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(if you don't remember what happened I highly recommend rereading the previous chapters! Sorry for no update for a long time! 😓)
Richie pov:
I sit there shocked that Connor asked that question. "I-I umm" I say still in pure shock. "Or are you guys dating or some shit?" Connor ask as he laughs while looking at me. I start to blush red and I'm not sure how to answer. "I'm not a fucking fag that's gross." I say not really sure what else to say. "really Richie? you literally have a whole mix tape for another man and you have a lot of photos of him." Connor tells me as he looks at me. I'm honestly terrified for what might be coming next. "And?" I say replying not wanting to sound to suspicious. "you also only talk about Eddie all the time. And when Eddie was having an asthma attack you were so scared for him."  Connor says attempting to make eye contact but I just look away. Jeez was Connor suspecting me this whole time? "Richie you don't have to deny it I don't have a problem if you like boys it's just a little strange.." Connor says to reassure me. "Fine! I guess I do have a crush on him but don't tell ANYONE!" I accidentally spit out annoyed. "knew it!" Connor replies as I roll my eyes. "I think he likes you back." Connor tells me. "W-WHAT?" I say extremely embarrassed.

Eddie pov:
I blush from what had just happened. I feel so embarrassed. "I'm leaving." I say as I start to run towards the door. "WHAT WHY?" Beverly runs up to me and grabs my hand. "You guys are no help." I say as I tug my hand away from her grip. "Sorry! Eddie we were just playing around!" Beverly tells me. "still I have a feeling you guys aren't gonna help much." I say still trying to escape her grip. "Can you let go of my hand now?" I ask Beverly. "your seriously gonna leave?" She ask with a frown. "Yeah..." I say. "Well what are you gonna do if u see Richie?" Stanley ask me. "it's not very likely for my to run into Richie, but if I do I'll just ignore him." I say in a smart tone."you really don't want our help?" Ben ask me shyly. "yeah I'm sure." I responded."Eddie please just let us help you!" Mike begs. "no you guys already fucked up enough"I say getting annoyed. Why are they making such a big deal out of this? "Eddie this isn't fair to the rest of us!" Stanley says as Bev nods into agreement. "HOW?! Why does it matter so much if me and Rich don't stay friends?" I ask very annoyed."Do y-you e-even realize R-R-Rich is our friend t-too?!" Bill shouts at me. "and?" I ask confused at the point he's trying to make. "if you stopped being friends with Richie than the club is gonna have to choose between one of you two!"Beverly explains calmly but also with sorrow in her voice. I guess I never thought of that. "the club will never be the same if you and rich stop being friends with each other." Mike says his voice as if he were on the verge of tears. I let out a angry sigh and look at the floor. The room becomes silent;I take a moment to think to myself. They're right! if I stopped being friends with Richie my life will never be the same. The room still silent I pick up my head and look at everyone. Stan and Bill and looking at each other while the others look at the floor. "fine. I'll let you help me!" I say giving in.

Connor pov:
After I listed all the reasons I think Eddie has a crush on Rich, Richie stayed completely silent but I could tell he's super embarrassed. Rich lays on the floor thinking and staring at the ceiling,while I sit on his bed crisscrossed. "can we go to the arcade now I'm bored!" I complain. Richie gets kicked out of his thought and turns his head towards me. "no!" He says obviously still embarrassed as he turns back to the ceiling. "ok than." I say as I roll my eyes. I'm pretty sure Richie wasn't listening. I get off his bed and start to look around his room. Richie room was quite strange if I do say so myself. I go to Richies window and look out of it. Almost instantly I realize there's a ladder at the bottom of the window. "I'm gonna climb out your window" I say to Richie and I get no response. Oh well I think as I slide up Richie'a window. Richies room isn't even that far up so I'm not to scared if I fall. "Ok I'm climbing out the window now!" I say in a way as if I wanted him to stop me. To be honest I really did want Richie to stop me but he didn't; instead for a response I just get "ok". I'm pretty sure he's not even paying attention to what's happening. His lost I guess. I put my foot out and land it on the surprisingly steady ladder. "Woah this bitch surprisingly isn't wobbly!" I say to Richie. I keep on climbing down slowly half excepting Rich to stop me. After a short while of putting one foot down after the the other I make it to the end. I jump off the ladder and realize I'm in Richies back yard. I look around and see the wood fence that goes around his house. I slowly walk to the fence door and decided I'm gonna do some exploring around Derry. I debate over telling Richie or not but quickly decide I shouldn't since he probably won't pay attention. I'll come back to his house when I'm done so it'll be fine! I walk out the fence door and shut it behind me. As soon as I shut it I felt as if I escaped jail or some shit.

