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Stan pov:
We all decided to watch child's play so then Mikes crime would've been at least useful. So soon as we put the movie on none of us really watched it. Beverly decided to just sleep and she'll talk to Richie in the morning. Mike and Ben were trying to watch the movie but they kept on distracting each other. Me and Bill were trying to sleep but we we laying there and talking. "D-Do you t-think t-this shit is gonna end s-soon?" Bill ask me. "Yeah probably. I would say In a week maybe." I tell bill not wanting him to worry.  "s-stan..." I hear Bill say. "Yeah?" I ask him. "I'm r-really g-glad you're my best f-friend." Bill tells me. I get flustered a little bit but I'm really happy he said that. "Same, I really enjoy your company." I tell to Bill. "I-I need to t-tell y-you something..." Bill says to me hesitantly. Me and him sit up from laying on the floor. "what is it?" I ask him hoping it's what I think it is. "I-I t-think I-I..." he says trailing off. "Hey it's okay if you don't want to tell me! Just know I'll always be there for you." I say to Bill. He looks at me and I smile at him reassuringly. He smiles back but I think he smiled back because he was nervous. "I-I.." he says pausing as I can tell he's worried. "l-like.." he says barley getting it out.

Connor pov:
I wake up still in Richies house so I know I wasn't dreaming this whole thing. I sit myself up from the floor and look at Richies bed. I see Richie with his eyes closed listing to his walkman. I go up to him and shake him. "AH!" He screams since he was shocked. He takes off his headphones. "Why did you do that?" He ask me. "I just wanted to tell you I was awake." I say to him. "congrats? You want a fucking award?" Rich says to me jokingly. "What time is it?" I ask Richie. "10:12" Richie replies. "oh shit!" I say. "What's wrong?" He ask me in confusion. "I should have probably went back home last night! There are probably police looking for me!" I say. "I wouldn't worry about it that much. A lot of kids go missing it's not a new thing here." Richie tells me. "really?" I ask. "yeah. A lot of crazy shit happens here." Richie tells me. "you wanna go eat some cereal?" Richie asks me. "Hell yeah!" I reply.
We run downstairs and go to the kitchen. "Can you grab the milk?" Richie ask me. I get the milk out of the refrigerator and Richie already has 2 bowels and a spoons. "What kind of cereal do you have?" I ask him. "Froot loops and Caption crunch." Richie tells me. "I'll take Froot Loops." I say. "Same I love Froot Loops. Im honestly surprised you know what that is." He says to me joking. "shut up." I say to him while her gets the cereal. Richie runs over to the table and puts down the cereal box. He grabs the milk and POURS THE MILK INTO HIS BOWEL BEFORE THE CEREAL!? "RICHIE WHAT THE FUCK!!" I say to him shocked. "What!?" He asks me confused and scared. "Why are you pouring the milk first that's disgusting!" I say to him. He looks at me and the scaredness leaves his face. "Your just like Eddie! It's you guys who are doing it wrong! The milk obviously should always go before the cereal!" He says to me. "uhh.. I don't think so!" I tell to him still disgusted. He grabs the Froot Loops and pours them on top of his milk. When he finishes pouring them into his bowel I grab the box. I pour the cereal in my bowel. "Eww Connor that's so gross!" Richie says to me Mimicking me. "shut up! At least im doing it normally." I say to him. I pour in the milk and start to eat the cereal. "Richie." I tell to him. "Yeah?" He asks. "Where are your parents?" I ask him. "Probably sleeping. I'm guessing they didn't come home until 2 and are probably hung over." He explains. "oh" I say in response as we continue to eat our cereal.

Eddie pov:
I need to find out where all the losers are hanging out at! I have a 1/5 chance of getting it correct the first time so let's see! There 100% not hanging out at Beverly's or Mikes. I pretty sure they wouldn't go to Bills house. That leaves Stan and Ben. Im going to take all factors into detail. so yesterday night Stan was having a sleepover with Beverly and Me so im not sure if his parents would let more kids stay the night again. Im going to go to Bens first! Worst is that I'll just talk to Bens mom,best is I successfully located the losers. o start to take the way to Bens house. These past few days I've felt so alone. I mean I would say the same for Richie but he seems fine with his new friend. I admit I'm jealous of Connor but like I think it's kinda strange how they're hanging out so much. I've never ever seen Connor before so I'm guessing Richie barley met him yesterday. And since Connor is related to Henry I'm pretty sure he's visiting for the funeral of Henry's Dad. So that means Connor is probably going to leave Derry soon! This means I have a higher possibility of Richie being my friend again! Without even realizing it I had arrived quickly on Bens street. I see his house and quickly walk up to it. I go up to the door second thinking about what I'm about to do. I than knock in the door.

Bill pov:
Oh fuck I shouldn't had said anything! "I-I c-cant say i-it. You're g-gonna find me g-gross and d-disgusting." I barely spit out to Stanley. "Heyy it's okay! Bill no matter what you tell me it's not going to change my opinion on you!" Stanly tells me in a comforting voice
"I-I don't t-think I should t-tell you. I-I'm sorry." I say in a very quiet voice. "It's not like you need to tell me it. I honestly don't mind waiting for you to tell me or not telling me at all." Stan says to me in a very soft voice. Stanley is too nice. A tear sheds from my eye since I realized how stupid this was. "What wrong!?" Stan says as he looks at me concerned. "N-Nothing." I say as I quickly wipe my tear away. Stan frowns are I can tell he feels guilty. "Bill you know you can always talk to me." Stan says to try and comfort me. Without thinking I go and hug Stanley. I think I took him but surprise though. Stanley hugs me back. "T-Thank y-you." I whisper into his ear. "no problem." He whispers back. We stop hugging and stare at each other. He starts to smilie and I smile back. "Im going to go to sleep now." He tells me. "S-Same."I say as we both lay down on the floor again. I end up falling asleep really quickly.

Ben pov:
Me and Mike were talking to each other about the movie. "This movie creeps me out." Mike told me. "Even worse than pennywise?" I question. "Obviously not but still." Mike replies. In the middle of our conversation we couldn't help but overhear our other friends conversation. It was actually Mike who told me to listen to them so don't blame me! Me and Mike whispered to each other while we watch Bill try to confess. "this is so painful to watch" Mike whispered. I laughed at that. Bill had told us a few weeks ago that he liked Stan. He didn't mean to tell us but I guess it just accidentally slipped out? Me and Mike don't really care to be honest. We don't find it gross like most people do which I think is pretty stupid. I was kinda happy when Bill said that because that meant I had some chance with Beverly. Me and Mike are like 99% sure Stanley likes Bill back (1% is us thinking he might be dating Bev) ,but Bill never listens to us. "he needs to just spit it out!" I whisper over to Mike who laughs. We watch Bill for a few more seconds until we realize he's not gonna tell Stan tonight. "are you serious." Mike whispers as we watch Stan and Bill lay down on the floor. "waste of time" I whisper as me and Mike go back to watching the movie. After the movies finish I felt pretty tired. "Im gonna head to bed now." I say to Mike as he turns off the TV. "same im really tired." He says. We lay down next to Stan and Bill since Beverly took the couch. After around 10 minutes I feel asleep.
1555 words!

Hey everyone 😓. Sorry about not posting this chapter earlier! I finished it a long time ago and I thought I posted it but I ended up not posting it 😨. I should have double checked it so sorry about that 😓. Anyways bye 😋

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