Arcades and Movies

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Richie pov:
Why does this walk feel like it's taking forever! I think about what had happened and how that was kinda embarrassing. I look at my wrist and check my watch to see it's already 1:56. What? I usually walk a lot faster then this. After a little while I finally see the arcade. I start running because I'm really excited to play some street fighter. When im inside I run to get coins. Once the coins dispense I run to the familiar Street fighter machine. After a I play for a bit I'm interpreted by someone. "Oh,hi" a male voice says to me. I turn to the voice and see a kid Ive never seen before. "Hi?" I say. "I was wondering if I can play street fighter with you. You seem really good and I just want someone to help me get better." He says. "Oh yeah sure I guess." I say. "I've never seen you around here though. Who are you?" I ask. "Oh I'm just visiting. My name is Connor Bowers." he tells me. (A/N: im not gonna have the Connor scene from IT ch2 bc then the timeline would be to confusing.)"Oh. Your related to Henry huh?" I ask him. "Yeah, Well since he killed my uncle I needed to visit for a funeral. My parents say we might move here though." He tells me. "Convive them not to move you here. Derry sucks." I say as a giggle a bit. "Anyways I'm Richie Tozier." I say to him. "Oh ok. Can we play now before the arcade closes?" Connor asks. "Yeah." I say

Beverly pov:
"Ok guys so I'm thinking we should go watch a movie." I say to the group. "Yes!" Everyone replies except Eddie he stays silent. "Eddie what do you think?" I ask Eddie as I shake him a little bit. "Huh?" He says and it seemed I pulled him out of his thoughts. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask him. "Oh yeah sure. Why do you guys want to?" He ask them. "Yeah we do." Ben says. "What should we watch though?" Mike ask us. "Umm I don't know. We should just walk there and see what movies are out." Stan says. "G-Good idea." Bill says to Stan. "We should get snacks before we go to the movies though because movie theater snacks are expensive." Eddie tells us. "Yeah thats probably best to do." I say to Eddie. "Well Race you guys to the store!" I say as I start to run. "WAIT WHAT STORE?" Eddie ask frantically as I still run. That was probably mean to do since Eddie has Asthma but oh well. Anyways your probably thinking. 'How does the movies help your plan?' Well since the movies and arcade are connected you have to leave through the arcade. So that means we will have to pass Richie ,and him and Eddie will interact. I know I'm a genius you don't have to tell me. (A/N: BEVERLEY IS SAYING THE LAST PART AS A JOKE BTW)

Eddie pov:
God it's so hard keeping up with the losers. When I finally catch up with them Bev is practically done buying the snacks. "Jeez Eddie what took so long?" Bev ask me as a joke while she walks out the store door. "Oh shut up."I say back to her. "I bought you nerds since your a nerd" Beverly says to me laughing. "You're being really rude today." I say with a joking eye  roll. We just laugh with each other. "Eddie aren't you actually gonna go buy snacks though? You don't have to sit here waiting for the others with me." Beverly says. "Oh no I don't have any money even." I say to Bev. "I guess I'll share my snack with you then." Beverly says. "No it's fine." Just as I say that Bill and Stanley walk out the store. "Mike and Ben are in there trying to find the best deal for the candy." Stan says laughing. "Best deal? Doesn't it all cost the same?"  I ask. "Well apparently there is like a sale or something." Stan replies. "Oh" I say. After around 5 minutes Ben and Mike finally come out (a/n:no not gay). "We definitely go the best deal." Mike says to Ben. "Yeah." Ben replies. "You guys took fucking forever." Beverly complains to them. "Well it isn't out fault we aren't Rich like you guys." Mike says as a joke. It makes some of the group laugh. That's when it hit me. This day seemed boring and less funny because Richie wasn't here. It was my fault too. Oh shit. What have I've done.  Why did I do this to Richie. I need to apologize now. I get kicked out of my thoughts by Beverly again. "Hey Eddie?" Bev ask me while the rest of the group looks at me concerned. "Sorry what?" I say as I look at Beverly. "Are you ok Eddie?" Beverly looks at me. "I think... I think I need to apologize to Richie." I say fastly. Oh shit I just said that out loud.

864 words
Woah this chapter is kinda crazy. I love leaving you guys on cliff hangers though 😈/j To be honest I don't really know how to feel about this chapter. I originally wanted it so then the IT CH2 Conner scene happened but then I realized the time line would be all messed up. Also sorry if this chapter seems a little weird I'm making this chapter seem a little more fun. Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter 😋. Again sorry for no song 🙁 WAIT ALSO TYSM FOR 300+ READS THATS AMAZING TBH.

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