Stanley pov:
"THANKS EDDIE!" Beverly says quickly running up to him and hugging him "I already regret this"Eddie says as a joke. "So anyone got any new ideas for the new plan?" I ask as I look around the room. "Wecould spy on Rich!" Beverly says. "Don't be creepy Bev!" I say. "Well I should probably rephrase what I mean, We could spy on Rich and talk to him!" Beverly explains. "h-how would that even b-be spying at that p-point?" Bill ask while laughing. "shut up." Beverly says jokingly. "oh but me and Stan 1000% can't be the ones to talk to Rich!" Beverly quickly says and I honestly agree with her. "What!? Why? Other than Eddie richie obviously likes you two the most!" Ben says. "We've already tried to talk the most to Richie so I don't think he'll want to listen to us." I explain. "It w-would be b-best if Ben and M-Mike do it." Bill tells the group. "I agree." I quickly say. "Yeah, plus Ben and Mike surprisingly make a good team." Beverly tells us. "ok than!" Mike says. "Eddie do you agree with this plan?" Ben ask as he look at Eddie; the rest of us quickly turn. Eddie gives us a slow but surely nod. "Mike and Ben should probably go now though because it would be best to talk to him while he's still at his house." Eddie tells them. "Ok than we shall go!" Mike says as him and Ben rush to put on their shoes. "If Richie doesn't leave his house within a few minutes of you guys getting there ,than climb through his window and check if he's even home." Eddie says to them while they put there shoes on. "Anything else we should know of anything we should say?" Ben ask Eddie. " If Richie isn't home or at the arcade than come back here because we will need a new plan." Eddie tells them. "Ok than!" Mike says as he opens the door. "see you guys later!" Beverly says as they walk out the door. Ben walks out first and than Mike walks out while closing the door. The room goes silent for a second until I break it by saying "what do the rest of us do?". "We should go on a walk!" Beverly suggests. "seriously?" I ask since I hate walking. "Yeah let's go!!" She says while she runs to put on her shoes. "At least let me and Bill change out of our pajamas first!" I say as I stand up from the floor.

Richie pov:
I can't stop think about Eddie. Had this whole time he actually liked me or was Connor just saying that to make me feel better? If Eddie had actually liked me than I just massively fucked up the past few days! Ughh!! I can't believe I was actually that stu- "can we go to the arcade now I'm bored!" I get interrupted by Connors complaining. I stop my stare at the ceiling and turn to him. "no." I plainly say and than going back to my thoughts. Connor than said a few more things but I was pretty fixated on Eddie and that stuff. I wasn't listening fully but I'm pretty sure Connor told me he was gonna do something so I just reply "ok" hopefully that was a good enough response. Anyways back to Eddie! I can't remember what started my fight between me and Eddie. It escalated because we just kept on saying Rude things to each other but how did it start? Maybe just a your mom joke? Or maybe it could have happened to be I grabbed Eddie's inhaler? Or maybe it wasn't even ME who started it!? What if it was EDDIE?! Im pretty sure it was Eddie who started it! So in this case I shouldn't let me self get sad and I should actually be rightfully angry. But I can't let myself get angry again! The last time I was mad a lot of bad shit happened! I should go apologize! I get up from the floor and realize Connor isn't in my room anymore. that's not good. I start to look around the room kinda stressed. Maybe he went to the bathroom? I run out my room to the bathroom and open the bathroom door only to not find Connor. I race around the house some more and I can't find Connor. I start to walk back to my room,wondering where Connor could had gone. I look at the floor as I walk back into my room. Right as I'm about to look up from the floor I hear a voice call out "Richie?". I quickly look up and it's Ben, Mike is climbing through my window struggling to get inside. "WHAT WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE?" I ask super confused and still wondering where Connor went.
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Hi.. 😓 IM SUPER SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING I KINDA LOST MOTIVATION AND THAN WHEN I GOT MOTIVATION AGAIN I HAD A LOT OF SCHOOL WORK TO DO 😓. DONT WORRY THOUGH BECAUSE IM GONNA TRY AND GET BACK TO MY NORMAL UPLOAD SCHEDULES! 😋 if I don't upload a lot next week than I'm probably stressed since it's the last week of school before my 3 week break. During the 3 week break I'll try to upload as much as I can! Sorry for just disappearing like that I'll try not to again! 😓 I hope you have a good night/morning/evening! 😋

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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