shock.
1303 words

Sorry for not updating! The reason I didn't update was honestly I was feeling a little lazy lol I also had a lot of school work and was a little busy but it's fine now. I'm not really sure if anyone reads this but if you do then hi! 😋 anyways bye for now!

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