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Eddie pov:
Before I could even say anything Richie had already hung up. why did he do that? I was seriously just trying to apologize! I doubt Richie was actually busy if him and Connor both had the time to answer the call. I also heard the microwave beeping so they're probably are eating something which he still had time since the food needs to cool down. Richie is so annoying! I notice some tear drops to fall from my eyes. Im crying again? Seriously Eddie! I then jump at the sound of the phone ringing. I quickly wipe my tears and pick it up.

Connor pov:
"Richie what the fuck?" I say to Richie and he just looks at me surprised. "Why were you being so mean for no reason!?" I ask Richie and I'm honestly really mad at him. "What do you mean!? Didn't Eddie say mean things to you?" Richie ask me. I guess I did notice Eddie didn't really take a liking to me but he didn't even say anything rude. "No!" I reply to Richie. "WHAT?" Richie yells as he looks as me. "Eddie didn't say anything mean." I say. "SO YOU JUST RANDOMLY LEFT?" He ask me angered and confused. "No! I told you I left because I didn't want unwanted tension!" I tell Richie. "oh. I thought you were lying." Richie admits to me. "oh my fucking god Richie." I say in response not knowing what else to say. Richie than quickly runs to the microwave. "Time to eat our pizza rolls!"Richie says as he picks up the plate from the microwave. Richie then places the plate on the dinner table while I just stare at him. Quickly Richie picks up on of the pizza rolls and places it in his mouth. Not even a second later Richie spits it out. "OWW ITS STILL FUCKING HOT!" He says as his spits drools out of his mouth. "EWWW RICHIE THATS SO GROSS!" I say to him grossed out. "What! What do you mean!" He says to me acting offended. "That would have been the best spit for loogie!" Richie tells me. "What?" I ask him confused. "Please don't tell me you don't know what loogie is." He says in the same concerned voice when I said I didn't know what pizza rolls are. "I have no idea what a loogie is." I say to him. "fuck! Connor how do you not know what loogie is?!" Richie ask me. "I don't know. Sheltered household I guess?" I respond. "Lame excuse! Even Eddie knows what loogie is!" Richie tells me. I just roll my eyes.

Stanley pov:
Me and Bill have been watching TV for a while and the show was getting kinda boring. "S-Stanly?" Bill calls out to me. I quickly get my head off his shoulder and look at him. "Yeah?" I ask. "I-Im k-k-kinda bored." Bill tells me. "Same. Do you wanna talk more?" I ask Bill. "Yeah s-sure!" He tells me. I smile at at him and for some reason he doesn't smile back. Suddenly he stands up and starts to talk "I-I NEED TO T-TELL E-EDDIE S-SOMETHING!" He tells me frantically. "Huh what do you mean?" I ask him confused. "I T-THINK I KNOW H-HOW TO GET HIM TO A-APOLOGIZE!" Bill tells me. "OH!" I say as I quickly stand up. Bill then quickly runs to the phone and dials Eddie number super quick. I go walk over to him and go close enough just for me to hear the conversation.

Bill pov:
EDDIE BETTER PICK UP! "Uh hello?" I hear a shaken voice say. "E-EDDIE" I say. "Bill?" Eddie ask me confused. "oh s-sorry I-I r-randomly c-called." I apologize before I could say anymore Eddie starts to talk. "Bill if this is one of your stupid pranks then I'm not in the mood!" He says with a little bit of an attitude. "I-It's n-not! A-Also what's wrong?" I ask him trying to get him into a good mood. "I just fucking called Richie to apologize and he hung up before I could!" Eddie quickly spits out and I could hear a little bit of a gasp at the end. "w-what!?" I say shocked. Me and Stanley look at each other both equally shocked. "oh shit! Pretend I didn't say that." Eddie tells me. "I-I'm gonna c-call R-Richie!" I say as I quickly hang up before Eddie can disapprove. "Wait let me call Richie!" Stan tells me and then I hand him the phone.

Richie pov:
"I'm not sure if I want to eat those pizza rolls especially after you just spat all over them!" Connor tells me. "More for me then!" I say. Connor rolls his eyes and I just smirk. "How much longer do you think it will take for these to cool down?" I ask Connor. "I don't know I would say about 2 more minutes." Connor says. "Ughhh!!" I sigh loudly. Then we both get scared by the nosie of the phone ringing again. "Are you fucking serious!" I say as I quickly run up to the phone. I pick it up and scream "EDDIE I ALREADY TOLD YOU I WAS BUSY!". "Jeez calm down it's me Stan." I hear on the phone. "oh.." I say kinda embarrassed. "What do you want?" I ask him. "To apologize to Eddie." Stanley tells me. "not this again!" I say to him as I then hang up. "Was that Eddie?" Connor ask me. "No it was Stan." I say. "Stan?" He asks "yeah Stan. The curly haired boy. He kinda reminds me of you." I tell him. "Oh ok." Connor says. We than hear another ring.

Ben pov:
"See what did I say we made it!" I tell Mike as he hops off his bike. We put our bikes at the outside the block buster making sure to hid them incase someone tried to steal them. "Come on let's hurry before it closes!" Mike tells me as we run inside. "WAIT WHICH MOVIE ARE WE GETTING!?" I ask Mike. "UMM... BACK TO FUTURE AND CHILDS PLAY?" Mike ask me frantically. "SURE!" I reply as I run to the comedy section and Mike runs to the horror section. I quickly look for back to the future. "Found it!" I say to my self in my head. I quickly grab it and run to the cashier. Me and Mike get there at the same time and place. We quickly place our movies on the counter and the cashier looks at us. "Do you have an account?"the cashier ask. I look at Mike and he shakes his head. I know I can't rent child's play on my Mothers account so only back to the future I guess. "no.." I say. "Well then unless you have a parent you can't rent this." The cashier says as he points to the vhs of child's play. "Please! Can you please let's us rent it?" I beg the cashier. The cashier looks at me hesitantly. "sorry no I don't make the rules." The cashier tells me. "It's fine Ben. I'll just go put it back." Mike says as he runs off. Ughh! "Just this one than please." I say. The cashier scans it and I give the money to rent it. "Here you go." The cashier says giving the vhs to me. "thanks i guess." I say as I walk off. Me and Mike run out the store and get our bikes. "That was so lameee." I complain. "Hey Ben look!" Mike says as I look over to him. He than pulls out the child's play vhs out of his jacket. "MIKE?! YOU STOLE IT?" I yell in surprise. "SHUSH!" He says.  "oh sorry! At least we can watch Child's play now!" I say excitedly. "Yeah let's get out of here before someone finds out!" Mike says as he hops onto his bike.

Eddie pov:
SHIT BILL CANT CALL RICHIE! I quickly start punching in Richie number but as soon as I press call it goes straight to voice mail. "Are you serious!?" I say annoyed to myself. "How did it even go straight to voice mail?" I question my self. I redialed in Richies number and recalled. Again straight to voicemail! Wait doesn't that mean he's on a call with another person? Ughh!! Bill beat me to calling Richie. I redial the number a lot more times incase there's a mistake! After 3 attempts the phone call finally goes through. I hear someone pick up.
1444 words

Woah 😨. Sorry there's 2 chapters about a telephone Im really bad at time telling in stories! It's kinda funny because it's only been like 2 or 3 days since the original fight Richie and Eddie had. 💀 I also thought that the song was fitting mostly for the end of the chapter! I enjoy writing about Mike and Ben though I just don't really know there characters that well! 😓 goodbye for now!! 😋

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