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Richie pov:
I'm so fucking mad at Eddie I think to my self as I go look for Connor. Where could he have gone? WAIT! He probably went to Bowers's house! That's the only spot he knows I'm pretty sure. I start running to bowers house and it doesn't take long to find Connor. He was more ahead walking slowly. I run up to him "CONNOR!" I yell at him. He jumps a little since he was shocked. "OHMYFUCKINGGOD!" He screams. I look at him confused. "You scared me so fucking bad Richie!" He yells at me in a scared voice. "Oh sorry." I say. "I thought you were gonna go hang out with your other friends?" He ask me. "I wouldn't say friends anymore."I say. "Huh? What do you mean?" Connor asks. "It doesn't matter." I say. "Anyways why did you run off like that?" I ask him. "Like I said before I thought you were gonna hang out with the others. I also didn't want to create unwanted tension."he admits. "Forgot them! Let's just hang out." I say. "Oh ok!" Connor says gaining a little bit of confidence in his voice. "But let's hang out at your place so I can hang out with your mom." I say. "Oh shut up." He says. "I don't really have a place here so I don't think we can hang out at my 'place' ." He tells me."Ok then." I say. "Let's just go to mine?" I offer. "Sure." He says.

Beverly pov:
"What was that about?"i ask Eddie walking up to him. "I don't fucking know Beverly!" He yells at me. "How long were you there for even?" Eddie asks. "We just barley got here when Richie said 'fuck you Eddie' " Stanley says. "Did you guys get into a big fight again?!" I ask with anger. "Maybe... BUT THIS TIME IT WASNT EVEN MY FUCKING FAULT. RICHIE JUST RANDOMLY STARTED YELLING AT ME." Eddie yells at us. "Ok sure." I say rolling my eyes. "Beverly you have no fucking right to be mad!" Eddie complains to me. "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE MAD. IVE HAD TO DEAL WITH YOUR BULL SHIT FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS!" I say finally getting that out. Stanley stares at me in shock but I feel he also agrees.

Stanley pov:
I can't believe Beverly said that. Beverly is right though I'm also tired of this BS. "deal with my bullshit? DID YOU FORGOT THE BULLSHIT YOU AND STANLEY TRIED TO PULL!" Eddie yells. "yeah we only did that shit because we were trying to deal with your BULLSHIT!" I yell at Eddie. Eddie and Beverly look at me shocked I said something. "I'm going to go home now. Fuck you guys." Eddie says as he starts walking off. Me and Bev watch him walk for a little then I look at her. She looks at me and we both have this look of sadness on our faces.

Ben pov:
"How much longer are the others gonna take?" Mike ask me. "Im not sure." I say. "It's only 8:30 so cut them some slack." I respond. Just as I finish saying that we hear footsteps come down the ladder. Me and Mike turn our head to the ladder and instantly realize it was Bill. "Bill!" Mike says excitedly. Bill finish's getting down the ladder before speaking. "H-Hi guys!" He says to us. "Where is S-S-Stanley and B-Beverly a-at?" Bill ask us. "Umm we're not quite sure." I reply. "o-oh" Bill says.

Connor pov:
"Richie actually I don't know if I should go over to your house it's actually kinda late." I tell Richie. "oh. Well you should've said something sooner dumbass. We're almost at my fucking house." Richie tells me. "Shut up we have literally moved like 7 steps." I say as I look back at the bowers house. "whatever"he says with an eye roll. "Goodnight then I guess?" I say. "yeah goodnight. Meet me at my house tomorrow!" Richie tells me. He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to me. "That's my address and phone Number!" He says. "Jeez why do you have a paper with your address and phone on it?" I ask. "Well incase I get lost or something. Idk Eddie told me it would be a good idea." Richie says to me as he shrugs. "Oh ok then." I say as I start to turn to the bowers house. From the corner of my eyesight I see Richie turn and run away. As soon as he's out of eye sight I let out a big sigh. Being with new people is tiring I hope I don't have to move here. Well since I already have 1 friend it won't be that's bad maybe? I start to run inside the Bowers house. When I come inside for some reason my mom isn't cooking dinner. What is happening? I ask myself. "Hey mom!" I yell across the house. "Oh your back Connor! Come to the dining room please." She yells as I start to make my way there. When I get in the dining room I see my mom sitting down at the table. "Honey, I got some bad news." She says to me and points to a chair suggesting I sit down. "oh." I say as I start to frown. I pull out the chair and sit in it. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "Me and your Father.."she says but I cut her off to say "he's not my real father he's just David. Can you please stop calling him my father." I say since I hate it when she referrers to her husband as my father or Dad. "Ok whatever. But as I was saying me and your fath- uh David" she says correcting herself "have decided it would be best if we moved her." She spits out. "WHAT!" I yell at her. "This house is already in our custody so why not make it our home."she tells me softly. "Just shut up! I like our old home back in Colorado!" I yell at her In anger as I run out the house.
"I hate David so much." I think to my self in my head. He's not as bad as my Dad but still. SHIT! i just fucking realized it's getting dark and I ran from home! Where am I gonna go now?! Just as I finish asking my self that question I instantly remember. "RICHIE!" I say out loud to my self as I reach into my pocket.

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